Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That being said I now only weigh once a month :laugh:

    So I didn't get a chance to post here last night but... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! NROL4W has been conquered. Program done! I think I need to post in the success thread but I need to do final pics and measurements. So what did I accomplish in this program?

    DAy one of exercising (pre-program) to day one of program: 10 lbs, 4 inches, 1%BF. I'm subtracting that out because it is a loss that is not attributed to this program per say, just a function of getting the hell off my *kitten*.

    DAy 1 to end: 6.5 lbs, 10 inches, 9% BF and I went from a size 14 to a size 8. Frankly I think those results ROCK!!. I even caught an NSV yesterday when a security guard at my building said, "Whatever you are doing, it's working for you. You have excellent results." However, while I feel I look so much better, the fringe benefits are staggering.

    Strength gains:
    SQuats: BW to 120lbs
    DEadlift: 20 to 115lbs
    Step ups: 20 to 70lbs
    Puchups: 20 kneeling to 12 military
    Seated rows: 30 to 120
    Pull downs: 45 to 115
    Chin-ups: 1 full, 2 half-a$$ed.

    Even better than all of that: I can pick up my kids, carry 8 grocery bags in one shot, move furniture, carry boxes, and now I have stamina, stamina, stamina. I may not "look like a Goddess" but I feel like one bad-*kitten* chick and I feel I look way more fit than I did 8 months ago. Lastly, I'm healthy. My emotional and physical health are now in sink.

    I just want to say THANK YOU!!! THank you to every woman on this site who kept me going, and who kept me accountable.

    Monday I will start ABS. I have about 5% BF to go before mine will be visible:laugh:
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    why the heck do you chicks INSIST on weighing yourself every gawd-dammmm day??? Ugh. There is only ONE way to get RID of the negative feelings that you have attached to the scale, and that is to REMOVE the powerful hold it has on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hehe, I don't really have any negative realtionship with the scale, I think because of the frequent weighing. Weight goes down? Woo! Weight goes up? Must be a fluctuation, who cares. Win-win.

    Mary, the simply bars aren't too bad, and they're super crunchy.

    I'm gonna win today, too. Mmm. But be over on everything, I think. So fatty today. So fatty. Unless I go to the gym right now and put in terrible work, which I am going to do! Wish me luck.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Wow Sam, that is AMAZING! Thanks for sharing and congrats!
  • questiontheanswers
    Sam, your results are AMAZING! 9% drop in body fat? That's huge. Along with all the other successes - I am so impressed and super encouraged by your results. Well done!! :drinker: And good luck with NROL for Abs.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    That being said I now only weigh once a month :laugh:

    So I didn't get a chance to post here last night but... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! NROL4W has been conquered. Program done! I think I need to post in the success thread but I need to do final pics and measurements. So what did I accomplish in this program?

    DAy one of exercising (pre-program) to day one of program: 10 lbs, 4 inches, 1%BF. I'm subtracting that out because it is a loss that is not attributed to this program per say, just a function of getting the hell off my *kitten*.

    DAy 1 to end: 6.5 lbs, 10 inches, 9% BF and I went from a size 14 to a size 8. Frankly I think those results ROCK!!. I even caught an NSV yesterday when a security guard at my building said, "Whatever you are doing, it's working for you. You have excellent results." However, while I feel I look so much better, the fringe benefits are staggering.

    Strength gains:

    SQuats: BW to 120lbs
    DEadlift: 20 to 115lbs
    Step ups: 20 to 70lbs
    Puchups: 20 kneeling to 12 military
    Seated rows: 30 to 120
    Pull downs: 45 to 115
    Chin-ups: 1 full, 2 half-a$$ed.

    Even better than all of that: I can pick up my kids, carry 8 grocery bags in one shot, move furniture, carry boxes, and now I have stamina, stamina, stamina. I may not "look like a Goddess" but I feel like one bad-*kitten* chick and I feel I look way more fit than I did 8 months ago. Lastly, I'm healthy. My emotional and physical health are now in sink.

    I just want to say THANK YOU!!! THank you to every woman on this site who kept me going, and who kept me accountable.

    Monday I will start ABS. I have about 5% BF to go before mine will be visible:laugh:

    Holy moly! That's great! When did you start seeing the most change? Was it gradual or were there stages that seemed to kick your body into gear? And how did you eat? You're really an inspiration!

    I admit I step on the scale much more than I should. I measure once a week too. I don't freak out about it, but I am slightly addicted:)

    NEP: 2

    Now I want some Lucky Charms.....
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    Hi guys, new to the group. I just did my first workout today! I can already tell my legs are gonna be sore tomorrow...
  • Methinksabout
    Hi ladies :waves:

    Just wanted to say 'hello' - I just ordered the book and will be joining the Gym on Sat, kinda excited and scared to start exercising, but I heard so much good things about Nrol4W, I thought I give it a go!

