Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, that totally stinks! Don't let a bad weigh-in get you down. You are the first one to remind us that the scale is evil.

    Kms, good luck moving! Hope you love the new place.

    Samantha, what a burn! 700 cals is awesome.

    I haven't lifted since last thursday. I was hoping for a weight drop since I've been getting some short cardio intervals in and staying under on my calories (or at least under maintenance). But the scale is not my friend and I've apparently gained. Hopefully just water from too much fast/processed food.

    Me: 20
    I'm already counting today as NEP. I ate doughnuts for breakfast! Someone slap me.

    Those of you on the east coast, stay safe. Sounds like this could be a doozy.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    I should NEVER EVER have taken off so much time! These are really challenging. I did ok on the front squat, tho I had to go WAY down in weight. I couldn't even use the oly without sitting flat on my *kitten*. The gym has a modified smith machine, the bar is a rack but it also can come out of the guide and then is on a pull sort of thing. It lets you maintain form but is a little safer than totally free and the bar is 25 pounds instead of 45. I used that. My step ups are crap again, I'm really disappointed with myself. The trainer said it will come back quickly and not to worry but damn, I lost a lot of ground! And who ever thought a 1 pt db row was a good idea. Jeesh, I can't balance long enough to do 1!! I hope I will get better with that, so I can actually put some weight on! This one was my comic relief!

    Have any of you used the TRX system? I did pushups using that today. It's nice! Challenging!!. I like the cable horizontal woodchop. I could do that one well!! :laugh:

    Today was just a run through of all the exercises - basically, I did just 1 rep of everything. Still it took nearly an hour for me to accomplish it! Monday at 5 am, I am meeting with the trainer again and doing a full A workout.

    Megan yes I just started Stage 2 after more than a month off! I am really regretting it I tell you!

    The rest of today has been spent moving things around, getting provisions together like drinking water and gas for the cars and grill, making sure the sump pumps all are working right and blocking water access to our basement ahead of the predicted "frankenstorm" We live 40 miles west of NYC, if this storm hits our area like Irene did, we'll need all of this.

    Beeps, hun, you'll get it off! 1.7 is a big loss every week. Maybe too high? As CC reminds me, you are always the first one to say the scale is evil and not be guided by it. Yea you want to lose, and you will, just don't let an off week discourage you! Focus on the positive! A good workout is awesome!

    Sam how the heck does anyone zumba for 90 minutes!! you have such incredible stamina! ...and walk away from the chocolate girl!! CC sometimes you just gotta do it!

    I gained a pound too, but I'm back on the program and expect it come right off!

    Me = 11
    NEP = 0
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    the 90 minutes of zumba was fun, and I was energize afterwards. After working and extra three hours and then the hour drive home, I had to go find my husband :bigsmile: I do need to lay off the chocolate. The boys came home with another 2 lbs of chocolate from a party that is of course all open and not hidden away like the stuff bought. I ate about 500 cals worth yesterday:ohwell:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    To all of my east coast peeps, stay safe in the storm. In the words of my illustrious governor, "Don't do anything stupid."
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    the 90 minutes of zumba was fun, and I was energize afterwards. After working and extra three hours and then the hour drive home, I had to go find my husband :bigsmile: I do need to lay off the chocolate. The boys came home with another 2 lbs of chocolate from a party that is of course all open and not hidden away like the stuff bought. I ate about 500 cals worth yesterday:ohwell:

    OMG how can you possibly resist all that chocolate! I would never be able to do it!!

    I'm sore. Yup, sore where I haven't been before - new exercises!

    Ditto to all east coast friends. Stay safe!

    ME = 12
    NEP = 0
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    I love the TRX system! That's what got me motivated to work out again (that and an incredible trainer teaching TRX). Instead of floor pushups, I try to throw in atomic pushups with the TRX system.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, you will definitely get used to the one point row. It is really challenging at first, but you'll get the hang of it and start to love what it does for those hamstrings and booty! Hope your DOMS goes away soon.

    Samantha, no way I can resist treats in the house unless they are wrapped and out of sight. I let my kids make strawberry cupcakes last week (probably the first time in MONTHS that I have baked with them- used to do it all the time). NOT a good idea. I think I ate like 6 of them in a 5 day period. I had to LOL about your extra "energy".

    This week is going to be full of convenience meals and NEP, but I'll get back on track after the move. Not going to stress about it, just going to stay under on calories and try to get some workouts in. The movers come on Saturday and I am STOKED! The place we're moving to is a dream house. 2900 sqft and 10 acres of loveliness.


    I WILL lift today. I've been browsing a lot on the bodybuidling.com forum and trying to get some clear goals set. When I started this program I just wanted to lose some weight. Now I'm really wanting to focus on getting by BF% down (I'm currently around 32%). I turn 29 in November and I want to have 20-22% BF by the time I'm 30. I realize that I have to clean my diet up to make this happen, but I think it's doable. What do you guys think?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Best of luck with the move Cowgirl! It does sound like a dream house.

    I'm very glad I got to the gym last night as I won't get there again until Wednesday. Oh wait that's Halloween. Make it THursday.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I worked out this morning! Yay me!!

    That's all. I'm just happy about it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Protein challenge: 15
    NEP: 13

    chubby - your goals are totally possible! go for it!!

