Daily Chat Thread



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I just did workout B of NRoLFA. If I thought side planks were hard, side planks with elevated feet are of the debil. No lie. It was a good workout though. I'm liking this program.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    ruh-roh....I'm supposed to do workout B of NROL4Abs today (or tomorrow). I'm TERRIFIED, right now!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm baaaaaack! No electricity for 14 hours overnight. we still are getting plenty of rain.

    No workout again today. Everything in this little podunk town is closed.

    I miss "chatting" with yall and hopefully I can get back in the swing of things in the next few days. BUT I go on vacation 09/09.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Phew, glad it was only no 'lectric, Mary! Hope everything else stays ok!

    Ste I would come help you move if we were closeby. What a handful! Teething baby :cry: and no help!

    TFB you are incredible!! And Jessica, those planks sound DAUNTING!!

    Jo, hoping your back is continuing to improve! I sure wish I had a cheap convenient pool nearby. I would love to do some water exercises!!!

    So I did my continued S1B workout last night. UGH!!! I had no strength at all it seemed. I had to go down in weight in every-freaking-thing except deadlifts. Actually I deadlifted 110 but only for a few reps - better than I'd hoped. But I went down 5 on all the others. I just had nothing to give to them! How totally frustrating. I'm sure it's because I didn't have enough food generally yesterday and certainly because I didn't have enough protein until AFTER the workout. I won't do that again. At the very least I'll do a protein shot when I leave the office if I'm going to workout after I get home.

    I'm about ready to be done with Stage 1, We go away on the 15th so I'm going to do 1 more S1A and B and then AMRAPS. I'll start S2 when I get home - 2 whole weeks later which scares the crap outta me honestly!
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Wow...take a few days off and this thread explodes!

    Manic: I'm glad to hear you're surviving the storm.

    Jessica and Beeps: you keep scaring me with the NROL4abs talk. I was thinking about doing it after this. But elevated side planks? How is that even possible???

    Sue: Good on you for choosing peace. I probably would have thrown a tantrum.

    FunBun: I'm watching you for inspiration. I was supposed to start S4 yesterday. But my protein intake hasn't been up to snuff and I just don't feel like I'd get a quality workout in. That said, I cycled 160km over the weekend. So I'm trying to cut myself a little slack, as my legs are still a bit heavy.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I had a GREAT workout on Monday........then woke up feeling awful on Tuesday. I was sore, but not really a DOMS sore, a flu kind of achy sore. The yesterday, I started getting a sore throat....uuugggghhhh!!!! I can go years without getting sick, then one year it seems like I"m sick all the time.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Hello! I actually just joined today and looking forward to starting the program. I have been reading this part of the thread and I love seeing the progress and how everyone is moving along, etc. I can not wait to start. I should be picking up the NROLFW this next Thursday (belated birthday present). I admit reading what some of the lifts and such are - I am scared, but I am ready to take on the challenge.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome, 1sxy! You'll love getting stronger. don't focus on scales.

    Jennie, sorry :cry: hope you are better soon.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Don't be scared of NROL4Abs....I think it's going to be an AWESOME program! Truly.....

    I did my first "B" work-out, Phase One, of NROL4Abs. I was a bit time-crunched, I'll say that.

    1. I breezed through the "dynamic stretch" portion....didn't even bat an eye and just did one exercise after the other. Fine.

    2. I started with the "static hold" - I only did 1 set....didn't realize I was supposed to do "2" - oops! And, heck, with only 12.5 lb on the pulley, it was enough. Made me feel "weak", but, at least this way I can ONLY get stronger, lol!

    3. Then I moved onto "elevated side planks". Again, wrong order - I was supposed to do "front planks" first. Oops, again! I saw "10 sets of 10 seconds" and I thought, just switching from side-to-side would eat up TOO MUCH TIME. So, I decided to do 20 sec holds, instead. On the 3rd set, feeling fatigued, I actually LOOKED at the book and saw it was supposed to be "front planks, 10 sets, 10 seconds each set." The side planks were only "5 sets, 10 seconds each". Well, hell, I'd just done 60 seconds (each side), so, I thought, "DONE".

    4. Decided to do full-arm elevated front planks. And, did 5 sets of 20 seconds each to save on the time. My shoulders were REALLY feeling these at the end.

    5. Enough about the abs....although, without a doubt, that *is* the focus of these routines!! Got into the heavy-lifting and LOVED IT. As in UBER-LOVED IT!

    6. I really like the "single-lifts" - don't know why, but maybe it just feels a bit better moving only one side of my body at a time. So, breezed through the single leg DB romainian lifts...probably should have used more weight, but I couldn't remember what I used in NROL4W. I'll move up next time. Then onto the one-at-a-time-shoulder-DB-press. Again, LOVED this. These exercises alternate.

    7. Then onto alternating between the "overhead squat" and push-ups. So, I was HAPPY to see there are push-ups in EVERY SINGLE A and B work-out in Phase One!! I am GOING to get my push-ups down to the ground this phase, I just FEEL IT!! So, that's exciting. (PS - I'm far away, again, right now. At 12 reps, I have to put the smith machine bar on the 6th rung from the bottom....so, I've got LOTS of room for improvement on my push-ups!) And, the "overhead squat", I wasn't sure about the weight, so I used a really light bar. Good enough! I strapped a stretchy band around the tops of my knees, to keep my left-hip from swinging out, and I went DOWN DEEP BABY. I'll go up in this weight next time, too.

    I LOVE NROL4ABS..........................
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Great info, thanks Beeps. Did you start a new thread for abs? I haven't looked on the main page in a while.

    I did 6B4 last night. I have a bruise on my shoulder because I was a bad girl and rested the DB there during the reverse lunges. :blushing: Didn't help that the air was out at my gym last night. I was there when the Wednesday Zumba class started and was thinking about staying, but there was no way without air and after lifting without air.

    Spent all day at school setting up my new classroom and accomplished nothing. May have to go back tomorrow and I get to spend all day Saturday at a wake/funeral. Fun Labor Day weekend. Needless to say I'm already exhausted.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks for the input ladies.
    Beeps: I think aqua fitness after the workout could be great. I might see if that works with my schedule!
    DAisy I tried to answer some of your questions in the stage 1 thread. It's fine to ask here, we'll be more than happy to hp in any way possible, but if we answer there everyone in stage one can benefit from the answers. Not everybody comes over here to chat with us. lol Oh and my cousin does aqua fit on her lifting days and has been having great success with it. I always say do what you find fun, so you want to keep doing it.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Whoa! Abs sounds so goooood. I read it, but I only did a cursory glance at the workouts, and it was before I did NROL4W. Beeps, I am pumped to have it in my potential plans list.. though I'll admit I am frightened of having abs that are even remotely built.

    Holymoly, Joanne, I cannot imagine that much cycling! You must have to eat constantly! I want to eat just thinking about that much activity!

    Jennie, I hope you feel better soon. I hate the "incoming illness" feeling. I also go long stretches without being sick and then I catch everything and it's mother. :/

    Sam, good on you for even staying in the gym with no A/C. I think I would have left right then! I -especially- can't imagine anyone doing zumba without A/C!!

    I'm SO SORE from the last workout.. I really do need to step up my nutrition so I'm not always so sore. The coconut water helps, but I know it's my pissy protein count. I did get my vibrams today, so CAN'T WAIT to not have to take off my shoes for everything leg! Squat day, tomorrow too! Yaaaaaaay!
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    I'm SO SORE from the last workout.. I really do need to step up my nutrition so I'm not always so sore. The coconut water helps, but I know it's my pissy protein count. I did get my vibrams today, so CAN'T WAIT to not have to take off my shoes for everything leg! Squat day, tomorrow too! Yaaaaaaay!

    Good luck with your vibrams. If I can caution one thing, it is: start slow. What I'm reading these days is to seriously ease into it to avoid injury. My understanding is that they're great (once your body is used to them). But if you rush into full mileage, stress fractures are very common. I was reading an awesome article on the Runner's World website a few weeks ago. It gave some guidelines for how to incorporate vibrams into your world. Just go to the website and type "barefoot" into the search box. There is a huge library of info available. And let me know how it goes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hey samntha - nope, I haven't checked for a NROL4Abs thread....there probably is one. But, I'm happy to just post here - I don't need any more mfp "topics" to report to, lol!

    (having said that, if someone else is over at a NROL4Abs group, you can probably twist my rubber arm to join.)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I'm thinking Samantha was talking about just starting a different thread in this group for Abs - just like the ones we have for all the stages of NROLW

    Finally starting to feel better - just in time to go camping this weekend. HOpefully a few more days of rest will help and I can get back to lifting next week. The kids also start school next week and hubby starts coaching football, hoping that won't add to my stress with homework and soccer schedules and such.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    This is for all you ladies talking about planks!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jennie, thanks. I really didn't think I looked that bad. :bigsmile:

    Sun is out today but I have zero motivation to head to the gym. Maybe tomorrow.......
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    There is a thread on the fitness forum started by a woman asking about NROL4W. One of the respondents told her you can't A2G at heavier weights. This is the 2nd time I've seen her say something similar when responding about squats. I responded with something like ...just because someone says they can't A2G at heavier weights doesn't mean you can't nor does it mean you shouldn't try.. Make sure you get your form down pat first.

    Why do people do that!!!!

    It's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend here in NJ this weekend and I have a bunch of stuff going on. I'm planning to do S1A tomorrow before I get out of the house.

    Hope you Abs ladies will continue here too!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    This is for all you ladies talking about planks!



    I would settle for a happy medium between the 2 pictures. :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    lol, I've never ever, ever, ever THOUGHT I looked like top model on planks.....but, I also don't think I have a tail, so I'm not as bad as the elephant pose, either.
