Daily Chat Thread



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi, Jessica--Do you *have* to take the thyroid pill in the morning? Could you ask your dr. about taking it at night before bed? I mean, your body doesn't know what time it is, really. As long as you take it at the same time every day maybe it wouldn't matter.

    I work, often a crazy schedule, and have kids (8 and 10, no childcare after school) and a husband who works full time and travels a lot. My days can be very different and sometimes I have NO time. So I realized this summer that if I was going to fit in regular workouts, I had to do them before the day started. It's the only time that's always free. So I get up at 5, go to the gym or go running, and I'm done before I get the kids up for school at 6:45. I don't eat before I workout, usually. I just have coffee with milk. Occasionally I'll eat a handful of nuts or something small just to tide me over, but I'm okay with semi-fasted workouts. It's been working for me, other than my husband's eye-rolling when he sees me set the alarm for 5.

    Good luck...

    Thanks, Dandelion. The reason for taking the thyroid med in the AM is that it can ramp you up, making sleep difficult. Also, it has to be taken 1 hr before eating, or 2-3 hrs after eating.

    I am wondering if I need to start setting my alarm for 5. Wow, that's going to suck. And will mean going to bed at 9. How will I watch Castle??!! Lol! Yeah, 5am is gonna suck. I may give it a try though. At least on workout days.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Okay, I have a really serious question for those of you who work, or go to school,and have kids at home. How do you manage to find the time, energy, and motivation for working out? Please, I'd love to hear what an average week looks like for you.

    I have started taking classes again, and next fall will hopefully be starting an RN program. I also have a nearly 14yo and a 10yo. I feel like I'm being stretched thin (and not the good kind of thin). I have been continuing to workout, but it's not been as regular as I want. I am a "morning workout" person, but I have to eat first. BUT, I have to take my stupid thyroid pill first and wait an hour to eat. Then I wait 30-45 to workout, so I don't throw up my breakfast.

    I have thought about getting up even earlier. I don't think I could do the full workout though, before I have to leave to take the kids to school. I can only get up so early, ya know? I need my sleep!

    Is it possible to "retrain" yourself to workout in the afternoon? Assuming I can squeeze in the time? Usually by afternoon I feel spent, and I have no energy. I wonder if I just make myself do it anyway, would I get used to it?

    So, please, tell me how you manage it all?

    I don't have the challenge of a thyroid meds or kids or school, Jessica, but I commute to/from work 1.5 hrs each day. It means that I leave the house at 7:45am and I don't usually walk back in the door until 7:15pm. There's not a whole lot of time left for me to cook, clean, workout and spend time with the dude. And I'm like you and Beeps and the others who have agreed - I HAVE to get my sleep, even more now that I am older. I never sleep all the way through the night so I don't have the luxury of going to bed late. So I try to workout in the morning. I get up at 4:45, start the coffee and head down to the weight area. Some days, though I just can't drag myself out of bed in time to do the morning deal, like this week, so I' plan a roast for dinner, pop it into the oven and workout then. Not so bad, but it's hard to workout, eat, talk and fall asleep all compressed into those few evening hours. I don't do the balance thing so well, and sometimes my bod just gives up and says you can't, tonight you are going to bed early - and I'm in bed at 8:30 or 9 at the latest.

    I wish there was a simple solution for all of us! Ha, that's why, if the idiots in Washington would simply let women manage the country, we'd have it all ship shape in no time whatsoever!

    Joanne, thanks, I like how that looks!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Frankly, I don't understand, at all, how you women manage it without sufficient child-care, house-cleaners, chauffeurs, etc. I was at a seminar, yesterday, where the commentary was on an article, in Atlantic Weekly magazine, I think, which basically said WOMEN CANNOT HAVE IT ALL.

    And, the consensus was, alone, it would be very tough....but, with a proper support system (meaning: childcare, meal prep, house-cleaners, etc.), a woman CAN HAVE IT ALL.

    I have always placed a priority on paying for all necessary childcare, house-cleaners, meal prep, chauffeurs, etc. Yes, that means my husband and I are NOT "saving money" the way we should, but it also means that we have a "do-able" lifestyle during the years we actually are LIVING, lol. Even when I was a poor-starving-law-student, I had a high school girl come in, after school, and supervise my son doing his homework and do the meal prep. I'm not sure what I paid her, let's say it was $5 an hour, for the 2 hours she was there, that was worth it. Nope, I didn't have a lot of money to drink like the other university students, and I never had new clothes or boots or whatever. But, my son was well-looked after and I had (nearly) a hot-cooked meal waiting when I raced in the door.

    So, to those of you who DON'T have a "nanny" (because, for the last 12 years, we have had nannies - the multi-taskers of THE WORLD!), how the hell DO you do it??

    Sheesh.....WAY TOO HARD for me to even contemplate.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    the other thing about "being" a "starving university student" was that I didn't HAVE hardly any furniture, so there wasn't any "cleaning" to be done, frankly, in my teeny-little rented accommodation!! I think I did vacuum it once-per-week and I had to clean the bathroom once-per-week, but that was it. Oh, and dishes!! I remember the dishes (because I had no dishwasher), but "cleaning" wasn't really TIME-CONSUMING.

    When you don't have "stuff", it also means you don't have stuff to clean up!!

    I didn't even have a car, that worked, until my 2nd year of law school....which means, for my B.A. and my first year law, I hopped on a bus to get my kid to daycare....

    All of my son's clothes were second hand. Most of mine were, too. I think I lived below the poverty line for about 8 years, there.....and now, my husband and I make very good incomes, but we are STILL paying back student loans (both of us ended up doing masters' degrees about a decade ago, too!).....
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Beeps-- you are SO right about the stuff. My dh and I married just before he started med school. We had hardly had anything for years. While I like having more money now, I miss the simple life we had. (and we are still paying those loans,too.)

    I have been tossing around the idea of a housekeeper for a while. I don't know about the cooking though. I think I would probably just have someone come in weekly to clean. I would LOVE to have someone to cook! Wow, that would be nice.

    Sue-- that's a long commute. And an even longer day! I'm so impressed you do all that you do!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have said to my husband many times that I long for the simple times. When we were first married we survived on $250 weekly (20 years ago) and within 15 months of marriage we had a baby. We were poor but we look back and those times were our happiest.

    Anyway, I don't know how I am to get my last workout in tomorrow! Mallory will be 8 next week and I would like for us to celebrate at home with next door neighbor child, need to clean vehicle, pack bags, and pack car. That's only the tip of the iceberg. Soooooo much to do. Gym closes at 3 and a little secret I'll let you in on. I am not an early morning riser. I sleep until 10 most days if I don't set the alarm. Then I like to sit around and sip on my coffee for an hour. Before you know it, it's lunch time and I must start Mallory's school. There! Now yall know how lazy I am . :ohwell:
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Jessica, maybe you could take the thyroid pill in the middle of the day, fit between your meals as directed and early enough that it wouldn't affect your sleep?

    I never thought I could manage to get up at 5 every day. For years I told myself that I needed my sleep more (and I'm a person who needs a LOT of sleep). But once I'd committed to exercise and to the NR program it was a lot easier--and now, honestly, I love my early morning workouts. Sometimes I just don't want to get out of bed, but I think there've only been one or two times since I started this in June that I turned off the alarm and went back to bed. It's a great way to start the day. And, yes, I'm pooped by 10 pm.

    Beeps--Having some help definitely does help with the pressure of trying to do it all. I always wanted to be around for my kids as much as possible (probably because my mother worked full-time when I was growing up). So for as long as I've had kids (oldest is 11) I've been a freelancer, sometimes working the equivalent of about 1 1/2-2 fulltime jobs, in truth, but on a schedule that lets me be home when the kids get home from school most of the time. I used to have a nanny a couple of days a week, then did daycare a couple days a week, but for the last year haven't needed that. Some days I WANT it--don't get me wrong--but it's working pretty well. I finally broke down and hired a cleaning service and we get help with weeding the garden, snow removal, etc. when necessary, and those things really do take the pressure off. If I worked full-time you can bet I'd have a fulltime nanny though! I totally agree that help is essential. And, yes, those simple days when we knew how much money we had (sometimes what was scraped out of the change jar) for the week were nice, free times.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Okay, I have a really serious question for those of you who work, or go to school,and have kids at home. How do you manage to find the time, energy, and motivation for working out? Please, I'd love to hear what an average week looks like for you.
    Jessica, I'm sure there are plenty of moms on this thread to say, "I know exactly how you feel!" This week has been tough with back to school/work. I've been so tired that even blew off the gym last night (plan to go today) But there were two days this week that by the time I got home, checked book bags, made dinner I literally passed out on the couch for an hour. I know it will get easier because I did it from Jan through June, so I know I can do it now. I'll even be able to do it when my after school program starts and I'll be putting in an 11 hour day with travel. You do what you have to do, and for me, exercise is something I HAVE to do.

    I remember the old way. coming home at 5 or 6 and just sitting on the couch with no energy to do anything, including interacting with my children. I was letting them down, and my health was deteriorating. Exercise became a necessity. I regained my strength, my health, and my stamina. I still have rough days. We all do. The alternative of NOT doing it, is NOT an option. Like so many moms I thought I was doing the right thing by sacrificing myself and my time for my family and my students. I come to realize that I was doing them a disservice by not being at my best. I MAKE the time. I have a schedule, and my husband supports my exercise habit. If he didn't, it would be tough titty on him.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    So after typing my response I finally got a chance to read all of yours.

    Help would be great and I don't look back on the poor years with ANY fondness. That year after my first son was born and I was unemployed (then taking a job at less than half my original salary) and we lived off of raman noodles, and no cable, no phone, and were evicted but saved at the last second by my elderly grandmother. In the last 8 years I've paid nearly $90,000 in total for childcare because I HAVE to. I still will have to pay $350/month for the next 4-6 years. There is no help (my parents both still work full-time and Jim doesn't make enough to stay home. I'm the bread winner and he works for a small business so no health insurance) and my husband isn't really home enough to offer any. I do all the cooking, cleaning, most of the child-rearing. My workouts are my ONLY time to myself and boy do I need it. Took me some time in therapy to figure that out. What I have learned trying to DO IT ALL, is STOP! STOP trying to do it all. It will still be there tomorrow. I do what I can. If the house is a mess, who really gives a crap. My children are fed, clean, and I give them what they need most... my attention.

    Jessica, I went back to school when my oldest was 1 year old. I was offered a job but couldn't accept it without additional certification. After working at an under paying job for a year and nearly starving, I would have done anything. My son was in day care from 8-6 while I worked. My dad picked him up two days a week while I was in class. There were days I saw my son 1 hour a day. You do what you have to do.

    I go to the gym at 8 or 9 at night because I just can't get up at 5am. That would mean going to bed at 9pm and not really seeing my husband ever. He's a pain sometime but man do I love that man. My method is don't sit. I get home on workout days and keep going. Do the homework, cook, eat, hang with the kids, tidy up a little. I come home change into my workout clothes right away as a reminder that I'm going. There are nights I REALLY don't feel like it. However, hubby pushes me out the door, and by the time I finish my warm-up, I'm good to go and glad I came.

    Sorry for the little vent. Guess it's time to call my therapist for a tune up. Haven't seen her in 18 months, and taking care of my mental health was the best thing I ever did for myself with getting physically healthy coming in second.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    hmmm crickets.
    I just got back from the gym and FINISHED stage 6 Woo hoo!! I love how a good workout just clears the mind and soul. Off to stage 7 Monday. Hopefully, I will be back on routine next week and won't feel this oppressive exhaustion.

    As a side note. I was rewatching Michelle Obama's speech from Monday. I loved the speech, but did anyone else notice how fit and tone she looks. That lady has arms, shoulders and a back. I can only assume that a champion for healthy eating and exercise practices what she preaches, and boy does she look good.

    I was having one of those "I can't help but stare at myself in the mirror kind of workouts tonight. We as women focus so much on our flaws, but I can guarantee that when most people look at us they don't see saddlebags. They see luscious hips, and firm behind that even Sir Mix-a-lot would praise. They may not see the tiny little puff in your stomach, but they see your tiny waist. They may no see that tiny bit of "muffin top". but they'll see your sexy toned back, arms and shoulders. So stop looking for the flaws and see the beautiful parts. And DAMN IT Throw your damn scale in the freaking garbage all ready and when you feel bloated and gross you can rationalize and say "Oh, yeah it's TOM, moving on."

    Can you tell I'm feeling better LOL
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi Sam! I've been busy cleaning, packing, and celebrating my baby's birthday (which isn't until next week). We leave for vacation tomorrow after church. Anyway, I am glad you feel better. I sure don't feel better about my body. But my hubby still loves me and appreciates it :blushing:

    After I lose some fat, I definitely want to redo NROL4W! OH that reminds me. I need to get NR Abs book so I can read it while traveling.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey Sam! I'm glad you're feeling better! I wasn't ignoring your post, I've spent the entire day studying. Except for having to go help my mom out for a bit. But otherwise, study study study! I have a test Monday.

