Daily Chat Thread



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yeah, my performance (and results!) falter when I don't keep control of my macros. I'm so bad at it.
    Sometimes I wish I ate meat because it would be tons easier to keep a high protein count.

    You have the... under muscle ones done, I guess, Jess?

    I do the BWM after - burn up the last of the glycogen and get to burning fat, I guess? Honestly, I haven't done it in a while. Too busy doing other complexes.

    My workout was pretty crappy yesterday. I was magically exhausted - nothing went right. I think it's because I went tanning shortly before, because I was SO HOT and tired. I'm tired of being a carb addict, too.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member

    SteAnn - my periods were the same after my 4th child. About 9 months after he was born, I finally talked with my doctor and ended up getting an endometrial ablation - BEST THING EVER!!!!!!! No more periods, no more cramps and not even as many cravings. I honestly can't even tell when I'm cycling anymore except for the cravings sometimes.

    I've never heard of that before, does it affect your fertility? When I was a teen they were so heavy, I used to have horrible cramps and eating everything in sight. As I got older they got better, especially when I lost 50 lbs before getting pregnant. Now they are horrible again. I sat up this morning in bed to get my daughter since she woke up and I could feel it almost gush, I had to run to the bathroom! I'm going to need some heavy duty pads and tampons, haha.

    Did work out A8 of Stage 1! Almost there! Trying to convince my husband to let me get a heart rate monitor. I would like to be able to track my work outs a little better and guage how hard I am working. My birthday is three days after Christmas though, so when I want something a little more expensive I have to wait a longggg time, haha.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member

    SteAnn - my periods were the same after my 4th child. About 9 months after he was born, I finally talked with my doctor and ended up getting an endometrial ablation - BEST THING EVER!!!!!!! No more periods, no more cramps and not even as many cravings. I honestly can't even tell when I'm cycling anymore except for the cravings sometimes.

    I've never heard of that before, does it affect your fertility? When I was a teen they were so heavy, I used to have horrible cramps and eating everything in sight. As I got older they got better, especially when I lost 50 lbs before getting pregnant. Now they are horrible again. I sat up this morning in bed to get my daughter since she woke up and I could feel it almost gush, I had to run to the bathroom! I'm going to need some heavy duty pads and tampons, haha.

    You need to be done having kids if you want to get the procedure. Basically they burn the lining of the uterus so it no longer builds up to release. You still have to have some sort of protection though because you could still get pregnant and it would be dangerous. My hubby got fixed. I know that "gush" feeling and it's AWFUL!!

    I'm not good at waiting for anything! I'm a total shopaholic too. It doesn't matter what it is. My son came home with his football spirit pack yesterday and his package was the biggest and the coach was giving my hubby a bunch of crap. Of course, it would have been nice had the coach laid out exactly what they would need, but he didn't, so I ordered what I thought he needed, plus a few things I thought he would like to have.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My bday is 3 days before xmas! So I know all about having to wait until then. But then again, I am the frugal one and tell my hubby to wait until xmas or my bday for the expensive gifts. Although, he did buy me a pair of RayBans last week .

    Last week is finally catching up with me. I am so tired/exhausted. Plus, my period should be here in 10 days. Stuffing my face full of cookies sounds so tempting. Actually, I ate one and ready for another one. Friends, do not be surprised if I do not log today. I don't want to know or think about what I will eat. One of those moods where I just don't care today.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    SteAnn_ Just chiming in on heavy periods. If you are not done having children you might want to consider the Mirena IUD. Most women don't get a real period on it. Only spotting and I didn't even get that. We are done with kids and went the vasectomy route but I am thinking of going back with the IUD because of the miserable periods. Hope that helps!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Yeah, my performance (and results!) falter when I don't keep control of my macros. I'm so bad at it.
    Sometimes I wish I ate meat because it would be tons easier to keep a high protein count.

    You have the... under muscle ones done, I guess, Jess?

    Yes. They separated and went in under the upper pectoral. I chose this way because it is easier to get clear mammogram readings since the breast tissue isn't obstructed.

    Also, they look more natural.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Hmmmmm.....sounds like everyone is kind of in the "doldrums".

    Maybe it's time to start some sort of "mini-challenge" just to perk everyone up, demand accountability, etc., etc.

    What do you say?

    I'm not sure what sort of "challenge" we could start....maybe something simply like: eat your protein - eat ALL your protein....

    Jessica, I'm sorry you are struggling. I think it could just be ONE BAD DAY, though. I'm actually moving up in my weights (again), in Phase One. Because of the 12 reps, I never did think I'd get back to the weights I was doing in NROL4W (say when there were only 4 reps!!), but I am moving up. I did move down one rung for the push-ups (on the smith machine). I need to move down 4 more to hit the floor! Not sure I'll get there, but I really *am* trying VERY HARD!

