Daily Chat Thread



  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    Maniac I'm about to start phase 2. where are you at? I haven't had ANY DOMS all of phase 1. I want my heavy weights back.

    Put me down for three NEWs. It's been hectic the last two week. Hopefully things will get back to normal, whatever that is. Trying to get to the gym three times this week starting tomorrow.

    I didn't have any DOMS with stage 1 either. It was really weird. No matter how much I upped the weights...but with 2 and especially 3! My goodness!!

    NEW for me this week. I was too sore from stage 3 to even think about working on my pushups. I'll try to do so this week, though.

    And maniac, yup - the RDLs are nuts! Love it!

    I'm having some DOMS with Stage 1, but this is the first time I've ever seriously followed a weight lifting plan and I'm definitely pushing myself. It's gone by the time the next workout rolls around though. Seriously loving this and really hoping I see some results from it.

    What weight did you start with for NROL4W? I wondered if I was seriously behind in strength for my start point...


    Squats & Lunges - 45lbs
    Shoulder press - 35lbs
    Step-up - 45lbs, 10inch rise
    deadlift - 45lbs
    row (using barbell as I am at home) - 25lbs
    pushups - knees for 1/2, regular for 1/2
    crunches on the ball and jack-knife - both body weight making it through with some difficulty.

    I need to start going back to the gym because I can squat 60lbs but at home I don't have a rack and I can't easily lift that weight onto and off of my shoulders
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member

    It's time to let me know if your week 3 point went to "ME" or to "NEW". (Report in, please.)

    (Thanks, Samntha, got yours recorded - manic, I've recorded this week as "ME", but don't have your numbers for week 1 and 2 - are they "NEW"?)

    ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT until 2013 is upon us!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    My push-up progress point goes to "ME"....even though one of my work-out days I forgot about 'em (2 I didn't, lol - majority rules!).

    This week will be tougher....I'll only get in 2 lifting sessions because I'm out of town Thurs-Sat.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Maniac I'm about to start phase 2. where are you at? I haven't had ANY DOMS all of phase 1. I want my heavy weights back.

    Put me down for three NEWs. It's been hectic the last two week. Hopefully things will get back to normal, whatever that is. Trying to get to the gym three times this week starting tomorrow.

    I didn't have any DOMS with stage 1 either. It was really weird. No matter how much I upped the weights...but with 2 and especially 3! My goodness!!

    NEW for me this week. I was too sore from stage 3 to even think about working on my pushups. I'll try to do so this week, though.

    And maniac, yup - the RDLs are nuts! Love it!

    I'm having some DOMS with Stage 1, but this is the first time I've ever seriously followed a weight lifting plan and I'm definitely pushing myself. It's gone by the time the next workout rolls around though. Seriously loving this and really hoping I see some results from it.

    What weight did you start with for NROL4W? I wondered if I was seriously behind in strength for my start point...


    Squats & Lunges - 45lbs
    Shoulder press - 35lbs
    Step-up - 45lbs, 10inch rise
    deadlift - 45lbs
    row (using barbell as I am at home) - 25lbs
    pushups - knees for 1/2, regular for 1/2
    crunches on the ball and jack-knife - both body weight making it through with some difficulty.

    I need to start going back to the gym because I can squat 60lbs but at home I don't have a rack and I can't easily lift that weight onto and off of my shoulders

    I THINK, but I can't remember, that I started out with about 60 on squats, 50 on DLs, 15lb DBs on shoulder press, and step-ups 45lbs on 12" rise.

    I very quickly progressed on the squats though, DLs took a bit more time, but I got to 85 in stage 1. shoulder press I only got to 20lb DBs. I can't remember the rest.

    Beeps - did you see mine? NEW (:( ) How many lifting sessions do you normally get in? I only do 3/week.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Sounds like lots of you are enjoying NROLAbs - glad it's going well!

    Mary - great job getting back to it last week!

    I had a sick kid last week and it totally disrupted my whole schedule, so only lifted once the whole week and point went to NEW

    Was able to talk myself into getting up this morning though and get a good workout in.

    Squat 115#
    Bench 70#
    Row 90#

    Now just hoping I can keep the motivation going!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    It's time to let me know if your week 3 point went to "ME" or to "NEW". (Report in, please.)

    (Thanks, Samntha, got yours recorded - manic, I've recorded this week as "ME", but don't have your numbers for week 1 and 2 - are they "NEW"?)

    ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT until 2013 is upon us!


    My posture exercises go to ME!!! I can feel every one of them in my shoulders, rhoms, and lats.
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    One point for Me!! I increased my elevated plank and side planks by 10 seconds this week. My sides have never been so sore, but I am enjoying the challenge and like to push myself!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I did my 4th Stage 2 B workout this morning. This one continues to be really tough for me, but I did 3 reps, just like I did for A on Saturday and I'm going to repeat these 2 once more. I just felt as though I hadn't made much progress, so I'm really challenging myself on these last 2 repeats.

