Daily Chat Thread



  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Jessica, I can see your boobs in your avatar....we ain't "twins", lol.

    As. I. Have. None.


    They aren't real...
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hey all. I didn't get my run in today, but will do so tomorrow morning. Last one before the race Sunday (Jane - it's a 1/2 marathon).

    In h.s., I was on the track and tennis teams. College was tennis team and a feeble attempt at lacrosse. I always wanted to be a swimmer though. So Sue: you continue to be my hero. Have fun this weekend!

    Beeps - you are TEENY. My goodness.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I never played sports in school. I was on the equestrian team in college, but that's it.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    i need a talking down. I am stressed horribly , and I want to eat! It is taking all I have not to go get a HUGE bowl of cereal.

    i know if I get something good to eat , it will just start a downward spiral so I'm trying to stay glued to couch and laptop. This is major for me to recognize this! Before I would have never given a 2nd thought stuffing my face full of carbs.

    What do yall do when you want to stress eat?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    jeopardy music
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    i need a talking down. I am stressed horribly , and I want to eat! It is taking all I have not to go get a HUGE bowl of cereal.

    i know if I get something good to eat , it will just start a downward spiral so I'm trying to stay glued to couch and laptop. This is major for me to recognize this! Before I would have never given a 2nd thought stuffing my face full of carbs.

    What do yall do when you want to stress eat?

    Whine and cry and try to get my husband to get me food. I'm pathetic.

    I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. ((Hug))
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Manic - at least you recognize what you're doing. I would say have fruit or veggies first. and drink a tall glass of water. I was going to suggest having a very small piece of a goody, but if you feel you will not be able to stop, then did not do that. how many calories do you have left for the day? And we can come up with a delicious tasting healthy snack together. :-)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    *And we can = maybe we can
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm good now. The urge to eat is over.:smile:

    Feels pretty good to overcome it.

    Jess, if my hubby had been at home I would have done the same. He would have enabled me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Hey, manic, YOU DID IT!!

    So, that is AWESOME! Means you are gonna talk yourself down from the ledge, over-and-over-and-over, BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU CAN!

    Today, I get to lift.....yay!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey, manic, YOU DID IT!!

    So, that is AWESOME! Means you are gonna talk yourself down from the ledge, over-and-over-and-over, BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU CAN!

    Today, I get to lift.....yay!

    YEAH :blushing:

  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Good job Manic!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mary, good job recognizing and combating the carb craze! I battle this DAILY. I tell myself to earn it (usually in the afternoon/evening) so I'll go outside and walk or play with the kids. By then, I don't want it anymore (unless it's TOM, nothing can get between me and the carbs then).

    Beeps, enjoy your lifting session!

    Was going to workout this morning, but I'm going to wait until DH is home to watch the kids. My workouts are so much better when I don't have to keep an eye on them. Since this is my last workout of BTII, I want it to be GOOD.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    I lifted!

    I weighed!

    I lost 0.5 lbs this week!

    And now I am eating french fries and gravy....which is TERRIBLE, I know, but I haven't figured out (yet!), how to CELEBRATE without including some TERRIBLE CHEAT MEAL.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    ....and CHEAP!

    Like 1/2 the price of my salad w/grilled chicken.


    (Crap food sells for cheap and good, healthy stuff is expensive!)
  • zaftiggirl
    zaftiggirl Posts: 82 Member
    Hello! I'm not totally new to lifting but I am back on the getting-healthy track after about 3 years off... I did a lot of heavy lifting in high school which I'm sure is the reason that I don't really look like I gained 70 lbs over the past three years... it looks more like 20 :)

    SO my question, as I'm reading the NROLFW book - he talks a lot in terms of a 5'4" woman that weighs 140lbs, and doesn't really talk much about a woman that has a significant amount of fat to lose. Is it the same idea, though, that calorie restriction isn't the best place to start?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    If you want fat loss, pay CLOSE attention to your calories!

    The #'s in NROL4W did NOT work, for me....so, just be cautious. If you eat the number of calories (recommended for some fat loss) from NROL4W and you are losing scale weight, while heavy lifting, you can be certain it's fat lost.

    If the scale starts going UP, beware! I believe that is a sign you are "eating too much" and you may have to reduce your calories BELOW what is being recommended in NROL4W.

    Just my $0.02
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hello! I'm not totally new to lifting but I am back on the getting-healthy track after about 3 years off... I did a lot of heavy lifting in high school which I'm sure is the reason that I don't really look like I gained 70 lbs over the past three years... it looks more like 20 :)

    SO my question, as I'm reading the NROLFW book - he talks a lot in terms of a 5'4" woman that weighs 140lbs, and doesn't really talk much about a woman that has a significant amount of fat to lose. Is it the same idea, though, that calorie restriction isn't the best place to start?

    What Beeps said.

    Calorie "restriction" is not the way to go, but a calorie deficit of some sort is required to see fat loss. Especially if you have a lot to lose. I think most of us started out at the cals suggested by the book for Stage 1 and then adjusted accordingly as we progressed. Hope you like the program!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all -

    My problem is that often my no-exercise days are most frequently my travel days. And my travel days are most often (besides date night) by wine-drinking days. I am trying not to worry about it too much (as I was under yesterday with a double workout) but I am kind of bummed because I often weigh my lowest after rest days. Anyway, tomorrow I lift!!

    abigail - wow, heavy lifting in high school. You must be a young 'un! you are right that his example has a moderate amount of fat to lose, but he does have different multipliers for the calorie-burn equation, right?

    beeps - yep, if you hate shopping, it IS hard to celebrate without food! (massages are a HECK of a lot more expensive than poutine!) Was it worth it?
    beeps - you are right that healthy food is often more expensive, but part of the problem is that most people see poutine as a "side", where you say "whoa, 400 cals (or whatever) that's a 'meal'!"

    cowgirl - that sounds like a good plan, but speaking of that, how supportive is hubby? that is my:

    QUESTION of the WEEKEND: how supportive are those around you? of lifting? of losing weight? of time away from other responsibilities?

    Manic - hang in there! you are doing great!

    RDU - congrats on quitting smoking AND committing to HEALTH and weight loss!! Yea for joining our chat group!!

    jessica/beeps/cowgirl - I am another member of the "itty bitty titty club". When I first lost 40 pounds, I fantasized about getting a boob job to "reward" myself for all of my hard work (running does strange things to your brain!), but after breast cancer, I am very happy with what I have, uneven nipples and all! (Jessica - this is not a criticism of you AT ALL. If I could snap my fingers and be back to my pregnancy C cups, I would)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I've never had poutine, but it sounds like an awesome celebration meal!

    lc, I always weigh lower on rest days or lift days before workout too. Most the time I am more hungry then too...

    QOTW: DH is very supportive now that he's seen the results. The rest of my family is still convinced I am trying to become a she-hulk. Mind you, all of them are overweight, under muscled from lack of activity, but happily buy into anything labeled "natural" (Detox, cleanse, diet, etc). Frustrates me. In a few years when I look even better, maybe they won't be so dubious.