Daily Chat Thread



  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all! Just went for a run in 90% humidity and I'm too tired to get up and take my shower. Must...motivate...soon!

    I've been looking forward to the kids starting school for the last month, and now that they have it's kind of weird around here--so quiet. My work has shifted to 100% at-home work for the next couple of months, too, which means I've got a LOT of alone time on my hands. I'm good at alone time, but the transition from all-togetherness to me, myself, and I will take some time! One plus: I can get a pedicure whenever I want. That's my post-conference-call reward today.

    Beeps, day 2 total commitment...make it a great one!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just finished 1A. Got I hate 2 x 15. Boring! I'm squatting 40kg so I'm happy with that and can increase next lift. I'm doing push ups from the weights bench and enjoying it.

    I mud. Be doing prone jackknifes right this time because they're hurting so much! I've also added in a minute of skipping rope after my workouts and enjoying that.

    My new gym is awesome! Really, really love it! They're really encouring and are kicking the ****heads out from the other gym. Really strict on reeaking your weights which I'm glad on! Plus the guys are really helpful which I appreciate.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    ebay - I like Stage 2, but by Stage 4, I wasn't too happy to see it on the "repeat" button. I preferred Stages 3 and 5, myself.

    joanne - so true that EVERYTHING is "one step at a time". Keeping that forward-moving momentum is KEY to success! (and, you've obviously figured this out for yourself.)

    dande - I tried working from home once. Once. I need more social time than the "home alone" provided me. Good for you, thought - if it's only 2 months, there's probably LOTs of things you can get done WHILE working! Yay! I'm on day 9 of TOTAL COMMITMENT and I'm finding it easier and easier....I do NOT want to mess up, at all, because I find it SO hard to get back-on-track after I do!

    Lozze - 15 reps sucks. It just does. But, you're nearly through that period of NROL4W and the rest becomes sooooooooooo much more enjoyable!

    Kill it, today, ladies!!
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Well the big news for me...

    1. My HRM has reclassified my fitness level as Very Good

    2. Bought a beautiful dress in the smallest size I've been for um, 20 years - when i Used to be super fit from karate

    3. I've succumbed to middle aged madness and organized a team to participate in a fund raising walk in April......and it's 100 kilometers (62 miles)!!!!! We have 36 hours max to complete it in, must all walk the full distance (includes walking through the night) and is through forests, farms etc in a beautiful lake district here in New Zealand. I've heard its a real killer but amazing, so will have a big training schedule. Took me a whole couple of hours to get a team together: my sister, husband and a girlfriend. I was surprised how keen (possibly stupid) everyone was!!!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Joanne and Beeps, thanks for your encouragement! I know you're right, and 99% of the time, I'm in the right place. It's that 1% that has always in the past been my "out". I'm really glad I"m doing this with all of you, it keeps me honest and focuses!

    J, I would LOVE to hear about your experiences with Insanity. My husband has just started the program, dropped off for a bit, but I think is back at it again - asking about it seems to be nagging to him.

    Lozze, I'm envious! I would love to find a gym nearby that actually had real weights and encouraged heavy lifting. Glad you're enjoying yours. I have to say that I didn't find the 15 reps so bad, but I think that was because I was so out of shape, I really wanted to work hard! But as Beeps says, that decreases soon enough!

    Jo! I'm so happy for your spectacular NSVs!! I have to buy a dress for my niece's wedding in October. I'm waiting, will shop after vacation. Hope I follow in your footsteps!!! And way to go on committing to that fundraising walk! If I was over the pond near you, I'd come walk with you all!!! Be sure to let me know your info so I can support you!

    DL - I felt exactly like that last night after I lifted! OMG even in the air conditioning it was oppressive! I couldn't move! But good news on deadlifts I did both sets at 110 and did 10 reps, tho the last one was a true killer - and I slammed the form, evidenced by my sore butt today. I'm still not very happy with my shoulder presses. I just can't get past 21 dbs and usually have to drop the weight after the first set. Same with lunges. My ankle, while completely healed, still is unstable and those split leg sets just kill me!! Still I'm happy with the workout in general and I"m looking forward to Stage 2!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Joanne and Beeps, thanks for your encouragement! I know you're right, and 99% of the time, I'm in the right place. It's that 1% that has always in the past been my "out". I'm really glad I"m doing this with all of you, it keeps me honest and focuses!

    J, I would LOVE to hear about your experiences with Insanity. My husband has just started the program, dropped off for a bit, but I think is back at it again - asking about it seems to be nagging to him.

    Lozze, I'm envious! I would love to find a gym nearby that actually had real weights and encouraged heavy lifting. Glad you're enjoying yours. I have to say that I didn't find the 15 reps so bad, but I think that was because I was so out of shape, I really wanted to work hard! But as Beeps says, that decreases soon enough!

    Jo! I'm so happy for your spectacular NSVs!! I have to buy a dress for my niece's wedding in October. I'm waiting, will shop after vacation. Hope I follow in your footsteps!!! And way to go on committing to that fundraising walk! If I was over the pond near you, I'd come walk with you all!!! Be sure to let me know your info so I can support you!

    DL - I felt exactly like that last night after I lifted! OMG even in the air conditioning it was oppressive! I couldn't move! But good news on deadlifts I did both sets at 110 and did 10 reps, tho the last one was a true killer - and I slammed the form, evidenced by my sore butt today. I'm still not very happy with my shoulder presses. I just can't get past 21 dbs and usually have to drop the weight after the first set. Same with lunges. My ankle, while completely healed, still is unstable and those split leg sets just kill me!! Still I'm happy with the workout in general and I"m looking forward to Stage 2!