    Hope I won't annoy you too much with newbie questions though ;-)

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    sam - your results are KICK-*kitten*!!!!!!!!!! Woohooooooo!!!! What a testament to the power of NROL4W. You are a TRUE role model and I'm sure you will have (continuing) success with NROL4Abs.

    manic - I have protein bars that have a 'crunch' in them (meaning: they are 1/2 protein and 1/2 carbs)....they are 150 calories and they *do* in a pinch! (i.e. I'm not hungry, anymore, after I've ingested one)

    Whether you step on the scale, or not, is totally up to you, for sure. But I think it is HILARIOUS that if the scale is down, you (I mean the general "you", not any person specifically) attribute it to "weight loss", but if the scale is up, you attribute it to some other fluctuation. (Something doesn't compute in that math!)

    I know LOTS of women who step on the scale, daily. And then, it ruins their day. That, to me, is TOO MUCH POWER to the scale. I used to step on it once-per-week. (And, I might try this again as I work through NROL4Abs...). But, for now, I only step on it once-per-month.

    To each her own.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I used to weigh every day and I knew there were reasons for the fluctuations, but after a while it gets discouraging when it's not going down anymore. Now I weigh about once a week, just to keep track of where I am.

    Forgot to report that I was not able to do a full chin up yesterday. I could do it starting with my arms at a 90 degree, but not with straight arms. I'll keep at it and hopefully one day I'll kick out 10 no problem.

    Me = 7
    NEP = 2

    This is where I run into problems with getting my macros - the weekend. I need to get everything planned tonight. My boys have soccer games at 8, 10, 12, and 4 tomorrow (of course, all over town), then I'm going out for drinks with my sisters that night and I haven't decided yet if we are all going to drive 4 hours one way on Sunday to watch my 9 yo play soccer, or if I'm going to send him with hubby. Aaahhhh, the life of being a mom.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I lost count on days again :ohwell: I did good last night with protein, BEEPS! don't you ever get tired of whooping our booties?
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    That being said I now only weigh once a month :laugh:

    So I didn't get a chance to post here last night but... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! NROL4W has been conquered. Program done! I think I need to post in the success thread but I need to do final pics and measurements. So what did I accomplish in this program?

    DAy one of exercising (pre-program) to day one of program: 10 lbs, 4 inches, 1%BF. I'm subtracting that out because it is a loss that is not attributed to this program per say, just a function of getting the hell off my *kitten*.

    DAy 1 to end: 6.5 lbs, 10 inches, 9% BF and I went from a size 14 to a size 8. Frankly I think those results ROCK!!. I even caught an NSV yesterday when a security guard at my building said, "Whatever you are doing, it's working for you. You have excellent results." However, while I feel I look so much better, the fringe benefits are staggering.

    Strength gains:
    SQuats: BW to 120lbs
    DEadlift: 20 to 115lbs
    Step ups: 20 to 70lbs
    Puchups: 20 kneeling to 12 military
    Seated rows: 30 to 120
    Pull downs: 45 to 115
    Chin-ups: 1 full, 2 half-a$$ed.

    Even better than all of that: I can pick up my kids, carry 8 grocery bags in one shot, move furniture, carry boxes, and now I have stamina, stamina, stamina. I may not "look like a Goddess" but I feel like one bad-*kitten* chick and I feel I look way more fit than I did 8 months ago. Lastly, I'm healthy. My emotional and physical health are now in sink.

    I just want to say THANK YOU!!! THank you to every woman on this site who kept me going, and who kept me accountable.

    Monday I will start ABS. I have about 5% BF to go before mine will be visible:laugh:

    Sam I think that your stats are amazing!
    You have restored my faith in the program. Im only in stage 2 but was feeling that this isnt the directions that I should be heading into. Was feeling like this program was a step back. Yes Im stronger but my main goal for starting was abs abs and more abs.
    I shall stick it out in hopes to have #'s like you.
    thanks for posting
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I ended up sucking last night. I have lost count, too. :(
    I ate my monster lunch but forgot to correct it with protein shakes and instead went to bed and didn't eat again. It really was a big lunch.

    I can't wait for the official Sam's NR thread, though. I sho do like some befores and afters!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    jennie - I am BUMMED that you can't do a chin-up/pull-up!!!!!!!!! Totally bummed.....I quit Stage 6 half-way through and I *still* haven't tried, to see where I am at with it. I *will* try, sometime before 2012 is out. But, not yet!

    manic - you got in your protein - I am PUMPED for you!

