Daily Chat Thread



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jessica - I mostly workout at home at 5 am. There are mornings that I don't feel like getting up (like this morning), but once you really get into a morning routine, it works really well. My kids are in bed by 8:30 (except the baby) and I'm in bed by 9:00, hubby stays up to get the baby to bed. I'm hoping once we really get back into our school routine, the baby will go to bed early too. I have hubby at home, don't know if that's a blessing or a curse. He's actually a full time student as well so some days are better than others. Our house is a constant mess, but our kids are happy and healthy and to me, that's all that matters.

    Sam - great job on the chin up!

    Sue - love the new pic!!!

    Mary - hope you have a great vacation

    I was going to start back on my schedule today, but 5am came too early and I knew the basement was a mess because the kids left it that way and by the time we got home last night, it was too late to make them pick it up. I would have had to do it myself before I could get to my weights. So yoga this afternoon and back to lifting tomorrow. Hopefully after two weeks, I won't be too far off where I was. I'm feeling better, but still have a cough.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Off to do stage 7. Any suggestions? I'm going to wear my HRM because everyone said it was like doing cardio lol.
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    So today was my first evening class (I also have one Tuesday nights). And I have to say, I'm really proud of myself. I packed a fabulous lunch, dinner and snacks for myself. So I had no excuse to grab poor choices on campus. Plus, I made it into work early so that I could leave by 4, arrive at the campus gym by 4:15, and be on a treadmill by 4:30. I got in a 40 minute cardio session (plus 5 minutes for stretching), and had 45 minutes left over to eat dinner, change, and get myself to class. I think I'm going to like this schedule!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi everybody!! WI-FI! Totally unexpected. Keep trucking along. I am/will be thinking of you during the day.

    I make a good choice today. ONLY ONE :bigsmile: I had baked Corvina (sp?) fish but hubby and I shared desserts. I ordered creme brulee and he ordered Chocolate wave.

    Per body media fit, I walked over 20,000 steps! maybe the bad and the good will balance.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Per body media fit, I walked over 20,000 steps! maybe the bad and the good will balance.

    That is some serious moving and grooving you're doing! You needed that dessert. ;) What was the burn on that day? I only ask, because 13k steps puts me at like 3800+. Feel free to not answer if I'm being a weirdo calorie stalker. Or if you never see this post because of the lack of internet. Waaaah!

    Have fun, too!

    Joanne, that sounds awesome that you can get all that done! Rather superwomanish, if I may say!

    Damn, Beeps, I want to squat that much. I AM SO HUGE, I feel like I should be able to increase my squat faster. Isn't that what being an Amazon is about?

    Anyways. I had.. a pretty good workout today. Crazy burn thanks to a single plate complex (complexes are the BEST HIIT I swear on all things holy). I'm hoping by the end of this month I can have 200 lbs on my squats and DL. I find it kind of weird that my squats are so close to my DL (only 10 lbs apart) so it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I know it's bad to add them in regardless of my stage, but I always have a huge amount of excess energy and I really want those damn stats to go UP UP UP!

    I think I'm leaning more towards powerlifting than aesthetics work. I'd love to lose weight, but I -really- want to LIFT BIG. And I want my major lifts to increase more than anything. I'm gonna finish NR because I like finishing things... but I'm definitely going to move on to something designed for strength over loveliness.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    jennie - glad you are feeling a bit better!

    samntha - can't wait to hear YOUR report on Stage 7....I won't bore you with my thoughts on the 30s rest-periods, and I hope that you REALLY kick it!

    joanne - sounds GREAT! I'm glad your new schedule is actually going to work, and work well, for you.

    manic - wow, that IS some serious 'stepping"....yay!

    TheFunBun - heck, those are BIG numbers in your lifts.....I won't post here what my numbers are, but they aren't that great, particularly given my height (and my weight). I just do what I can. In 2 years time, I hope I'm where I want to be - I won't be there in one year's time - that much I can NOW admit to myself!