    I still have to remind myself that my shape is MUCH BETTER than it was a year ago. It is *not* MUCH BETTER than it was in June (I've regressed, sadly), but it is MUCH BETTER than one year ago. If I get my diet under control, I seriously think I could look pretty good come summer 2013. Might as well aim for THAT sort of success....there's no way I'll hit it in 2 weeks....
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    jenniet04, my daughter is my first, his second. We would like to have another one or possibly two, so I guess I'll have to wait on that! My husband is willing to get snipped once we are done though, which is nice.

    Because he is working out of town they give him an extra 2,400 a month for living expenses, but he only really needs a 1,000 of that. I might try to use that as leverage to get my HRM ;)

    manic4titans, that's cool! I am usually pretty cheap too, I feel bad wanting something that is a bit more pricey if it is not close to that time of year. My daughter was also born two days after my birthday! I have a feel this winter will be extra busy.

    kcfaber, my doctor recommended it to me. I've been on the pill most of my life and I felt weird about being on something else so I opted out. Last time I went on the pill it regulated my periods and made them not so bad. But the post partum ones are just like those bad old ones, I had no idea that would happen. I have another 10 months left on my birth control prescription and I think I'll try to see if my husband is ready for number 2 around that time ;) Maybe I'll try Mirena after the next one.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    sure, beeps! Set the goal and time frame. I'll begin tomorrow :wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thread blew up again lol. Beeps I'm up for a challenge. I'm in the boat with FunBun though. Hard to eat all of your protein when you no or limited meat. I stalled with my pushups too, I can't get passed 11 and I want to do 20 by the time I hit the year mark. I know ounds weird complaining when others still aren't on the floor, but we all want progress whatever that may be. In the mean time I am totally over-whelmed with work There just ARE NOT enough hours in the day :sad:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Okay, so, do you think a "pay attention to your macros!!" challenge will help us out of "funk"?? Or, even more simply, "eat your protein - eat ALL your protein!!" challenge??

    I think I'll aim for an "eat ALL your protein" challenge. I am not vegetarian (or vegan or other variation thereof), but even *I* have problems getting in all of my protein. I have to rely on protein shakes and, even then!!

    So, let's give it a whirl. They say that it takes 3 weeks to "change a habit" (or begin a new one!), so let's do a 3-week challenge. To record your results, simply indicate:

    Me: 1
    NEP: 0

    ("NEP" = "Not Enough Protein")

    and give the point to which it belongs. If all goes well, at the end of the challenge, your stats should look ilke this:

    Me: 21
    NEP: 0

    I'm cheering you on, gang!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    And, fyi, I got in 147 g of the 148 g of protein I required yesterday!

    So, even though we'll start today, I am happy to say that it *can* be done!!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ugh! I hate protein. :grumble: that's probably a good place to start , huh.

    I have to eat high protein cereal just to hit 70 g/ daily. Hello, my name is Mary and I am a carb junkie.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    so I'm thinking I'll change my macros back to MFP default settings :laugh:
  • RUNN3Rmom
    II'm up for the protein challenge. I think I am at 170 so far today :) But that includes 3 shakes, LOL! I would not be able to get in my protein if it weren't for the shakes. I eat chicken, turkey and fish but I aim for 130-190 a day (lifting and non-lifting) so I need the shakes to keep my protein/calories in check.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Crap. This means I'm going to have to do a better job logging, doesn't it? :ohwell:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I can't even log my dinner. I ate out, and what I had isn't in the database. And Cracker Barrel doesn't post their nutritional info the last I checked. :grumble:

    Yesterday was a good protein day. Today is a meh protein day. I ate too many carbs. I just lost all control at dinner.

    Since I switched to almond milk I have even more trouble getting in protein. I used to rely on the protein in my milk to boost my number.
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    What is "me"? Me as Mary or stands for something else?


    1 day good!! I got 98 grams of protein in out of 101.

    AND YES, JESS! better logging :wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My protein was pretty awesome today, but I'm getting sick of my protein shakes. time to shake it up lol.
    WO 7.3 in the bag. good workout and I made a new friend. She wanted to work in on the power rack ..and then squatted 155 and pulled off a 185 deadlift. Did I mention she's about 5'4'' and about 130 soaking wet lol. There is hope ladies.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My protein was pretty awesome today, but I'm getting sick of my protein shakes. time to shake it up lol.
    WO 7.3 in the bag. good workout and I made a new friend. She wanted to work in on the power rack ..and then squatted 155 and pulled off a 185 deadlift. Did I mention she's about 5'4'' and about 130 soaking wet lol. There is hope ladies.

    I can't do protein shakes. The whey makes me physically ill (bloated and nauseated) .

    I want to do that one day. First I want to be 130ish pounds then lift that much. :tongue: