Daily Chat Thread



  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I don't workout to be skinny. I workout so I can eat and enjoy my life.

    ME TOO!!!! MMMMM..but I do need to crack down on my splurges. They aren't splurges if they happen everyday...yikes! I can't believe we have soooo many frozen yogurt stands in a 5 miles radias. We have a Sweet Frog w/in walking distance, a Crave about 5 minutes away (which isn't my fav so I normally skip them) BUT they had the NERVE to put a MENCHIE's in recently. Really?!?! It's a conspiracy against healthy eaters, LOL!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    To save my life, I can NOT eat enough protein. I am not a big meat eater and the whey shakes make me sick.

    I did not get to insanity workout today. It was a full day of shopping, eating Chinese for lunch :bigsmile: , and doctor appts for my girls. Yesterday was cardio recovery day. Don't let the name fool you. It was excruciating stretches , yoga moves, and DEEP squats.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG! DOMS!!! I have jello legs that don't want to sit down or stand up. I have triceps that are screaming!


    Me - 3
    NEP - 0
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hi SueBoo:flowerforyou: It seems like you have been in stage 1 forever. maybe you and I can start NROL4Abs together after the new Years.

    Work that soreness out with some stretching IF you don't fall in a quivering blob of jello. lol
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Who squatted 75lbs this am?? ME!!!!!!!!! This is amazing to me since just 3 weeks ago I was squatting the oly bar! Today was my first day of the 3 sets of 10, and man o man was i SWEATING! holy work out batman!

    I am REALLY trying to focus on NSVs since I haven't lost weight or inches yet (yes, i caved, i measured both)

    Last night was tough food wise. I met my friends for drinks at a CHOCOLATE BAR, yea that is a real thing. BUT I manged: not to have any alcohol, order some tuna tartare, and eat only 1/3 of my dessert - so not horrible (there was also some munching on risotto and fries, but it was limited).

    But great workout this am and all my food planned, so so far so good!

    have a great day and weekend everyone!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    What is NEP?

    Still lifting here. I'm on Stage one 4-b tomorrow (I believe). I love this program so far.

    Not Enough Protein. When we get enough protein in a day (whatever our goal is) we get a point. If we don't get enough protein in the day: NEP.

    Yesterday we sold some property and went out to Outback to celebrate. So yummy, but put me way over on calories. I had waaaay too much fat yesterday. Oh well.
    I went up to 155 on my DLs yesterday. One more A and B workout in Stage 4.

    Emegel, great job! 75lbs is awesome!
    Sue, hope the DOMS goes away quick!
    Mary, I wouldn't be able to get enough protein in if I didn't eat lots and lots of meat. Eggs too. I still struggle because I LOVE bread, pasta, and anything that's starchy. Keep trying!
    Sam, I totally agree! I look at the "skinny" women that I know who don't exercise and they all eat tiny amounts. I want to eat normal amounts and be healthy.

    Have a lovely day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Protein Challenge:

    Me: 11
    NEP: 7
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm going to get the gym, today. And lift.

    I will say this, the ONLY way, mentally, I am able to get through my work-outs, right now, is by giving myself permission to NOT have to hit PR's every single time. To sometimes just "stay the same". Otherwise, I think, mentally, this would be TOO TOUGH, right now, for me.

    Getting to the gym is the easy part (for me) - it's then having to get through the work-outs WITHOUT having to "knock it out of the park" every single time.

    There, that is my Friday confession.

    I admire ALL of you who are consistently going up in your weights and banging some HEAVY weights around. Alas, I am not....I am merely "holding the course".
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Morning y'all! Happy Friday!

    Hitting the gym today for squats, my very least favorite move, which means it's probably the best for me. NSV: Went down to a size 8 in yoga pants, yay! And I went for a slimmer cut than usual. I still feel a little self conscious but I'll get over it. I get nervous that when I squat or DL, you'll see through the fabric :blushing: Thank goodness for long tops I can pull over my big bum.

    Beeps: You sound like me. Don't be so hard on yourself (pot calling the kettle!). I don't think you can hit PRs every single time. You WILL progress. My husband sent me a quote that says "The only bad work out is the one you didn't do" I like that.

    Manic: The protein is hard. I eat meat and I still struggle to get enough. I'm trying to cut down on whey (like do a 1/2 scoop a day) and focus on whole foods, but man, it's tough. So I can understand how difficult it must be for you to hit those numbers!

    Emgel: Great job! It can be so difficult to choose wisely in restaurants that don't have many healthy options. Sounds like you made wise decisions, wtg! And yay on the squats! Which bar did you end up using?

    Cowgirl: I need to check your diary for protein suggestions! I'm trying to hit 160 and am constantly falling short. I feel like I'd have to spend all my calories on meat.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I am not even trying the protein challenge because I'm failing miserably. I shoot for 100g/day but lately am not even hitting that (it's my rest week, what can I say). So it's probably something like me: 1, NEP: 16 -- that's just if I ventured a guess.

    Emgel - congrats on your squats. And that chocloate bar sounds heavenly.

    Cowgirl - congrats on your sale. Re: Outback: meh, at least you enjoyed yourself. And who cares because you're a deadlifting machine!!

    Beeps - I'm right there with you on the PRs. With my knee issue, I kinda went up and down with weights for my squats and lunges. You have to do what you can handle. As long as I'm sweating and getting my heart rate up, I'm happy. Nothing wrong with "holding the course" as long as you are being challenged. For example, I just reached 90 lbs on my last set of deadlifts in Stage 1. I'm going to try and do those again for Stage 2, but may need to drop back; not sure how the addition of the box in Stage 2 will affect things.

    Megan - congrats on your NSV! One day I hope to see size 8s again.

    I'm not exercising today. AT ALL. Nah nah nah nah nah...
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    O right, I did two sets of squats with the oly bar and one with the smith machine. This was a REALLY good balance for me because I felt like I was able to work on my balance and core with the oly bar and then REALLY focus on my legs on the Smith Machine. I actually used the same amount of weight on both. So yay for that!

    Kmsairam - enjoy those rest days!! and def "hold the course" while you fix your injury!

    Beeps - same to you! You won't be able to keep going with the program at all if you ignore your injuries! just do what you can do and give urself mad kudos for doing anything!

    Megan - I just got new yoga pants too! but only because my old ones had holes....
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    ok..so I squatted 65 the first set and then 75 the second set. I think I could go up a little more though. next time. we'll see how I am feeling tomorrow.

    which brings me to my first question for you all...when do you add weight? how do you know it is time? I upped both my squat weight and my seated row weight for the second set. I was sweating a bit and breathing heavier. the rows were pretty tough by the end of the second set. I don't know. I just wonder how you all decide to move up.

    now I need to rant a bit if you don't mind...so normally I workout in the afternoons. on Fridays my twins are home with me so I have to go in the morning. which is a busier time in the weight area. this morning I was trying to walk/run the track and then walk through the weight area to stalk the squat racks. I knew I wanted to significantly up my weight so I needed to use the rack. one guy is using one and a gal is using the other. she is not actually using the rack but dead lifting in front of it. ok..no problem. I will wait. but then she takes a freaking phone call. and is gone for about 15 minutes. what is gym etiquette here? could I Have stepped over her DL bar and started squatting? I was so irritated. I start doing pushups/seated rows and then the guy moved off his rack so I used that one immediately. It just bugged me that she took a call and was gone so long tying up a piece of equipment.

    ok..back to your regularly scheduled day. thanks for all the inspiration to go up in weights combined with those of you listening to your bodies. I appreciate the examples and challenges.

    Kathy enjoy your rest!

    Sue I hope you are walking better soon...lol.

    Beeps let yourself heal. tough to do I know. I am coming off of a month long injury that about made me insane!

    yay for the PR breaking and new pants in smaller sizes too! all such great stuff!

    ok...got to eat lunch!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Cowgirl: I need to check your diary for protein suggestions! I'm trying to hit 160 and am constantly falling short. I feel like I'd have to spend all my calories on meat.