    Today, I think I'll just to a little cardio and LOTS of stretching....it's supposed to be a "rest" day, and I'm trying to make "rest" more of a priority.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Workout done. I had to force myself upstairs to do it. I haven't slept well the past two nights. I'm exhausted and overwhelmed. I do feel a little better after lifting though.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Yay, Jessica! Me too. 5am came way too early this morning, and I hate getting up in the dark, but I got it done, finally.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, all I can say is *kitten* that 30 sec rest sh#t. Thankfully I was wearing my HRM, so when I went above 150, I rested until it came back down to the 130's for I really wouldn't pass out. For 75% of the workout I felt like I was going to die. For the static lunges, deadlifts and rows it was the naked bar for 15 reps. NAKED BAR! WTF! I was huffing puffing dizzy and ready to pass the hell out. I had to sit in my car for 10 minutes before trying to drive. And MAN I hurt EVERYWHERE. Usually DOMS will set in around the 24hr. mark on any new rotation, but today I felt it at 12 hours and then I couldn't sit or walk upstairs without pain. The good kind of pain that tells you that your body was working. In other words, this will be a love hate relationship. To the ladies doing it twice, better you than me, and I hope ABS isn't like this.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    I have just one AMREPS workout to go and Stage 1 is finished - although I did redo the last few exercises again to drag it out to holiday time. I've been reading up on Stage 2 and very excited, might take the book on holiday with me and practise getting the form right without the weights.

    One exciting thng for me is that I am only 400grams (about 1lb) off my goal weight, although I have decided to lose another 2-3kgs on top of that (5-6lbs). I suspect that the training for the 100k Oxfam charity walk will get rid of those extra few kgs! It's going to be interesting stabilising my weight as I have lost pretty consistently for the last 5 monts on MFP - even though doing NROL4W.

  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Well day two of school didn't go as expected. In the middle of facilitating strategic planning for my colleagues, several of us got called out to deal with a challenge...the Minister's assistant (I work in government) agreed to the Minister giving a radio interview tomorrow at 10am. She sent this info at 3:30, with all of the prep work expected by 4:30. Needless to say, we were just wrapping up by 5:30, hoping the reams of briefing material was adequate and accurate.

    I stopped by Subway on my way to class. So although I was bummed to have missed my workout, at least I made a decent food choice. But then...class let out at 8:30. Super-tired, I waffled back and forth between going home and sleeping and hitting the campus gym. I literally had an out-loud conversation with myself on the quad...lol. I decided that I'd at least go to the gym and see what their hours were...it was practically on the way to my car anyway. As it turns out, it was open until 10 and totally empty. So instead of doing some half-@ssed cardio, I took my time and had an awesome lifting session...S2 A2. I increased my weights on everything (except my stupid pushups), and had a fabulous workout. Yay for unanticipated turns of events! Because, if I had gone between 4:30 and 5:30 as planned, it would have been packed, and I couldn't have lifted.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    FunBun, it says I had a burn of 2900ish calories. Not good, huh. My metabolism stinks. Today I walked over 25000 steps and burned 3200ish calories.

    I am ready for bed. DW is tiring and we have another full day tomorrow.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Yeah, Beeps! It's kind of hard looking at what everyone else is lifting - but in the end as long as we're really pushing ourselves, we're getting better. I feel really proud of myself until I start thinking of the lifts in relation to bodyweight - that's when I have to remind myself that my extra fat isn't helping to lift ANYTHING and I'm in way better condition than I was 5 months ago doing shaky bodyweight squats and little demi-lunges that would make me laugh to see now.

    JOJO! congratulations on you being so so so close to that goal!!! I'm so impressed with everyone who is able to lose weight and lift and get stronger at the same time! Y'all are champions!!

    Joanne, that is super-awesome. I love empty gym.

    Oh wow, Manic! I bet it's because you're fun sized! I end up burning 2800 at about 5k steps - though, my machine could be incredibly accurate since I never seem to lose anything anyways.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Miss a day and I miss so much!! I do first AMRAPS tonight. Yesterday I did some walking and some easy body weight exercises just to keep moving. I think I will try to do similar sorts of things on vacation. I'm pretty sure I can get the grandkids to do that with me so it will be our adventures during the day. I can't imagine not doing anything during those 2 weeks!

    Jo!! Congrats on finishing Stage 1 and on being so very close to goal! That's so terrific!

    Joanne, how about that for getting lucky! Just getting to the gym then was great, but I'm sure you really enjoyed that workout too and what a sense of accomplishment you must have!

