Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm in trouble today! I had 4 Almond Joy fun size bars. Only 250 cals left for supper. OH well, you know I am going over today.:ohwell: I lost a half pound (can't remember how long it took because I am trying not to step on scales often) and why did I sabotage myself? Do I enjoy being fat and flabby?
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi ladies...I haven't been around--work, then kids home from school, then power outage... But wanted to say a quick helloooo! Hope you're all awesome :)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I've not made the greatest food choices, but by golly, I got my protein!

    Me: 1
    NEP: 2
  • RUNN3Rmom

    Me: 3
    NEP: 0

    I would like to try a little harder on not having 3 servings of shakes on my lifting days but for now it'll do.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm off by only 11g today. That's a good day for me. lol
    7.3 wasn't so bad but I'm having grip problems, Having a very hard time just holding the dbs for 20 reps. My left hand (non-dominant keeps cramping. Any suggestions? Oh and I skipped the last set of pull downs. There was a line of guys on both machines. I said F that and left out.

    PS: I wore a pair of size 8 pants that are 15 years old to work today...and they looked GOOD. I seriously have to go shopping.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    Of course I went over by 90 cals today, but I went over protein too (and fat and carbs...). Gave myself a "eat whatever I want" evening.

    Samantha, sz 8 is seriously awesome! Sz 8 is my first "goal".
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member

    Me: 1
    NEP: 2

    I was sick today and had a massive rash and diarrhea and stuff.. but that was no excuse for me to eat that entire pint of buttercunch AND that big hunk, and then chow down on (light) but still, potato heavy clam chowder. Tomorrow is going to be like... 200grams of protein, honest, body.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    no point for protein yesterday....only got in 116 g. but, i met up with a gf, had 8 {yep, 8!!} light rum and diet cokes and only ended up with 10g of carbs for the whole day!

    i'll take it!
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I just started NR. And I feel like I'm way behind here :P My arms are so weak (and I can't believe how weak they've become in the past year - I was using anywhere around 50-60lb weights for stuff - and now I feel awful holding anything higher than 20. It's not good.

    But yeah, protein. I hate eating meat, although I'm going for gluten testing in 2 weeks, which means that the high protein vegetarian stuff will all be out for me. Will shakes help with this, or will they just put me over on cals? I have no idea at all.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ME: 1
    NEP: 2

    but yesterday I did come close 83g out of 101 if it wasn't for those almond Joy bars ......
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sairah, in this program you really don't have to worry about the cals too much, in fact you may find it hard reaching your cal goal, but as you progress through the stages awesome hunger kicks in and then you'll have trouble staying under lol. I only eat chicken and tuna so it's hard for me to get enough . The only days I even come close are days that I have eggs for breakfast and tuna for lunch with my normal vegetarian dinner. Then again avoid cookies wold be a good first step for me, but I haven't changed in a year and doubt I will.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    This is what I thought, actually. I did the first workout.. and then within an hour of doing it I felt like I could eat a horse. Not sure if that's normal, I certainly never felt like that when I was running, or when I was doing a workout by Jillian Michaels or Billy Blanks (their workout plans are geared to 1300 cals and a majority of cardio with a bit of strength).
    Thanks though, it's great to come here and find so many people doing the same thing and giving advice that's needed.
  • RUNN3Rmom

    Me: 3
    NEP: 1

    Bad day today...bad week really. Food and exercise has been good - home not so much. Brighter days ahead is what I keep telling myself. Protein is low today but I have been at work since 2pm and didn't bring my shake or snacks...blah! Come on midnight so I can go home and go to bed.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I guess I win today.

    Me: 1
    NEP : 1

    I unfortunately still ate two big hunk candy bars, because I am insane. Why would I even get one, let alone two? THEY ARE SO GOOD. Crack Hunk if you ask me.

    You must live out west. When growing up i AZ we would freeze our big hunks and brake them and eat the small pieces, so good also good microwaved. Hard to find them in FL.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sariah, I don't think anybody eats less than 1500, and most of us are around the 1800-2000 mark depending on WO and Non-WO days. To build muscle you have to EAT! and to burn serious fat you need to build serious muscle. (At least to burn fat without loosing lean body mass.)

    Between my frozen margarita, chicken quesadilla, and Coldstone ice cream it was a BAD day but boy was it fun.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    But yeah, protein. I hate eating meat, although I'm going for gluten testing in 2 weeks, which means that the high protein vegetarian stuff will all be out for me. Will shakes help with this, or will they just put me over on cals? I have no idea at all.

    I'm a crazy shake advocate - you can get whey with very little else but protein in it, so it doesn't toss you over on calories at all, especially for the amount that it is has in it!

    And Renee- I live in TX and they are EVERYWHERE. I actually put them in my back pocket, so they get all warm and gooey. Buttwarmer! :)

    .. I actually successfully avoided the hunk today, but I didn't eat very much, so I'm not rocking any wonderful protein stats yet. I do have a supershake planned, though, so I'm going to count it as a WIN.

    Me: 2
    NEP: 2
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    Didn't meet my goal of 150, but I consider anything over 120 a good day :)

    Todays going to be a baaaaad day. I started off the day by skipping breakfast, not good.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    But yeah, protein. I hate eating meat, although I'm going for gluten testing in 2 weeks, which means that the high protein vegetarian stuff will all be out for me. Will shakes help with this, or will they just put me over on cals? I have no idea at all.

    I'm a crazy shake advocate - you can get whey with very little else but protein in it, so it doesn't toss you over on calories at all, especially for the amount that it is has in it!

    And Renee- I live in TX and they are EVERYWHERE. I actually put them in my back pocket, so they get all warm and gooey. Buttwarmer! :)

    .. I actually successfully avoided the hunk today, but I didn't eat very much, so I'm not rocking any wonderful protein stats yet. I do have a supershake planned, though, so I'm going to count it as a WIN.

    Me: 2
    NEP: 2

    Buttwarmer Love it! LOL!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    2 workouts left! both exciting and bittersweet.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yeah, I hear ya, Sam. I was glad it was ending but I enjoyed the structure.