Daily Chat Thread



  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Early Labor Day wishes to everyone--I won't be around much until after the weekend. See you then (I'll be starting S6 on Labor Day itself, woo hoo!)
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi all, I'm nursing a pulled muscle in my back so not very happy or mobile - am walking (carefully) each night though so I dont seize up.

    Ironically didn't do it exercising but while drying off my car after washing it. Damned sore! Am taking lots of Panadol and using an anti-imflammatory gel. I sooo want to do a lifting session or even have a run but suspect that would be downright silly, not to mention painful.

    Ah well, will have to wait it out. Might do some arm work though while lying on the bench, so my(lower) back doesn't have any pressure on it.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    JoJo, I hope you recover quickly...that's no fun at all.

    Okay, one last thing before I go away for the long weekend... Got my NROL4Abs book yesterday, and skimmed most of it last night. My first thought is that the principles/philosphy makes a lot of sense and that the mobility work alone would be great for me (I've lost a ton of flexibility in my hips since starting NR). Second thought, it looks hard as hell, and all the balance/TRX-thingy positions look miserable. Still...I think I'll give it a go after I'm finished with NR. The simplicity of a 5x5 or 3x5 program is really appealing, but I have a feeling something like the Abs program would be more effective for me since I'm not really looking for massive muscle growth or strength gains but tightness and flexibility. Looking forward to peeking over your shoulder Beeps (and JNH? I can't remember who else started this week) as you get going.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Yes, happy Labour Day to all! My kids start school the day after....

    Jojo, sorry about the injury - but I like your idea of trying to stabilize your back while performing other exercises. It might be worth using some "weight machines" which can also help you even do lower-body work while stabilizing your back.

    dande - I'm not even going to TRY the TRX-thingy, even though my gym is set up with it. I just think there's PLENTY of other "alternatives", in the book....I don't have to KILL myself doing this program - I have to KILL the work-out, itself!

    I have a mediation, at lunch, so won't get my work-out in, as planned, at that time. I'm hoping I can sneak out of the office after the mediation is over and give the Phase One B-work-out a try. Jessica, how did you find it?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    jojo, feel better.
    jesz, I think we all felt a little intimidated the first time we used the rack, now I want to use it for everything lol. I am the only woman in my gym on the thing. Even the ripped women I see from time to time don't really use the rack, though everybody uses the dumbbells.

    Doing 6B4 tonight...if my husband ever gets home at a reasonable hour. Cyclocross practice starts tonight, sigh. My last stage 6 workout will be on Labor day. Then I'm taking the first week back to school off. I'll just have WAY to much work today. Them I will bang out stage 7 so I can join the ladies in NROL4abs.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I finally made it back to the gym and got properly started. I do have quite a few questions now though. I posted in the Stage 1 thread but had no replies yet. I understand of course that it is a lot I have asked but I am wondering if it would be ok to post it again here to get your input on it?

    Thank you!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Daisy, I added my responses to you on the Stage 1 thread. My experiences and interpretations only, I would love to see what others had to say too!

    Well, I didn't workout last night. I got home and found hubby had his woodshop all torn up and encroaching on my lifting area. He was rearranging, and although I could have insisted he move the stuff, I opted for peace and harmony and said I'd do it this morning. Hah... well I snoozed a few too many times and didn't leave myself enough time to do a good workout. I will tonight!

    I love hearing about the Abs workouts and your take on them! I'm no where near making any decisions about what's next and keeping my focus on the here and now! Still I like knowing what's available etc.

    Jo, I hope you heal quickly! I think your idea of keeping mobile while keeping your back stabilized sounds good but you know I'm not a doc or a trainer and actually not at all experienced enough to offer advice. How ironic that it was just a car wash that hurt you!

    Dandelion, I notice that my knees are creaky and less flexible since doing the program. I warm up well before I actually start lifting because of that.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Daisy, I added my responses to you on the Stage 1 thread. My experiences and interpretations only, I would love to see what others had to say too!

    Thank you very much for your help!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hi ladies

    As you might know I am about to join another gym and I just looked at the classes that they offer. One is Feldenkrais I have read good things about it but would love to here any personal experiences. I have read someone that one of the authors of NROL used it too and spoke highly of it.

    And the other one is aqua fitness. I have done over 10 years ago and I really enjoyed it. I was wondering if it would be ok to do on the days in between the lifting? I know you're meant to rest the muscles but I thought it is not that intense. What do you think?

    What kind of exercises if any do you do on the non lifting days...particularly in stage 1?
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Daisy, I walk/run the 4 days between. The cardio works well for me and as I am prone to arthritis in one hip it's the best thing to keep it at ay.

    Aqua acerbic are great fun, and an excellent workout!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    We have electricity at the moment. I went to KY for dr appts. Mallory and I continue to see our original doctors. So we make the trip about every 3-5 months.

    I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday. YUCK. I feel gross. Everything is closed around here so the gym is out today and probably tomorrow. Yall keep trucking and I'll join the bandwagon when the weather clears.