    My WGDL are at 70. Do you all put the BB down in between each DL? (I'm not per my trainer).

    Split squats just suck for me. I cannot keep my balance - my ankles continue to be my nemisis! The latest supports are useless, I'm still searching for the right ones

    I'm really excited about the pulldowns. Started today at 65 and did 75 for set 2 & 3!

    The rest, well not so great, though I am better at the reverse lunge and moved up to 10 (I nearly collapse on the 3rd rep). I have little range of motion on the prone snatch and I think some of this might be from a broken collarbone a few years ago. Trainer also said that rotator cuff is small movement and not huge weight but I really feel like I'm not improving much with this one at all.

    All the crunches are better and I'm doing standing side to side with a 35# plate instead of the Hanna side flexions. I can do the prone cobra easily 60 - 60- 90. Wish I could say the same about planks!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    April, like you, I only get in 3 lifting sessions per week. But, I've also had ZERO cardio going on for a couple weeks - and it will be ZERO cardio for a couple more. So, when my lifting is diminished to only TWICE a week, I really DO feel all outta sorts! I'm missing cardio, right now, but just cannot get it in.

    Oh well, 2013 will be here, soon enough, and all sorts of "routines" can be changed up!!

    Congrats on all the "ME" points!! Keep it coming....I think week 3 was a TURNING point and, finally, maybe ME can wham NEW down to the GROUND!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, what is the challenge? point back to the original post and I'll read up on it.

    Silly little dog chewed 6 more keys off my laptop!!!!:explode: i don't have the caps lock, shift, zasd , or control button!!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Beeps - unfortunately NEW for this week. Must try harder!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    For manic:


    This is a "design-your-own" challenge - what "strength skill" are you trying to improve in the next 7 weeks?? Perhaps it's push-up progress, maybe it's plank progress, what about unassisted chin-ups or unassisted pull-ups?

    In 7 weeks, we will be ringing in 2013, so let's do this RIGHT!

    Remember, the "work" you do, on this challenge, is in addition to your regularly-scheduled NROL4W. Then again, if you've found that you've been lacking motivation to get to the gym, why not choose "regular gym attendance" as your challenge??

    We start TODAY!

    If you haven't registered, you have until Sunday, November 18, 2012 to register.

    So far, I believe these are the registered participants:

    Jessica1274 - push-up progress
    Beeps2011 - push-up progress
    jennie04 - unassisted pull-up progress
    emgel9 - undeclared (she'll declare on Wednesday)
    manic4titans - regular gym attendance
    samntha - push-up progress
    suelegal - undeclared
    chubbycowgirl - push-up progress

    By Sunday of each week, please post whether the "point" for that week went to ME or whether it went to NEW ("not enough work"). Because it is a 7-week challenge, the MAXIMUM number of points "Me" can get is 7. I'll do running total and, hopefully, at the end of 7 weeks, ME will have outpaced NEW on AT LEAST a 2-to-1 basis.

    If you've done your work, for the week, your points will look like this on November 18, 2012:

    Me: 1

    I hope that's clear enough. I'll try and post running totals on Tuesdays (to give folks Sunday/Monday to post their results).
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Point to ME this week :)
  • armonson63
    armonson63 Posts: 16 Member
    OKAY...THAT'S IT! I'm purchasing my own s**t! It's just too frustrating trying to do my workout at the gym. The men at my gym are jerks and hog the weights making it very difficult to impossible to get my workout in. I even had one suggest that I should try working out on the machines....I'm so pissed!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    One point for ME this week!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    yes, for the past 2 week you can add me for 2 to me :)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    OKAY...THAT'S IT! I'm purchasing my own s**t! It's just too frustrating trying to do my workout at the gym. The men at my gym are jerks and hog the weights making it very difficult to impossible to get my workout in. I even had one suggest that I should try working out on the machines....I'm so pissed!

    I'd be pissed, too. That's more or less why I set up a gym at home.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    guess who is sick? !!! I am never sick. I had this deep abnormal feeling in my chest for a couple days and today i wake up without a voice.

    ugh! the odds are against me losing 5 pounds this month.:angry:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    armonson - so sorry you have to deal with guys like that at the gym. That's ridiculous! and from what I hear most time, it's not the norm. Did you stand up to them and tell them to shove it? Can you possibly go at another time when those particular guys aren't there? I'm all for setting up a home gym, as I have one, so if you do, good luck!

    Mary - so sorry you are not feeling well, but don't give up. Take lots of vitamins and get some rest and I'll bet you'll be back in your routine in no time.

    cowgirl and emgel - great job getting your point last week!

    I'm off to a good start this week. SL workout yesterday and cardio/bw exercises this morning - 15 minutes of intervals, 20 minutes of WOD Cindy. (WOD=workout of the day). Cindy is 20 minutes doing as many rounds as you can of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats - I did 5 rounds with negative pullups and had to do elevated pushups on the last round. It was tough!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
