Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    I can not vouch for the websites. (just trying to find a pic for you )

    (3rd pic down. This is little more extreme. I used the something something ball LOL it's flat on one side and rounded on top)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok, I have to share this with yall. It puts me in a great mood and while walking today I am sure I looked like a crazy mama. I generally don't like pop music but I have 2 teens and an 8 year old who introduce me to a wide variety of music.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    jennie - I don't "elevate" my calories on lifting days, either....for me, trying to just maintain the right number of calories, day-in-and-day-out makes my "planning" a lot easier. For me.

    I didn't look at manic's website, but I expect she's got it right. NROL4Abs has pictures of ALL the different ab (re: plank) variations. Legs lifted. Arms straight (i.e. push-up arms position). Toes on bench. etc, etc. I'm actually VERY impressed with how detailed the NROL4Abs book is about *HOW* to get you plank work harder-and-harder-and-harder (instead of LONGER AND LONGER AND LONGER). I'm all about "efficiency" - how can I get MORE AND MORE of what I want in LESS AND LESS time!

    I just finished my last "A" work-out in Phase 1, NROL4Abs. I'll do my last "B" work-out on Friday. I *just* realized that the "B" work-out actually DOESN'T have push-ups in it!! (???????????) It's supposed to be a kneeling lat pull-down, but my chart listed it as a "push-up", so that's what I did. Ooooopppsss.

    Phase 2 looks a bit more "killer". And, you have the option of adding a "big lift" to the beginning of your work-out. Until I know how long it takes me to get through a "phase 2" work-out, I won't know if I can add in any "big lift" at the beginning of the work-out.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Just a protein log update...I have been procrastinating...

    Me: 3
    NEP: 2

    Me: 4
    NEP: 2

    Me: 5
    NEP: 2

    Me: 5
    NEP: 3 (close...missed by 9g)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    If I don't include my holiday-period (when it's just SUPER-tough to drink protein shakes, lol!), I've been *perfect* with the protein.

    Actually, today, I'm a little light....maybe I'll pop off another shake this hour! (Except then I won't be hungry for dinner.)

    C'mon, ladies, fess up, how are *you* doing in the "protein challenge"??

    Me: 6
    NEP: 3
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I counted back 9 days any day with 80+ grams of protein I counted. It is a huge struggle for me to get over 70. I did have a couple days of 99 and 92 :smile:

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yea I finally have wifi!! Hi hi hi!!! I miss you all something fierce!!! But vacation is super awesome! We're on the final days of traveling, about half way home, staying in s cute little bed & breakfast up near Deal's Gap TN. I rode the Tail of the Dragon today! Whew!!! What a challenge. 318 switchback curves up one side of the mountain and down the other!! Scared the crap out of me but boy was it fun!

    I'll be glad to get back into my routine - looking forward to starting Stage 2. Haven't done much exercise except for climbing around in the caves and walking the ghost town in Rush, and whatever walking i did with the kids.

    I'm not going to try to do the protein challenge until Sunday. Great plan tho Beeps!!

    Hope you all are great, talk to you again on Saturday when we get home.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    SUEBOO!!! You have been missed.

    Sounds like you had a great time. As for you and protein , you rock it every day. :bigsmile:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome back, Sue! Sounds like you're having fun!

    Me: 8
    NEP: 1

    Last workout of stage 3 tomorrow. Hope stage 4 is just as "fun"!

    I decided to adjust my calories down a bit and just stick with the NROL4W for now. I have a hard time eating different amounts on workout days too, so I just eat the same every day. When I started eating more on workout days I felt like I was stuffing myself.
    I am trying to decide whether to take a break between stages or just wait until I have to take a break to move in a few weeks. Thinking I will be skipping a few workouts to get everything unpacked and situated. Probably just count that as my rest week.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Bah, I'm missing a day. I can safely assume it was a fail, though. Today was a win, but only because I balanced out my chilis lunch with 3 protein shakes. Jeez.

    Me: 5
    NEP: 4

    Ahhh, the battle continues.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Hey sue! Glad you're having a good time....

    manic - I count any day I get over 125g protein as a "me" day. I'm aiming for between 125g and 150g on a daily basis. Yesterday, I hit 138 g - good enough!

    chubby - I think you'll really enjoy NROL4W - I'm glad you are sticking with it. And, yes, if you have a "planned" rest week coming up, just keep pushing through NROL4W and look forward to your "rest" week when it shows up!

    Today is a *rest* day for me - I'll just do some light cardio and stretching.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yes! I finished Stage 6. Maybe when I go to the gym at lunch for a walking session, I'll see if I can do a pull-up.

    Sue - So glad you are having a good time!

    cowgirl - I think finishing NROLW is a good choice. I waffled a lot about dropping it and starting a new program, but I'm glad I've stuck with it this far. Only one stage to go.

    Me - 6
    NEP - 2
  • curlygirly80
    Hi Everyone, I am kind of a lurker to your thread. Haven't really built up the courage to come on in and introduce myself. But if I could ask what is the

    part of all of these conversations.

  • mermegan
    Morning everyone!

    #1: The scale has finally moved down! Barely, but I've been eating a lot of food so this makes me happy. I haven't been as concerned about scale weight, but let's be honest, it's nice to see!

    #2: Also, for those who do HIIT, what do you do? After my Stage 1 workout I've been doing 20 minutes of 30 second treadmill sprints at 8-9mph (30 secs on, 30 secs off) More of a fast run really! It's tough after weight training. Just hoping this is what I should be doing. I'm also wondering if an incline walk would be just as good.

    #3: You ladies have inspired me to really get on my protein intake. Thank you!

    Have a great day!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Chrissy - Welcome!!! The Me/NEP you see is a challenge we started last week in order to keep track of our protein intake. Me = protein met for the day (whatever level you have set for yourself), NEP = not enough protein

    mermegan - I did my HIIT on the elliptical following the method from the book starting in stage 3 - 1 minute high intensity, 2 minutes moderate intensity.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi and welcome Chrissy and Mermeg.

    I stepped on the scales this morning and was up 2 pounds. What is it with Alwyn's programs that cause that? Water retention in muscles? Can't be my indulgence last night :blushing: .

    I have missed his speed coaching this week on FB or I would ask him. Maybe next week.....
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    For HIIT, I do two minutes walking, one minute running on the treadmill. I usually go between 7 and 7.5 mph.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    why the heck do you chicks INSIST on weighing yourself every gawd-dammmm day??? Ugh. There is only ONE way to get RID of the negative feelings that you have attached to the scale, and that is to REMOVE the powerful hold it has on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And, yes, manic, what you ate last night (Lucky Charms, right??) CERTAINLY contributed to ze dumbkoff scale reading. Carbs!! My word!! GRAB THE PROTEIN.

    I like all the HIIT ideas that are floating around here.....I'm still not gonna do them, but I like reading about them, lol.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam, I could eat 1500 calories a day no problem. It was just last night I found myself eating when I wasn't hungry. We had stir fry veggies and chicken over brown rice. (pretty filling)

    Lou schuler says something very interesting and thought I would share from the New Rules of Abs. Weigh DAILY and measure girth weekly! Whatcha think about that, ladies? LOL He explains most people have better success with weight loss and maintenance.
    It's not bad advice. I did it in the beginning. When I weighed daily, I was able to rationalize the little variances in my weight. I'm under today because xyz. I'm over today because of abc. Those little variances in water and whatnot. In that case I didn't freak out about those variances.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    why the heck do you chicks INSIST on weighing yourself every gawd-dammmm day??? Ugh. There is only ONE way to get RID of the negative feelings that you have attached to the scale, and that is to REMOVE the powerful hold it has on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And, yes, manic, what you ate last night (Lucky Charms, right??) CERTAINLY contributed to ze dumbkoff scale reading. Carbs!! My word!! GRAB THE PROTEIN.

    I like all the HIIT ideas that are floating around here.....I'm still not gonna do them, but I like reading about them, lol.

    chill beeps chill!:tongue: I don't weigh every day.

    yes, it was Lucky charms :blushing: I need a crunch. I guess I should buy a crunchy protein bar. Suggestions?