    My goal is 120 grams, so I know how difficult it is to hit 160. And if I remember correctly, you're eating fewer calories than me, which makes it even harder. Sometimes I feel like such a pig because I'll eat two servings of meat instead of just one at a meal. And the omelet that I eat for breakfast most mornings is shameful...

    Beeps, I know what you mean. But you've gone through this program- that's a huge accomplishment in itself. So you might not be hitting PRs every workout, but you've come a long way with your lifting.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Hey there, I think this is my first time posting in this thread *looks around frightened* Good for you all for getting so much protein, I consider it a good day if I get anywhere above 100 grams since I'm a vegetarian. On days where I have a protein shake 100 g is feasible.

    Question- How much does it matter to do the workouts in order? I'm at the tail end of Stage 1 and the squat rack at the gym isn't always free when I'm ready to do my squats after a quick warm up. I usually lengthen my warm up until it's free but this isn't always practical. I don't think it would matter much if I just went on to the pushups and did the squats when I could, but I am a little torn on this. What do you guys think?
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Hey there, I think this is my first time posting in this thread *looks around frightened* Good for you all for getting so much protein, I consider it a good day if I get anywhere above 100 grams since I'm a vegetarian. On days where I have a protein shake 100 g is feasible.

    Question- How much does it matter to do the workouts in order? I'm at the tail end of Stage 1 and the squat rack at the gym isn't always free when I'm ready to do my squats after a quick warm up. I usually lengthen my warm up until it's free but this isn't always practical. I don't think it would matter much if I just went on to the pushups and did the squats when I could, but I am a little torn on this. What do you guys think?

    this is what I have to do some days too. I did it today matter of fact. curious to see what others who have been doing it longer say...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I don't think it's a *big deal* what order you do the weights in - for Stage 1. For later stages, I *do* think you'll want to follow the order in the book, because you want to EXHAUST your BIG MUSCLE GROUPS first, before hitting those little ones.

    Hey, my *cut* is WORKING!

    I started 30 days ago - and I've lost ~7 lbs of PURE FAT. That's right - I keep lifting heavy and getting my work-outs in, but eating at a deficit (and doing some fasting, actually) has FINALLY pushed that scale in the RIGHT direction.

    Oh yeah....2012, you will be my *kitten*, yet!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I don't think it's a *big deal* what order you do the weights in - for Stage 1. For later stages, I *do* think you'll want to follow the order in the book, because you want to EXHAUST your BIG MUSCLE GROUPS first, before hitting those little ones.

    Hey, my *cut* is WORKING!

    I started 30 days ago - and I've lost ~7 lbs of PURE FAT. That's right - I keep lifting heavy and getting my work-outs in, but eating at a deficit (and doing some fasting, actually) has FINALLY pushed that scale in the RIGHT direction.

    Oh yeah....2012, you will be my *kitten*, yet!

    AWESOME NEWS! I bet you are thrilled!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143

    Question- How much does it matter to do the workouts in order? I'm at the tail end of Stage 1 and the squat rack at the gym isn't always free when I'm ready to do my squats after a quick warm up. I usually lengthen my warm up until it's free but this isn't always practical. I don't think it would matter much if I just went on to the pushups and did the squats when I could, but I am a little torn on this. What do you guys think?

    This happened to me today. I started with rows and pushups because they're upper body, then I snagged the squat rack. I don't do anything (like step ups or lunges) before squats and deads because I don't want to tax my legs before I hit them (especially with squats)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Oh, yes, gadenni, I am *thrilled*!!!!!!!!!!

    The first 8.5 months of 2012 were about building up my strength, my muscles. The last 3.5 months of 2012 are going to be about losing ALL THAT FAT to show off my (brand new) muscles!!

    I am SUPER-STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, yes, gadenni, I am *thrilled*!!!!!!!!!!

    The first 8.5 months of 2012 were about building up my strength, my muscles. The last 3.5 months of 2012 are going to be about losing ALL THAT FAT to show off my (brand new) muscles!!

    I am SUPER-STOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's so awesome!!!! And sounds like a great plan!