    Your husband is doing it?!?! Yall are some badas/ses! I would love to hear what he thinks about it (tell him some hot blonde wants to know and it won't be so nagging ;0).
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sue! you are deadlifting 110 already! You are awesome. I didn't deadlift that much until the last stages (proves how I was slacking and you aren't!) GREAT JOB!

    JNH, you are one hot blonde :wink:
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Sue! you are deadlifting 110 already! You are awesome. I didn't deadlift that much until the last stages (proves how I was slacking and you aren't!) GREAT JOB!

    JNH, you are one hot blonde :wink:

    Awe :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I have never deadlifted 110 lbs. And, I'm 5'9" tall! Sooooooooo, there ya go!
  • questiontheanswers
    I’ve been peeking at this thread for a while and thought I’d finally pop in and say hello. I will be doing S1 A3 tomorrow. I am only two weeks in, but I am really loving this program. And it is so exciting to see all the progress you ladies are experiencing!

    Jojojo – that walk sounds AMAZING! What a great (and challenging) experience that will be.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all!
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    I’ve been peeking at this thread for a while and thought I’d finally pop in and say hello. I will be doing S1 A3 tomorrow. I am only two weeks in, but I am really loving this program. And it is so exciting to see all the progress you ladies are experiencing!

    Jojojo – that walk sounds AMAZING! What a great (and challenging) experience that will be.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all!

    Welcome to the thread!! It's a great programme isn't it?

    I'm getting past the totally scared stage about the walk and getting very excited, I would never have contemplated doing this before joining MFP and being inspired by the women I've met through the site :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Goodness, I can't keep up with this thread.
    JO, I think that's amazing! I cannot imagine that kind of walk, but what a goal! We're rooting for you!
    Welcome, QTA. Hope you continue to love the program! I'm starting Stage 3 next week and I still think its great.
    Sue, 110 is awesome. So excited for you!

    I'm on a rest week between S2 and S3. I did some HIIT on Tuesday and threw in a bit of the BWM from Stage 3 afterwards to see what it was like. HOLY COW! I can't really even do a jumping lunge. How can I actually do all that? Did any of you do it before the weight sets? It seems like it would be a good warm up. I can't imagine doing it AFTER weights. I. Might. Die.

    Beeps, I'm glad you're liking NROL4Abs. I'll probably go to that after NROL4W.
  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    I'm still going strong!! I am half way through Stage 1. I'm loving this program and completely excited for Stage 2.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    welcome , question. Hop right on in the convo.

    Awesome, Digby. I enjoyed stage 2.

    I am still sore 48 hours after my workout! I guess that's what I get for not working out 12 days in a row. Getting up and down is such a chore I'd rather stay up.

    Only 2 more workouts of this program :bigsmile:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jojo - Great NSV and I'm truly inspired by your enthusiasm for walking that race!! Good luck!

    Sue - Awesome job on the deadlifts. You are progressing fast!

    Mary - I'm afraid I'm going to be that sore when I get back to lifting!

    I haven't done anything since last Monday. I'm still just so tired and unmotivated. I still have a cough as well and can feel it in my lungs. I'm going to possibly walk at lunch today just to get some movement, but hubby is talking about coming out to lunch, so will have to see what he decides.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    The knowledge that DOMS is TERRIBLE, when you have to "get back" into lifting, is ENOUGH for me to KEEP LIFTING, lol.

    You can always "ease" back into it, jennie - back off the weights. Back off the reps. Back off the sets. Just keep your form proper and let the rest of it take care of itself.

    manic - my goodness, you really *are* close to the end! Congrats! I hope you have that camera lined up to take your "after" pictures....proudly put them side-by-side your "before" pictures and VIVE LA DIFFERENCE!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, I don't feel as if anything has changed. My clothes still fit the same. I still have the same fatty thighs, butt, and saddlebags.

    Who ever said "exercise" makes you feel better..... LIED! I hurt every day and am absolutely wore out when I am finished.

    One more to go
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps I so agree! There's quitter in me who keeps trying to convince me that it's ok not to lift 3x/wk. But I remember just how sore I was starting out and I don't want to feel that sore again!! Oh My Gawd!!!

    Mary, congrats!! On getting out and lifitng again, and on nearly being done with NROL4W! You can do it! I'm feeling the same as you. After an initial big change, I'm not seeing much more physically. I hope measurements really are different, but my thighs and belly still are pretty jiggly. I carry ALL my weight below my navel, except for the bat wings, which actually do seem to have improved some.

    Jennie, I think you should get well before you try lifiting again. Your body needs to heal.

    Digby, I'm excited to start Stage 2 also! As much as I'm looking forward to vacation, the thought of not doing anything for 2 whole weeks is frightening actually!!

    Welcome question!

    Tonight - 8A Yippee... squats!! I love squats!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Hey NROL4W'ers :) I...am...back...!! Woop Woop!!

    I have read the last few pages of this thread but of course don't remember anything I was going to type. Just wanted to say hi!!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Today I feel like I did when I started the program--completely exhausted by the end of a lifting day. I could get in bed and fall asleep right now (it's 7:42 here)! I've also been STARVING for all no-no foods, like chocolate and cheese. And I've indulged. But tried to force myself to log and to stay under cals. I'm annoyed with myself for having so little willpower though...I'm just hoping when TOM finally heads out the door (and it's been a doozy this month for some reason) I'll regain my diet composure. Argggh.

    Mary, I feel like you do....frustrated with the lack of fat loss. Of course, I know that fat loss isn't what the program's all about, I get that (and I do have muscle gains, definition, etc.). But it's still mystifying to me how eating at a deficit for months and months hasn't helped me lose this fat. Generally speaking (don't look at my diary today) I eat carefully, and still NOTHING. Maybe this is it.