Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Mallory can get a pump any time she wants. BUT she isn't ready for something to be attached to her body. She's fine with multiple injections daily and a pro at poking her own finger! Ped. Endocrinologist says she'll ask for it when she's ready and let her be the one to ask. I agree. My baby has to live with this every day for the rest of her life. With that being said, we try to do as much for her so she doesn't "burn out" , but we also try to teach her as much as we can when she is receptive. OH, and she turned 8 yesterday.

    Type 1 kids are usually small. I can't remember the science of it but they just don't grow as tall and the majority of the kids are skinny. Their little bodies don't utilize the energy from sugar.

    Awwww, thanks, Sue. Gonna miss you. I leave and will be home tomorrow then you leave. Be safe. Have fun.

    I haven't checked my steps today. I have a feeling today wasn't as high. I am extremely tired and need a vacation from my vacation.

    My plan is to finish NR ab book tomorrow on the drive and start out strong Tuesday.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I think I'm going to be a little slow finishing stage 7, so you may get passed me in NROL4ABS. Looks like it may take me three weeks instead of 2 and there's no way in hell I'm doing it twice.

    Definitely getting the gym tonight for WO2. Feel a little more rested today.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Reading my book. Headed home. Do i really want to do ABs? YES! I am converted to heavy lifting but I really want to see fat loss!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Sorry for the drive by post, but just want to say I'm so excited to be almost done stage 1! Two more work outs left :)

    I'm seeing muscle in my legs and arms and it is awesome! I spent a good chunk of this morning flexing in front of our microwave, haha.

    Nervous about stage 2 though. It looks a lot longer and I'm going to have to time work outs better. My only chance to do it is during nap time and I have to pray that she stays asleep for longer than an hour. This would be a lot easier to do with my husband here to help, but I don't have that luxury right now.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    SteAnn, You can do Stage 2 WO in about an hour if you keep the warm up short and super set the ab work at the end.

    I did Stage 7 WO2 tonight. I really love going to the gym on Sunday. It's a ghost town, but my friend Stan was there, and this really cool chick who was doing hip thrusts with a 70lb bar. It was a good workout. I kept the weigh conservative so I could max out on reps. I only used 15lb dbs for the circuit work. I'd like to go up next time, but my gym doesn't have 17.5. 20 is the next size. I can use them no problem but my reps will be low. Strangely I didn't feel like I was going to die this time but my heart rate was higher. go figure. I was even able to do 30-45 sec rests no problem though I did rest for a full minute between circuits.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Bye sue! Have fun!

    I am traveling this week, too....so, I'll make it a "planned" break from heavy-lifting. I'll lift M/W, but then am away Thurs - Tues and won't lift again until Wed next week.

    My diet was HORRIBLE this weekend. Somehow I am just completely sabotaging myself with my nutrition. It's terrible. I'm really going to try and focus on my nutrition piece, this week, since work-outs are mostly out the window. I need to work MUCH harder at the nutrition piece, since it's 80% of the battle, anyway.

    Have a great day, ladies!
  • mermegan
    Hi All! I'm new to NROL4W and yesterday was my first day. OUCH, my quads are sore today from barbell squats!

    I used to weight train quite a bit but took a VERY long break when I had my second kid, so I was worried about my form. Asked a guy working at 24 Hr if a trainer could check my form and he never showed up (I guess if you're not interested in buying sessions they treat you a little differently!) Anyway, wrangled a super nice guy on the other squat rack to help me out. Funny how it can seem intimidating at first, but most guys in the weight room are pretty nice when you talk to them (on the rare occasion I do!)

    Question: for the ladies doing this at a gym, do you deadlift in front of the squat rack? Seems like the logical place to do it, but I could be wrong.

    Looking forward to being a part of the group, woop!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Hi All! I'm new to NROL4W and yesterday was my first day. OUCH, my quads are sore today from barbell squats!

    I used to weight train quite a bit but took a VERY long break when I had my second kid, so I was worried about my form. Asked a guy working at 24 Hr if a trainer could check my form and he never showed up (I guess if you're not interested in buying sessions they treat you a little differently!) Anyway, wrangled a super nice guy on the other squat rack to help me out. Funny how it can seem intimidating at first, but most guys in the weight room are pretty nice when you talk to them (on the rare occasion I do!)

    Question: for the ladies doing this at a gym, do you deadlift in front of the squat rack? Seems like the logical place to do it, but I could be wrong.

    Looking forward to being a part of the group, woop!

    Welcome! I dont dead lift in front of the squat rack but that's just me. I hate when people use the squat rack for curls, etc and anything else that's not a squat (or a weighted lunge)...that's sounds mean, I know but I have dealt with people in my gym using it for just about every exercise...grrrrr.

    Ladies, I have not read the thread through or quite a while...will try to catch up another day. Rough time at home right now. My youngest is having the hardest time getting off to Kindergarten in the morning. He gets up in plenty of time but when it's time to go in the school he cries and grabs on to me. I left the school in tears again. My daughter was not like this...he is so used to having his mom time that I am just not sure what to do...I can not do this for the rest of the school year. :( I did go to the gym directly after and tried to push through the sadness...semi worked but sitting here at home in the quiet is hard.

    I hope you ladies have a good day!! I can't wait until the bus gets here :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    yes, I deadlift there :embarassed: sorry. I will try better if there are others are around.

    No workout for a couple days. I have so much laundry to do and get the house back in order. Repair man came early this morning to fix dryer so I am already climbing Mt. Washmore.