    Today is a lifting day.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    eff this hurricane. This was supposed to be my LAST week in Stage 1, but noooo. I am hurricaned in to my house so I prob won't get to lift until wed and won't finish stage 1 until next week. sigh.

    on the plus side I think my thighs are looking tighter!

    happy lifting all!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jessica - yay for a workout! Hope you are sleeping better!

    cowgirl - your goals are totally doable!

    Sam - Love the extra energy! and I cannot let chocolate go if it's open and where I can see it either!

    Sue - sounds like you had a pretty good first session. The front squat is totally different and I'm pretty sure we ALL had to go down in weight on this one.

    Praying for all you east coasters!!! Stay safe!

    So, I had to finally admit to myself that I'm not going to finish NROLW. I seriously only have one workout left, but I just could not bring myself to do it and was avoiding all exercise last week because of it. So on to Strong LIfts it is.

    Here are my stats

    Weight: 151 > 155
    BF %: 23.8% > 23%
    Measurements: all EXACTLY the same

    Here is the disclaimer: After Stage 2, I was actually down to 147 lbs, 22% BF and had lost an inch off my waist. Gaining it all back was of my own doing, lack of motivation. I think the program was just too long for me and I probably should have moved on to something else a lot sooner. This is what I will tell you though. Even though my measurements are all the same, I can see difference in my body composition from when I started. I have more muscle showing and I don't have to "hold in" my belly as much. I know most of you know what I'm talking about. I perpertually "hold in" my belly throughout the day and when I did let it go my measurements would have been much bigger. I can honestly say that I can let my belly out now and the measurement would not change by much. For me, this is awesome improvement and I would take this kind of improvement over everything else. My belly is my nemesis. Even when I was in high school at 130 lbs and lifting weights, I still had a belly. It was never very flat or ripped.

    I'm excited about Strong Lifts and can't wait to see even more progress on this program!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Yes, to all you who are battened down to wait out Sandy, STAY SAFE! (Oh, and maybe you can do body-weight work-outs at home....there's TONS on the web!

    jennie - I'm glad you posted your results. "Recomposition" likely did result in some lost body fat....not sure what calculator you are using, but we all know the online calcs are notoriously, um, inaccurate. I'll be excited to read all about your stronglifts adventure - hope you'll continue to post here!

    Alright, I'm off to the gym - catch ya later!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I have a handheld (Omron) and I know it's not very accurate. I usually just watch the trending, but it was definitely going up as my weight was going up. The 23% was as of this morning - also I know that hydration plays a big role in the readings and I'm not that great at getting water on the weekends. Just by the changes in my body, I'm sure I've lost some fat.

    I'll definitely stick around here and let you know my progress on SL. I like this group too much to leave! :bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I'm really glad to read that, jennie!

    I completed my last "A" work-out in Phase 2 of NROL4Abs....so, just one more work-out to bang out and I'm onto Phase 3!! Woohooooooooooo!!!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Back to the gym today after what feels like a while away. now I cannot remember if I went on Friday or not. *doh*

    anyhow...also got a 6 mile run in this weekend. well a run/walk/jog since I cannot run the entire time.

    Everyone on the East coast...be safe and I hope things are not too bad. I am terrible at watching the news so I don't even know how things are going or if it has hit yet but I hope everyone is ok!

    lost 4 pounds this month. but also had a weekend where I really did not eat a ton so...maybe it is just a fluke. I really rely more on measurements but considering that I have been hiking my d@mn panties up all weekend along with my pants I thought it was worth a looksee on the scale. lol
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Jennie - my belly is my nemesis too. One day I look forward to not having to suck in my gut. LOL Sounds like you have a good plan going forward. Congrats on doing this program. You're right. It IS long. I am interested to hear about Strong Lifts.

    CowGirl - good luck with food this week and your new house sounds lovely! I ate like crap all last week what with the move, but we are settling in. We literally doubled our square footage. It's awesome, but will take some getting used to at the same time. I took off today to do "ALL" the unpacking and I only made a small dent. *sigh* Gotta just do it bit by bit and git 'er done.

    BEEPS - sounds like your killing this Abs program. Work it girl!

    gadenni - Time to buy new panties! (congrats again)

    I haven't missed a workout, so today because I was off, I decided to sleep in and go to the gym in the afternoon. It was weird. Nice and empty, but I'm just used to my morning crew, I felt off my game. I completed my second B workout in Stage 2. It takes me a solid 75 minutes to complete this one. And I did my reverse lunge thingys wrong and could not get into a groove with the Bulgarian split squats. I just felt totally awkward today, which is weird. So on Wednesday, it's back to my 6am routine.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Wow, 6 am??? That's insane - you are AWESOME to be up and moving around and KILLING it, too! Nicely done, kmsaira!

    gadenni - if the scale shows the #, it's TRUE! Yay on the 4 lb loss!

    Didn't get a work-out in, today. Tried a fast, but failed at noon. Mind you, all that I've ingested today is 1 protein bar, so it isn't a complete loss. Will try and keep my dinner to a grilled chicken salad of some sort.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Beeps: I thought you were doing 16:8 or around there—are you doing 24 hr fasts instead?
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    So THIS made my day :): I was waiting for the squat rack to do my deadlifts and this guy was taking forever with his (he was DLing 135, which is what I lift)

    So I asked him if I could work in and he looks at the bar and says, "With these??" Haha, "yes." So I do my deadlifts, then he comes back and adds on two small plates. I know he had lifted 135 for at least two sets. Could be his warmup weight, but I'd like to think I pushed him to up his # since a "girl" was doing the same weight!