    Mary sounds like you are having a really active vacation. I'm happy for you luvie!

    FB I had to go look up what you meant by complexes. I found some that look like MURDER!!! - one even by Alwyn!

    Beeps, what can I say, I love all that cardio, even if the lifter dudes say don't... I really think I should do more of it, even as I'm doing NROL.

    Sam, you're scaring me! That doesn't sound like fun!!!

    It's been busy at work, too many irons in the fire plus trying to get myself and the house ready for vacation. Seems like not enough hours in the day!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    samntha - lololololol - ummmm, yes....THAT is Stage 7!! Welcome to it! (NROL4Abs isn't like Stage 7....although the rest periods are only 45-60s in Phase One, but it's enough to feel "recovered", I find). By the end of the first 6 work-outs, you *might* get the bug to go back and give it another whirl....I did. Mind you, I gave up on the 30s rests by about the 4th work-out and just carried on, doing it twice, with 60s rest periods, instead.

    jojo - that's GREAT! I wish I knew your "secret"....I've been plateaud, for weight loss, for SO long, I don't even know HOW to kick-start my metabolism to LOSE. :(

    sue - enjoy your vacation - I hope you get some walking in, too!

    Alrighty, I am doing my 4th "A" work-out in Phase One, NROL4Abs, today. Where's everyone else at (who is doing NROL4Abs)???
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Sam, now I'm dreading S7! But loving S6 so far, and not just because the workouts are short!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Wow, this thread moves fast!! I will try to catch up this evening while at work.

    FB, the omplexes look intense!! I'm doing running as my HIIT right now (run 6:35 mile for one minute, then rest for another) but will look into complexes next time...we'll see if I make it :(

    I hit a PR today on my squats....175!!!! I'm ecstatic!! I have been waiting for hub's to go with me to spot because I knew it would be hard. My whole body shook like crazy but I pushed through for 2 reps!! Now, I can't do a set of them like in Stage 1...but I SQUATTED 175 today and I'm super happy!! I'm 125-129lbs. My goal is 1.5 my body weight so I'm close :)

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful day...
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Wow, this thread moves fast!! I will try to catch up this evening while at work.

    FB, the omplexes look intense!! I'm doing running as my HIIT right now (run 6:35 mile for one minute, then rest for another) but will look into complexes next time...we'll see if I make it :(

    I hit a PR today on my squats....175!!!! I'm ecstatic!! I have been waiting for hub's to go with me to spot because I knew it would be hard. My whole body shook like crazy but I pushed through for 2 reps!! Now, I can't do a set of them like in Stage 1...but I SQUATTED 175 today and I'm super happy!! I'm 125-129lbs. My goal is 1.5 my body weight so I'm close :)

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful day...

    OMG!!! How awesome is that Amanda!!!!! Congrats!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I hit a PR today on my squats....175!!!! I'm ecstatic!! I have been waiting for hub's to go with me to spot because I knew it would be hard. My whole body shook like crazy but I pushed through for 2 reps!! Now, I can't do a set of them like in Stage 1...but I SQUATTED 175 today and I'm super happy!! I'm 125-129lbs. My goal is 1.5 my body weight so I'm close :)

    OH MAN. Congratulations! Waaaay awesome!!

    And yeah, the complexes are awesome-awesome-awesome. The Alwyn Evil 8 is one of my favorites, but there are so so so many good ones!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    jnh - hope the doc figures out what's wrong, soon!

    Beeps - as long as you're moving, you're doing good.

    My abs are so sore today - maybe lifting and yoga on the same day wasn't the best idea. I've done it lots before though, but I think those negative chin ups are what got me. I could feel my core working on the first one.

    Funny story - the baby (well he's 19 months) woke up in the middle of the night and came into our room. Hubby was complaining he had cold hands and I didn't think anything of it. I got up to use the potty and on my way back to bed, he was standing there with the ice cream container in his hands!! LOL! He had gotten it out of the freezer and was bringing it to us so he could have some. Then hubby says he had gotten it out of the freezer like 5 times yesterday. So I gave him a bite and put him back in bed. :-)

    I was feeling quite blue tonight and you have just made me properly chuckle! My little boy is 19months old and this is exactly the kind of thing he would do. (sorry not weights related)