Daily Chat Thread



  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    I have a quick question for yall. After supper my calories were 1100 ish. How many of yall eat when you aren't hungry to get your calories in?

    I feel so stuffed now and feel like those calories are going to make me fat. I had 1 TBS PB on Wonder Smart bread and 1 cup of 1% milk. For 6 months, I was not losing weight eating 1400ish calories . So I feel really guilty eating that much today when starting NR of Abs.

    Anyway, I ate just to get those calories in when I wasn't hungry. Isn't that wrong?

    I struggle with this too. I'll be just above 1200 but I aim for 1800ish on work out days. I feel like I run out of ideas on what to eat and I'm just not hungry.

    Sometimes I use the extra calories to treat myself to a glass of wine, sometimes I just eat something healthy as filler, and sometimes I just let it be because I'm just not into eating anymore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    manic - I will have done 6 "A" workouts and 6 "B" workouts, Phase One. I'll take a look for the msg....I've been out of town the last 5 days!

    I did some cardio today. Some stretching. I should be ready for weight-lifting tomorrow.

    PS - I am NOT hungry, at all, today. So, I'm mostly NOT eating. I think it's jet lag, but unsure (particularly because I traveled east to west....not SUPPOSED to get jet lag in that direction).
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Hello everyone! I finished NROL4W in spring. I started NROF4Abs, did 3 WOs of each in Stage 1 and had to take a break due to my son having knee surgery. I'm going back to the gym for the first time in a week and a half. I hope I can walk in the next two days! I love the program, though!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Nep: 1

    Manic, I go ahead and eat. I always eat at or above my BMR (1600 for me).

    I haven't lifted since Saturday thanks to sick kids and hubby's crazy schedule. I'm getting grouchy from lack of exercise....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Gee wish I had a not eating problem. 1500 is a "lite" day for me, and they don't happen often. I couldn't live off of 1200 if my life literally depended on it. Because of the hypoglycemia, my body needs to and is accustomed to eating every three hours. My breakfast is close to 400 cals. Lunch about the same. Then my afternoon snacks: protein bar, yogurt, maybe some fruit or crackers. Dinner is usually lite, less than 500 cals and then an evening snack, again a shake, crackers, humus, fruit veggies. At some point during the day I usually have something bad, because I'm just a bad girl that way. It's not hurting me and I have so few indulgences in my life so a freaking cookie isn't going to kill me.

    me: 3
    NEP: 4
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, I could eat 1500 calories a day no problem. It was just last night I found myself eating when I wasn't hungry. We had stir fry veggies and chicken over brown rice. (pretty filling)

    Lou schuler says something very interesting and thought I would share from the New Rules of Abs. Weigh DAILY and measure girth weekly! Whatcha think about that, ladies? LOL He explains most people have better success with weight loss and maintenance.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Interesting! I'm going to try this sanctioned daily weighing and measuring. I usually do stuff like that anyways, but this will alleviate the guilt.

    And yeah, Sam, 1500 is pretty light for me, too... but then there are just those days. If I avoid my usual daily dessert I usually end up around 2k... but I don't like to avoid my usual daily dessert. ;)

    This daily cardio thing isn't too bad, though. I may or may not be dropping weight doing it - since I'm coming down from my highestweightever, which could have been water or fat who knows. Hopefully I'll be able to tell next week if it's loss or not.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, am I really suppose to attempt an elevated plank and side plank on WOB!! This early in the workout? It's only the first stage!!:noway:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Good luck with that. "Elevated planks" just sound like a form of torture. But I bet you'll be sporting a six-pack in no time.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good luck with that. "Elevated planks" just sound like a form of torture. But I bet you'll be sporting a six-pack in no time.

    In NROL4W, I did do elevated planks on that half ball????? you know, flat on one side and rounded on top? Anyway, I didn't do it but a couple times. It was too hard :laugh: But a side plank elevated??? That's nuts! I can barely do a side one the regular way.

    Time to hit the bed, ladies. I am pretty sure yall are already there.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I've been reading NROL4Abs and am actually considering switching to it after I finish Stage 3. For those of you who are doing it now, do you think it is beneficial to do all 7 stages of NROL4W first? Just reading the introduction, I get the impression that Lou feels NROL4abs is a better workout overall. I want to be leaner and I want to do it quicker than 1 lb every 3 weeks as I am now.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Good morning! I just finished Stage 1 WOB4 -- next up: 3 sets! I had a great workout. I pushed myself a little more than I normally do with the weights and I have the sweat to prove it. I also decided to do HIIT for 15 min on the treadmill after. Crazy, but I feel GREAT.

    I don't know if I could weigh myself every day. I have such an obsessive personality; it may not be a good thing for me. But I can totally see the benefit. It's a double-edged sword.

    I haven't read about the New Rules for Abs.... curious to hear more.

    I have myself at 1550 cals/day and it's working. This is my third week of NROLFW and I've lost 4 lbs. I eat more on workout days, but like many of you ladies, I'm often hungrier on the rest days. Basically if I'm hungry, I eat. I imagine as the workouts get more intense, I will need to eat even more. And I have not been doing much cardio other than walking here and there (and today's crazy HIIT session, lol).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    manic - I hadn't done "elevated" planks and I find them just fine. Truth-be-told, I don't want to waste all the time getting in and out of the elevateds (i.e. 10 x 10 seconds on the front-elevated planks!), so I do them for 30 seconds. No problem. And, I find the side planks are rough, always, elevated or not, because of my bony elbows. But, even then, I don't want to waste time getting in-and-out of the postures (5 x 10 seconds!), so I just do 3 sets of 30 seconds. Works for me.

    I'm nowhere near a 6-pack, not sure I'll ever get there because body fat % has to be REALLY LOW to get there. But, my core *is* getting stronger, for sure. We'll see what Phase 2 does - the "sliders" with the ab-work has me FREAKED OUT.

    chubby - I really liked NROL4W. So, I'm glad I finished it. I am liking NROL4Abs, too.....I'm doing a weigh-in this weekend, so will know more about whether the "scale weight" is coming off. I do think "nutrition" is 80% of the battle - so if you are eating properly (calories lower than maintenance, though!) and resting well, the weight should come off whether you do NROL4Abs or NROL4W.

    Wow, kmsairam - if you've lost 4 lbs in 3 weeks, doing NROL4W, I SALUTE YOU!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    I actually have a tougher time making regular planks tougher just by lifting my leg. As in, I cannot lift my leg for the entire 60 seconds. And, if I can do that for the first plank, I usually cannot manage it for the second. So, IMAGINE when I get good enough to then raise an arm up, in a plank....now THAT will be an EXCITING DAY, for me!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I was thinking of the same thing beeps on the side planks-- holding it for as long as I can instead of resetting.

    Another interesting statement I read in NR of Abs: Have high carb days, medium , and low. Try to have the high carb days on lifting days and definitely eat more on those days instead of nonlifting days.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    The elevated front and side planks are hard, but things get easier for me as I go from week to week. Did WO B 4 stage 1 NROLFAbs last night, feeling good after the weak and a half break.

    About high carbs and low carbs days-I try to eat more carbs on lifting days. That doesn't work all the time. :) For me moderation is the key.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I've been reading NROL4Abs and am actually considering switching to it after I finish Stage 3. For those of you who are doing it now, do you think it is beneficial to do all 7 stages of NROL4W first? Just reading the introduction, I get the impression that Lou feels NROL4abs is a better workout overall. I want to be leaner and I want to do it quicker than 1 lb every 3 weeks as I am now.

    I agree with Beeps that most of the leaner part will come with diet. I did NROLFW and loved it! My goal for the program was to get stronger and be able to do a chin up-accomplished both. I'm doing NROLFAbs now and love it too! I don't know if I'll get a 6 pack from it, but it's a great program! I don't think it matters that much what program you will choose.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    ThNks for th input. By all calculations, I should have lost a lot more weight than I have. I am thinking I need to cut another 100 cal/day and see how that works. I don't mind losing slowly, but my body fat% has got to go down(32% right now as measured by calipers).
    I guess I'll just keep plugging along and keep reevaluating as I go.

    Have a great day!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have the hardest time eating a different amount of calories on exercise vs. nonexercise days so I just try to eat the same amount every day. I don't really pay attention to carbs too much. Just make sure I get my protein and hope all the rest falls where it needs to.

    I'm hoping I can do a pull up when I'm done with New Rules, but right now it's not looking good.

    Added: What is the elevated plank? Does this mean both feet are elevated? or do you just lift one leg? I can lift up my top leg when doing side planks as I do this in yoga all the time (but on my hands, not elbows). Haven't tried lifting a leg when doing regular planks.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yesterday was a win!
    Me: 4
    NEP: 3

    Take that!

    I finally looked at the stage 6 workout, and I've.. decided.. that it's way too short. Is it really that short? Like 45 minutes, it looks like. I don't want it. How about I just add some negative pull ups to my made up routine? C'mon. SANCTION ME.