Daily Chat Thread



  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Thanks for all the advice ladies. Did do a bit of extra stretching before lifting this morning. It's actually fine when I'm working out. Doesn't bother me at all but this afternoon it's really annoying me! I think a lot of it is because I feel so run down today though. I'm shattered. I've not slept very well 2 nights in a row and it's just hit me like a ton of bricks this afternoon. I'm having a chill out hour lying on my bed and then an early night hopefully will make me feel much brighter tomorrow.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    SteAnn - congrats on the lost inches!! So much better than a scale loss!!

    Sam - glad things have worked out! No more stress!

    Jesz - yes, be sure to stretch that muscle out a lot and make sure your form is perfect! Even if it doesn't hurt when lifting, your form could still be off.

    Jessica - Glad your first workout went well!! Must have been great to not have to modify too much.

    I am still sore from my S6A2 workout on Saturday. Those pauses on the push ups are rough!!! I was able to do 1 1/2 sets with a 4 second pause, then I did a 2 second pause for the last 1/2 set. I got to 15 seconds on the Negative chin ups and I cannot believe how much those work my abs - way more than push ups!!

    I survived the weekend, barely!!! I am so tired today and am hoping my workout won't suffer because of it.

    http://www.niashanks.com/2012/08/physique-psychology-diet-training-plans-useless-if-they-cant-be-followed/ This is an awesome article on the mental aspect of changing your diet and training.

    Also, the Strong is the New Skinny website is having a sale - 15% off all their stuff is anyone is interested. I posted the link a few days back or you can just do a google search.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hey guys...so I'm cheating on NROL4W for a while and started Insanity today (but still plan on crashing this partay). Just did the first day (fit test) and even THAT was the hardest thing ever. It was like the body weight matrix for 25 minutes straight. I do think the BWM helped quite a bit.

    I'm feeling MUCH better these past few days. Still have no idea what was wrong with me but it was scary. I'm serious, I went from having a flat stomach to literally looking 4 months pregnant. My husband FREAKED out when I showed him my belly and got on the computer for an hour reseaching my symptoms. I feel normal (and the swelling is gone) but I'm still worried since I have no idea what was up. I'm waiting on some cultures from my dr and going to get an ultrasound of my ovaries tomorrow. Anyone ever had an ovarian cyst (or had it rupture)? I haven't but I'm thinking that may be what it was......
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Okay... I finished the first workout. That was a lot tougher than I thought it would be! I did end up swapping the last set of RDLs for glute bridges. Someone in my back just didn't feel right, so I didn't keep pushing it. :-/

    Otherwise, I liked it. And I'm sweaty and shaky. I need some protein now.

    What did you think, Beeps?

    Can't wait to keep reading on your and beeps's thoughts on it!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    As tomorrow is a rest day I usually just go and do a bit of cardio at the gym. Old habits die hard :-) was just wondering what everyone else does on the days between workouts? Do you just take it easy or do you use it as a chance to burn some extra calories?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    As tomorrow is a rest day I usually just go and do a bit of cardio at the gym. Old habits die hard :-) was just wondering what everyone else does on the days between workouts? Do you just take it easy or do you use it as a chance to burn some extra calories?

    I generally do some walking, nothing too heavy on the cardio, but I like to be moving.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hmmmmmm, jnh, I'm really glad to read you've been to your doctor. What you describe certainly isn't "normal" and I'm glad you are looking after it.

    PS - I'm cool with WHATEVER work-out you are doing.....just keep DOING it and it's all good!

    Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in describing NROL4Abs as, well, challenging. I didn't find the "moves" particularly challenging, but, here's my take on Work-out A, Phase One. (i.e. Day 1....):

    1. Starting off with all that "dynamic stretching" confuses me, actually. There is SO much literature out there that says "stretching BEFORE working out doesn't do a damn thing". Stretching AFTER working out is key for muscle repair and to stave off soreness. But, before??? I dunno. Anyways, I did it. And, it really didn't take me very long. Most of the moves are only 10 repeats (as in "jump back-and-forth 10 times")....again, so *why* is this so important????

    2. Moving RIGHT into abs feels, well, it feel WRONG. I did it. And, it was HARD. But, usually I'm towelling off after my abs, stretching and going back to work. So, having to get up OFF THE FLOOR, after abs, and START my heavy-lifting was, ummmm, really HARD. Really challenging. My mental game was seriously OFF.

    3. I managed only 75 second planks. Wtf?? And, we are talking ordinary, nothing special, planks. Ugh. I've regressed SO MUCH THIS SUMMER!! And, the side planks?? Well, I did manage 30 seconds and I did put my arm in the air, so that I didn't feel like "Betty Beginner". Again, ugh....

    4. I *really* liked the order of events after the abs. Lunges with the step IN FRONT!! (How unique!) Inverted rows!! (My, oh, my, doing it with body stretched out is H-A-R-D.) Deadlifts!! (Yes, had to go DOWN in weight....those 12 reps, they are K-I-L-L-E-R.) And push-ups. Did you notice how the arms are out to the SIDE??? Harumph. Just when I was getting better at having them all tucked in at my ribs. Anyway, with 12 reps on the push-ups, I was HURTING.