    I'm pumped for ALL OF YOU! You are all doing really well. Even getting one day's protein macro down RIGHT, is *progress*, right??

    I'm not sure where this challenge is at, either. Might be time for a new one (come Monday). But, I got MY protein in, yesterday, that I know!

    I got my lifting in, today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I finished Phase One of NROL4Abs. Onto Phase 2 on Monday. It's gonna be a stinker of a week - the work-outs are L-O-N-G-E-R (although the reps are less - Yay!). And, I still have to figure out my alternative to "sliders", since I haven't bought any....
  • mermegan
    Deadlifting (with my headphones in FYI!) and this woman who I'm guessing was in her 60's, walks by and says "Waaaatch your lower baaack!!!" UGH! For the record I think my form was pretty good, and I'm imagining she had no idea what I was doing. And, what kind of annoys me too is that I bet she wouldn't have said that if a guy were doing it.

    Small thing but annoying, especially when I'm in a rhythm and don't want to be bothered! VENT OVER :smile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    why the heck do you chicks INSIST on weighing yourself every gawd-dammmm day??? Ugh. There is only ONE way to get RID of the negative feelings that you have attached to the scale, and that is to REMOVE the powerful hold it has on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And, yes, manic, what you ate last night (Lucky Charms, right??) CERTAINLY contributed to ze dumbkoff scale reading. Carbs!! My word!! GRAB THE PROTEIN.

    I like all the HIIT ideas that are floating around here.....I'm still not gonna do them, but I like reading about them, lol.

    chill beeps chill!:tongue: I don't weigh every day.

    yes, it was Lucky charms :blushing: I need a crunch. I guess I should buy a crunchy protein bar. Suggestions?

    I like these: http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?fromCatId=cat11225&id=FU-1010

    They are probably a teeny higher in calories than Lucky Charms + milk, but less sugar and they still taste like candy to me. =)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wendy, thanks! Those look delish! and a LOT less calories than I would consume with a bowl of Lucky charms or Apple jacks Or Froot Lopps . Yeah I am cereal junkie.

    Mermeg, I hear ya. My gym doesn't have a lot of women and if they are they are on the treadmill or elliptical. The guys are very supportive of me. A few times I have received compliments and they aren't so scared to talk with me. I must intimidate them with the massive weight I lift.:tongue:
  • mermegan

    Mermeg, I hear ya. My gym doesn't have a lot of women and if they are they are on the treadmill or elliptical. The guys are very supportive of me. A few times I have received compliments and they aren't so scared to talk with me. I must intimidate them with the massive weight I lift.:tongue:

    I agree! The men in my gym have been nothing but nice. Women aren't always the most supportive—except for here, and that's why I love you guys!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    mermegan - I *wish* you had R-O-A-R-E-D at her! Lame-o.

    My friend "Pete" was beside me in the gym, today. He's a young boy (maybe early 20's??) and he spotted me on a chest press probably 5 months ago. So, when he's there, we kind of smile-and-nod in each other's direction.

    I was finishing off my overhead squats and my kneeling lat pull-down. And, he got onto the squat rack. His WARM-UP set was 135 lb! He then packed on another 90 lbs and started doing his regular back squat set.


    I told him that he is the ONLY one that makes me feel UBER-WEAK in that gym, lol. He responded: "oh no, you're doing good....don't forget, I've been at this a LONG TIME."

    I laughed and said, "no matter what, you deserve props....you're STRONG."

    He smiled.

    The end.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi Ladies. :) I started the 3-set phase of Stage 1 today. Wasn't really sweating after my squats (I can't go over 65 lbs at the moment due to my knee). Did my seated rows and pushups --- and did that "one hand up on the air" kind of pushup for the 2nd set. I am really good at pushups -- don't ask me why. I felt kind of like an idiot doing them, but I did! Still wasn't sweating hard. You know what always makes me start sweating BUCKETS? -- stepups and prone jackknives! It's bizarre. I use the workout bench for my stepups and it works well. My last few jackknives were not pretty and I practically fell off the ball I was so tired. LOL

    I had to ask a man for help today. I couldn't get the pin out of the squat rack to lower it and wasn't sure if there was some special way to do it. So after pulling on it for 5 minutes, I swallowed my pride and asked a guy nearby. He basically said you have to use brute force sometimes, so he took a small weight and banged on one side to get it out.

    We have a few ladies in our gym that I see lifting, but I don't see anyone doing real heavy stuff.

    Megan - You are so right. I doubt that woman would have said that to a man. ARGH!