    I am ready to lose weight and get back into cardio on nonlifting days with NROL4abs. Hopefully, the lifting doesn't tire me as much as NROL4W .
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Welcome, Megan! It really just depends on the business of the place where you do your deads.

    At my gym, no one uses all of the incline benches, so I snatch a bar off and do my deadlifts right in front of that. LOL
    If you're in a place where you never see anyone use the squat rack because they're pansies, go ahead and do what you want.

    I think the etiquette of it really doesn't come into play unless you're interrupting someone else's routine for your convenience.

    I'm really kind of depressed today. Highest weight over. Yeah, I've gone carby, but I've stayed at a deficit. I know it's some kind of metabolic issue and my lazy doctor needs a kick in the *kitten*... but it still is depressing. I guess, though, it's better when I'm not losing at 2200-2500 calories than not losing at 1400. This gaining nonsense is for the birds. I know it's like my first period in a year, but HIGHEST SCALE WEIGHT EVER? :(

    Boooo. Booo. Boooo.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for the tip, Samntha!

    I think I'll finish the last two work outs Tuesday and Thursday this week. I'm feeling like crap today so I'm bailing on working out. Ever since having my daughter I get horrible periods like I did when I was a teenager. I feel heavy in my stomach, sluggish, cranky, and hungry. Today is also the first time in a long time that I'm kind of eating whatever and not really caring about calories or macros.
  • mermegan
    Thanks ladies!

    Re: deadlifts, that's totally why I asked. I kind of feel weird doing it there, but not sure where else to go. I go to a pretty big 24 hour fitness. I feel weird doing it in the walkway, but there's not a lot of room near the mirrors and that's where the benches are. Also don't want to do them by the barbells cause I'm in the way. I feel lost! I might try and just sneak in the studio and do them there since you can make your own barbells. My quads are so stinkin' sore we'll see how it goes. And I went to my bootcamp today (60-75 minutes running hills and stairs) and wondering what the hell I was thinking!

    Re: Kindergarten, I SO FEEL YOU! My son is 5 and in Jr. K. He has cried every time at drop-off and I finally burst into tears too because it's upsetting and I'm frustrated. He didn't do this at all last year at the same school. I think it's probably just hard to adjust after having the summer off. Stay strong! I'm sure as time goes by and he gets into a rhythm things will change.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    mermegan - I go to the gym at lunch. Usually, the power rack is available for whatever I want. If someone else is using it, then I just go get an OB and load up elsewhere to do my deadlifts.

    RUNN3 - it gets better. Just trust in that. Repeat the mantra: "it gets better...."

    manic - I'm interested to hear how you like fitting in your cardio in between NROL4Abs. I kind of went the other way and decided to just take "rest days" - which I've never really done before. I LIKE REST DAYS (as it turns out!).

    TheFunBun - my weight is climbing, too....I can't explain it. Staying off the scale helps my sanity - but it doesn't "magically" transform the number to a MUCH lower number for some inexplicable reason....

    I finished my 4th B work-out in Phase One, NROL4Abs. I'll lift on Wednesday and then a week off. I think I need it.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Megan - Welcome!

    Amanda - My 5 yo is going thru the same thing - it does get better. Hang in there!!

    FunBun - My weight is going up as well, but I know it's because I'm sabotaging myself foodwise and not sticking with my 3x week lifting schedule.

    SteAnn - my periods were the same after my 4th child. About 9 months after he was born, I finally talked with my doctor and ended up getting an endometrial ablation - BEST THING EVER!!!!!!! No more periods, no more cramps and not even as many cravings. I honestly can't even tell when I'm cycling anymore except for the cravings sometimes.

    My morning workouts are getting less and less. I HATE getting up in the dark. It just totally kills my motivation. Gotta get back to it though! Tomorrow is workout 6A4.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just jumping in. No DOMS today after doing s7.2 last night weird. Maybe because it's mostly upper body IDK.

    I have an IUD and I don't cycle so much. I don't bleed except for an occasional spot and my PMS is WAY better!
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    Does anyone start their workouts with the intervals/BWM instead of finishing with them?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Does anyone start their workouts with the intervals/BWM instead of finishing with them?

    No, I have thought it was best to start out heavy lifting. I am way too tired after intervals to lift heavy.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I had to do the BWM on my "inbetween" days, frankly....I didn't have the time for them at the end of many of the work-outs. Nor the energy.

    Sheesh, I've actually FORGOTTEN about the BWM....I really should try and throw it in there, now and again, just to REMIND myself how effective it was!

    Tomorrow, I lift heavy. Then 1 week of "rest". I CRAVE THE REST, just now.

    And, while resting, I plan on really monitoring my diet. No matter how I slice it, when my diet is spot-on, I get results. When my diet is off, boy, do I spiral out-of-control with great ease!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My workout sucked today. I'm not making any gains in strength. Endurance, yes. Strength, no. I am still not progressing with push ups. I'm so frustrated. I feel like crying. I love my boobs, but I had no idea how much the surgery would weaken my chest.

    I have actually gone backwards lately. I feel weaker now than I did a few months ago. I got to thinking about that this morning. The past month or two I have not been keeping up with protein like I was. I wonder how much that has to do with it. I'm going to start making sure I am coming close to my macro ratios and see if that helps.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jessica - I bet the protein has a lot to do with it. Gotta make sure you're getting enough to keep those muscles and build new ones.