    5. My TRICEPS ARE SCREAMING AT ME!!! Now, THAT is something I have NEVER said about NROL, before. Usually it's my quads or some other lower-body part. Today, it is my triceps. They hurt.

    I'll give my first B work-out, Phase One, a try on Wednesday!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hmmmmmm, jnh, I'm really glad to read you've been to your doctor. What you describe certainly isn't "normal" and I'm glad you are looking after it.

    PS - I'm cool with WHATEVER work-out you are doing.....just keep DOING it and it's all good!

    Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in describing NROL4Abs as, well, challenging. I didn't find the "moves" particularly challenging, but, here's my take on Work-out A, Phase One. (i.e. Day 1....):

    1. Starting off with all that "dynamic stretching" confuses me, actually. There is SO much literature out there that says "stretching BEFORE working out doesn't do a damn thing". Stretching AFTER working out is key for muscle repair and to stave off soreness. But, before??? I dunno. Anyways, I did it. And, it really didn't take me very long. Most of the moves are only 10 repeats (as in "jump back-and-forth 10 times")....again, so *why* is this so important????

    2. Moving RIGHT into abs feels, well, it feel WRONG. I did it. And, it was HARD. But, usually I'm towelling off after my abs, stretching and going back to work. So, having to get up OFF THE FLOOR, after abs, and START my heavy-lifting was, ummmm, really HARD. Really challenging. My mental game was seriously OFF.

    3. I managed only 75 second planks. Wtf?? And, we are talking ordinary, nothing special, planks. Ugh. I've regressed SO MUCH THIS SUMMER!! And, the side planks?? Well, I did manage 30 seconds and I did put my arm in the air, so that I didn't feel like "Betty Beginner". Again, ugh....

    4. I *really* liked the order of events after the abs. Lunges with the step IN FRONT!! (How unique!) Inverted rows!! (My, oh, my, doing it with body stretched out is H-A-R-D.) Deadlifts!! (Yes, had to go DOWN in weight....those 12 reps, they are K-I-L-L-E-R.) And push-ups. Did you notice how the arms are out to the SIDE??? Harumph. Just when I was getting better at having them all tucked in at my ribs. Anyway, with 12 reps on the push-ups, I was HURTING.

    5. My TRICEPS ARE SCREAMING AT ME!!! Now, THAT is something I have NEVER said about NROL, before. Usually it's my quads or some other lower-body part. Today, it is my triceps. They hurt.

    I'll give my first B work-out, Phase One, a try on Wednesday!

    Thanks for the summary beeps!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - thanks for the summary - that does seem backwards and I've always heard the same about stretching.

    I forgot to mention - Saturday we had a family BBQ. I got SSSSOOOO many compliments from my family on how fabulous I looked! It was wonderful. Sunday we had a soccer team BBQ and swim party, and although I wear a tankini and boy shorts, I still was comfortable around all the parents and kids to be able to get in the water with my 1 year old. I was the ONLY parent in a swimsuit and in the pool with the kids.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Hey guys...so I'm cheating on NROL4W for a while and started Insanity today (but still plan on crashing this partay). Just did the first day (fit test) and even THAT was the hardest thing ever. It was like the body weight matrix for 25 minutes straight. I do think the BWM helped quite a bit.

    I'm feeling MUCH better these past few days. Still have no idea what was wrong with me but it was scary. I'm serious, I went from having a flat stomach to literally looking 4 months pregnant. My husband FREAKED out when I showed him my belly and got on the computer for an hour reseaching my symptoms. I feel normal (and the swelling is gone) but I'm still worried since I have no idea what was up. I'm waiting on some cultures from my dr and going to get an ultrasound of my ovaries tomorrow. Anyone ever had an ovarian cyst (or had it rupture)? I haven't but I'm thinking that may be what it was......

    I believe with ruptures you would feel them, and cysts can be painful. Do you have pain along with the bloating?

    I thought I had a cyst because of pain in my ovary while TTC (not ovulatory), but nothing was found on the ultrasound and it got better after I got pregnant.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hey guys...so I'm cheating on NROL4W for a while and started Insanity today (but still plan on crashing this partay). Just did the first day (fit test) and even THAT was the hardest thing ever. It was like the body weight matrix for 25 minutes straight. I do think the BWM helped quite a bit.

    I'm feeling MUCH better these past few days. Still have no idea what was wrong with me but it was scary. I'm serious, I went from having a flat stomach to literally looking 4 months pregnant. My husband FREAKED out when I showed him my belly and got on the computer for an hour reseaching my symptoms. I feel normal (and the swelling is gone) but I'm still worried since I have no idea what was up. I'm waiting on some cultures from my dr and going to get an ultrasound of my ovaries tomorrow. Anyone ever had an ovarian cyst (or had it rupture)? I haven't but I'm thinking that may be what it was......

    I believe with ruptures you would feel them, and cysts can be painful. Do you have pain along with the bloating?

    I thought I had a cyst because of pain in my ovary while TTC (not ovulatory), but nothing was found on the ultrasound and it got better after I got pregnant.