    I've never really had much help. My husband helps when he is off, but he works long hours. We only recently moved close to my parents, so I didn't have them while my kids were small. a couple of times through the years I'd hire someone to clean once a week, but it never worked out. I could afford help now, but it's hard for me to make that move for some reason. I envy those who are able to find reliable help.

    I think you're right though. We can't do it all. Somethings we have to be willing to let go. Right now it's my standards. Lol! My house is cleaned by the kids and my husband mostly. That is, when it gets done. It isn't how I would do it, but it's better than nothing. Laundry is done, but we wear some wrinkles. And food, well, that's where I'm having the hardest time. I don't like letting my standards go on food. But, sometimes it has to. At least for now. I am trying to figure out this area.

    I do NOT want or have any plans to let my exercise go. I feel so much better now than I did this time last year. I don't want to go back. Not ever.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jessica, it sounds like you are getting your plan in order. I'm sure that with the power of your convictions, everything will work out just fine :) Going back to school is crazy tough, but usually worth it in the end.

    I seem to be opposite from everybody. You are all on during the week and I'm here on the weekend. I'm blocked at work, and sometimes too busy when I get home to sit read and chat. I also don't do much on the weekend, so my boredom or work has me at my computer.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My hubby has unlimited data so I accessed the forum through safari.

    I have eaten at Wendy's twice today. I am still hungry but I do not have fruit. I can not stand the thought of eating more junk food because i'll eat enough of that this week. not sure how it will be logged. Like how do you log a waffle spread with nutella, bananas, and strawberries or coffee floats? :happy:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My hubby has unlimited data so I accessed the forum through safari.

    I have eaten at Wendy's twice today. I am still hungry but I do not have fruit. I can not stand the thought of eating more junk food because i'll eat enough of that this week. not sure how it will be logged. Like how do you log a waffle spread with nutella, bananas, and strawberries or coffee floats? :happy:

    If you're me, you don't log it. :-P
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Excellent advice. Lol thanks for giving me permission.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Today was my last Stage 1 workout except for AMRAPS. I posted my results on the Stage 1 thread. I didn't know if you all wanted me to clutter up this thread with the specifics. I'm pretty happy with how far I advanced but I'm quite surprised that I haven't lost as many inches and where I lost those inches. Although I am mostly wearing size 12s, I didn't lose any thing in my hips, and only .5 in 1 of my thighs. Isn't that odd?

    Sam, weekends are my time and although I log, and comment, I'm not here as often or for as long as I am during the weekdays. Sorry it echoed when spoke today!!

    Jessica, I think it's great you have the kids help out. I have confidence you'll work it all out. It's trial and error. And I do agree, we can't do it all ourselves. One other thing - you have to find some latitude with cleaning and such I think. I used try and get it all done all at once and it was just killing me. So these days, I don't do the dishes at night, I do them in the morning because I was spending all evening in the kitchen! Same with dusting, I do a little here a little there. Even laundry waits til I'm ready to do it.

    Mary, enjoy your vacation!!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Damn Sue!
    Guns! GUNS! guns! What great work. I'm going to go check out your progress thread!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Today was my last Stage 1 workout except for AMRAPS. I posted my results on the Stage 1 thread. I didn't know if you all wanted me to clutter up this thread with the specifics. I'm pretty happy with how far I advanced but I'm quite surprised that I haven't lost as many inches and where I lost those inches. Although I am mostly wearing size 12s, I didn't lose any thing in my hips, and only .5 in 1 of my thighs. Isn't that odd?

    Sam, weekends are my time and although I log, and comment, I'm not here as often or for as long as I am during the weekdays. Sorry it echoed when spoke today!!

    Jessica, I think it's great you have the kids help out. I have confidence you'll work it all out. It's trial and error. And I do agree, we can't do it all ourselves. One other thing - you have to find some latitude with cleaning and such I think. I used try and get it all done all at once and it was just killing me. So these days, I don't do the dishes at night, I do them in the morning because I was spending all evening in the kitchen! Same with dusting, I do a little here a little there. Even laundry waits til I'm ready to do it.

    Mary, enjoy your vacation!!

    Sue with guns a blazin'!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Great job, Sue!

    Today, my local newspaper hi-lited a 57-year-old weight-lifter in my city - her mantra is: "Lift like a man, look like a goddess"....sound familiar???

    Anyway, she started weight-training 2 years ago. She is 120 lbs and can back-squat 260 lbs!! IMPRESSIVE!

    She knows women don't have sufficient testosterone to "bulk up" and she looks 100% athletic/normal.

    I'm lifting today, for sure....