    OH, I guess some of yall don't know I live 90 miles North of New Orleans so Hurricane Issac is at our doorstep.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Daisy, I think aqua aerobics would be a fun way to break up weight lifting days :) As long as you feel fine and like you are not overdoing it, why not? I don't always work out on off days, but when I do it's usually a walk.

    Ugh, I'm missing a work out for the first time. I got a call today from a floor guy that my landlord scheduled to rip up our carpets and replace it with laminate flooring. They are coming tomorrow at 8 am. That's awesome, my husband is out of town and I'm alone with my 8 month old (well she's 8 months tomorrow), and I get to move all this stuff on my own.

    Normally I work out during her naps, but today her nap time is the only time I have to move everything so they can rip out the carpets at 8 am tomorrow.

    It's also going to take them two days, and I'm not sure how she's going to nap with them working or how I'm going to get any time to work out.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Beeps-- Wednesday's are my long day at school, so no workout today. I'll be on a Mon or Tues/ Thurs/ Sat schedule. Three days is the goal, anyway. I don't know what I'll do when I start my other class in October. It's Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I guess I'll have to suck it up and learn to deal with afternoon workouts. :- /

    Mary-- stay safe!

    Speaking of machines... I've been thinking about implementing them in my workouts more. The physical trainer had me doing the leg press in place of weighted squats, and I kinda liked it. Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying goodbye to all squats. But since I'm having so much trouble with weighted back squats, deadlifts/RDL due to my back, I'm thinking it might be a good way to keep adding strength to my lower half.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Daisy - I think aqua-work-outs would be just fine on your non-lifting days. Even on lifting days, if done AFTER lifting, it might feel good to stretch muscles that way.

    manic!! Hurricane Isaac!!!!! Good grief....I hope you stay safe and that all returns to normal a.s.a.p.

    sue - I like that you voted for "harmony".....you are WISE.

    SteAnn - I introduced "white noise" into my babies' lives VERY EARLY. We lived in the middle of our house, still under construction, for about 3 months. So, I put fans in their rooms so that the "hum" was just ever-present, and they napped while the basement had jackhammering going on!! My kids are now 9 (almost 10) and 11 and they STILL sleep with fans in their rooms. (As do I.) Makes traveling a breeze - bring fan and wherever we are sleeping "sounds like hom".

    Jessica - I think if you are doing one-legged leg press, then it makes sense to add it to the program (I added these to NROL4W for awhile). I do not think I would totally use it as a replacement for back squats, though. It's OKAY that you are stalled out in your back squat progress.....all your tiny muscles (and big ones!) are trying to figure it out, I promise. But, since "change" is always a good thing, I think do one-legged leg press, try front squats or goblet squats or others, and then go BACK to the back squats and see how it goes. (PS - I'm stalled out in my back squats, too.....can you TELL????)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Thanks for the input ladies.
    Beeps: I think aqua fitness after the workout could be great. I might see if that works with my schedule!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    SteAnn - I introduced "white noise" into my babies' lives VERY EARLY. We lived in the middle of our house, still under construction, for about 3 months. So, I put fans in their rooms so that the "hum" was just ever-present, and they napped while the basement had jackhammering going on!! My kids are now 9 (almost 10) and 11 and they STILL sleep with fans in their rooms. (As do I.) Makes traveling a breeze - bring fan and wherever we are sleeping "sounds like hom".

    She used to be really good with noises, especially since slept in a bassinet next to our bed for the first five months. We would watch TV in bed after she had fallen asleep so she was used to it. Ever since moving to the crib she isn't as good. Sometimes the Sleep Sheep helps, it plays ocean, rain, forest, and river noises. I think I'll be relying on that tomorrow. It helped me get her to nap during a thunderstorm that was shaking our house a week ago, haha.

    It's just a been a bit harder lately since she has gotten 8 teeth already and is still teething. No amount of amber teething necklaces, orajel, or anything seems to make it better for her. She's been getting me up often at night again because she is in pain.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    :cry: at little babies in pain....
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Yeah, it's not fun :frown: When the first tooth came in she screamed for an hour and a half straight and I thought something was seriouslly wrong with her. She's gotten 5 this month alone!

    Hopefully she is feeling better soon though, and we can get back to our routine. With a husband that works out of town my lifting time is my de-stress time, my 'me' time.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Yeah, it's not fun :frown: When the first tooth came in she screamed for an hour and a half straight and I thought something was seriouslly wrong with her. She's gotten 5 this month alone!

    Hopefully she is feeling better soon though, and we can get back to our routine. With a husband that works out of town my lifting time is my de-stress time, my 'me' time.

    Poor baby. :cry:

    ^^ the real baby. Not calling you a baby. :tongue:
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I went BALLS TO THE WALL today. :)
    Still pumped from my extreme workout. I stayed moving in between sets cardio-style, doing body weight squats, etc...

    pumped out a beautiful (modified) version of stage 4b - I'm still having bent knee issues, so I did single leg RDLs and step ups for the lunge and bulgarian split squat. I AM SO PUMPED. I even did 4-5 sets of each because I was so high energy.

    Poor teethin' baby! I hope you guys feel better, Ste!