    I have had a cyst rupture (more than 10 years ago) and it was so painful I couldn't walk and was doubled over. It did not make me bloat at all.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Beeps-- I don't know what it was that made it so challenging. Other than the side planks, the exercises weren't anything new or terribly difficult. I mean, they're tough, but not impossibly difficult. But all combined, the workout wore me out!

    I did like doing the abs before strength. I was actually able to hold my plank for the whole time for a change.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    hi everyone! home after a wonderful weekend in Maine! It was really a family weekend, 2 of my 4 sisters and I hung out Saturday and Sunday, then went to the surprise shower for my only niece. It was a complete success! She was completely surprised, and received some great gifts for her new home! I think I will need to buy here a little negligee however, since she didn't get a single one!

    I didn't do any lifting, but did lots of walking, and ran up the stairs at my sisters home most of the time. We helped set up and decorate the shower venue so I did some light lifting there. I'll workout tonight!

    Now to go read through the thread to see what I missed! Hope you all are well!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I finished week one today too with workout B. I saw a trainer pre workout to get advice in form etc. all is good so far. I'm only squatting 45 (the bar right now), next week I will add plates. He shows me deadlifts and his form has one hand over the bar and one hand under. Anyone else do this? I'm jumping up to 75lbs for the next workout.

    I do! It is much more stable doing it this way. I hold under with my right hand which is my weaker grip. I do much better this way!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    hi everyone! home after a wonderful weekend in Maine! It was really a family weekend, 2 of my 4 sisters and I hung out Saturday and Sunday, then went to the surprise shower for my only niece. It was a complete success! She was completely surprised, and received some great gifts for her new home! I think I will need to buy here a little negligee however, since she didn't get a single one!

    I didn't do any lifting, but did lots of walking, and ran up the stairs at my sisters home most of the time. We helped set up and decorate the shower venue so I did some light lifting there. I'll workout tonight!

    Now to go read through the thread to see what I missed! Hope you all are well!

    I bet it was beautiful!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I finished week one today too with workout B. I saw a trainer pre workout to get advice in form etc. all is good so far. I'm only squatting 45 (the bar right now), next week I will add plates. He shows me deadlifts and his form has one hand over the bar and one hand under. Anyone else do this? I'm jumping up to 75lbs for the next workout.

    I do! It is much more stable doing it this way. I hold under with my right hand which is my weaker grip. I do much better this way!
    I also use a switch grip. Allows me to go much heavier.
    JNH, I hope you figure out what's wrong sooner than later. If you do have a cyst, you really don't want it to rupture.
    Beeps & Jessica thanks for the info on abs.
    Sue glad you had a great weekend.
    Summer is wrapping up around here and we are stranded at home :( TIme to get back to my regular workout schedule. Funny enough I didn't swim at the gym not once all Summer.
  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    Good too know that this is a standard grip!

    I'm heading to the gym after work to do my first set of squats with actual weights on the bar. Nervous for some reason. My plan is to do a 8 rep warmup set with just the bar, then add two 10lb plates and give it a whirl.

    I'm already noticing a change in the back part of my arms and shoulders. This is awesome.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hello ladies! Hope you are all well. Tomorrow is the day I will finally have to use the squat rack! I can't put it off any longer or I think it will begin to limit my progress. Sounds really silly I know but I find it quite intimidating. I've used one previously but that was in a much quieter gym where I felt more comfortable. The one I go to now hardly ever has any girls in the weights section, and I have NEVER seen a female use the squat rack. Im not sure why that is, its not a male dominated gym, but hardly any girls lift there, well not so they would need to use the rack etc anyway. Ill be much happier when I've finished my workout tomorrow as I know I'll feel proud that I've done it and tried something new. I'm a bit of a creature of habit and I like routine so changing it is hard for me. God I'm such a big wuss!! All feel free to lol at me! :-) x
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OK... LOL

    Seriously tho I had that same issue though I don't workout in a gym, for the longest my bench was pushed up against the back wall and I couldn't use the squat rack. The first time I did, I was totally intimidated. Only that 1x tho. After that, I was glad to load it and use it instead of trying to do goblet squats or holding dbs at my shoulder. Form suffers so much without the rack /bb combo. Just wait, you'll love it! And I bet if you ask a trainer to give you a few form pointers, you'll be the golden child of the boys' side
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    OK... LOL

    Seriously tho I had that same issue though I don't workout in a gym, for the longest my bench was pushed up against the back wall and I couldn't use the squat rack. The first time I did, I was totally intimidated. Only that 1x tho. After that, I was glad to load it and use it instead of trying to do goblet squats or holding dbs at my shoulder. Form suffers so much without the rack /bb combo. Just wait, you'll love it! And I bet if you ask a trainer to give you a few form pointers, you'll be the golden child of the boys' side

    I don't like the boys side, it's smelly like the boys lol. Yeah I'll be fine next time I come to use it. I'm always slightly afraid that it will be left loaded with weights and i'll start unloading it and the bar will unbalance and fly through the air knocking out some poor unsuspecting smelly boy haha.