Daily Chat Thread



  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I've mostly lurked on this daily chat thread, but I remember seeing that a few of you were trying the NROLAbs. Since I'm just about to move to stage 6, I'm already thinking ahead to what I want to do next -- because I love too much the results I'm getting with this program. Could you give me a heads up on what to expect with Abs? I don't want to eliminate working my arms or legs, so that's something I want to be aware of. Also, if the workouts were shorter... I wouldn't mind at all. This hour and half + right now is hard to schedule!
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome Allikat! I moved from NROL4W straight into NROLabs. I am on phase 2 now and loving it! It only takes me 50 minutes each time. You will still do plenty to work your arms & legs, but lots of the moves require you to focus on balance which helps strengthen the core. I bought the book while I was on stage 6 of NROL4W so I had plenty of time to read it and make sure I had everything I needed (I lift at home).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    I followed NROL4W with NROL4Abs....the name "Abs" in the NROL series is strange....because, truly, it is an ALL-BODY work-out. Very similar to NROL4W in that compound moves ARE the name-of-the-game!

    You'll LOVE NROL4Abs....the BIGGEST challenge I had was getting used to doing ab-work at the FRONT of a work-out (instead of at the end). But, by the time I abandoned NROL4Abs, I *loved* getting all the ab-work done right up-front. LOVED IT!

    I'd highly recommend NROL4Abs!! (Although Stage 3 just got "too finicky" for my liking....)

    I also have NROL4Life at home - haven't done it, yet, but think I'll slide into that program in later 2013.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    Got my lifting in.

    Since I did NOT indulge, in December, like, AT ALL (because I wanted my end-of-2012 measurements to be AWESOME!), I am REALLY looking forward to indulging while I am in Mexico.


    I don't have a bikini....but am *almost* prepared to go buy one!!

    Actually, I'd better schedule a pedicure - MUCH MORE IMPORTANT!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, you DESERVE a pedicure and a bikini for all the hard work you've done! Hope your trip is amazing!

    I've got the Abs book and it looks good. I will prob just go into that. Then maybe look at 5x5 or something similar.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    ....I'm totally not gonna do a bikini, lol!

    But, I am in *love* with the Herve Leger cross-back 2 pcs I just found online. Boy, he has some BEAUTIFUL stuff! Only $600-$700 apiece. YIKOS!

    I kind of think I might add "wear a bikini" to my 2013 fitness resolutions, though. I'm getting there....
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    That's actually quite hilarious that anyone could charge that much for a few yards of material. Oh well, more power to them if people actually buy it!

    So I'm trying to figure out my magic number for weight loss. My BMF has my average TDEE at 2500 cals for the last month. I haven't been sticking to my nutrition goals or macros at all through the month of December so I didn't lose anything. Since we've moved, my TDEE has gone up by quite a bit just from the increased activity of farm life- throwing hay to the animals, more walking, etc. So while I know I'm probably fine to go up from the 1800cals that I was eating to lose weight before December, it scares me to average 2000 cals/day every day. Seems like so much, but I also don't want to be cutting more than 20%. Thoughts anyone?
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks for the advice on Abs, Ladies. I think that's where I'm going to go next.

    Beeps - wearing a bikini in 2013 is definitely on my to-do list. You can do it!
  • nurse_pauline
    Hi all!! I am doing Nrol4w for the second time. I love this program!!!! I love lifting heavy and getting strong. Would like to see more of the hard gained muscles i have,but fat loss is still an issue because of diet, ANYWAY.....was wondering if anyone has tried the new rules of lifting for life? I have read a bit about it, and since I am getting older (sigh), thinking it may be an option when i finish my current program...Any reviews or suggestions?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, I bet you could totally rock a bikini, hell I did when I wasn't as in shape now (my body type requires a two piece. I'm too long in the torso for a one piece that isn't $300) Though the majority of the time I wore a Mommy tankini.

    Woke up with a nice case of DOMS today. I did the ABS phase 2 WO B last night. I used my starting weights and did just fine. My quads are screaming from the DB swings, but they are way less challenging then the burpees. Burpees were created by someone totally sadistic.

    I like the abs program, but I' know I said it before, I would keep doing the heavy lifts in stage one. After finishing NROL4W, I was used to getting in big lifts every WOrkout. I missed them in phase one and was unmotivated. He adds big lifts to phase two. ANd now I love it. I also like all of the variety

    Way to rock it SUe!! Beeps Enjoy your vacation.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Damn, I did it again! I wrote a lovely little post and then didn't send it! Good grief, I'm silly.

    Beeps I agree with Sam, I bet you look awesome in a bikini! I think you should just do it!!! You know you are probably being too critical AND I bet just because you haven't worn one for so long you're thinking you can't. Do it! I don't think 2013 will be my bikini year, but maybe by 2014, I'll have the nerve.

    Sam, you're perking my interst in NROL4A. I'm going to buy the book and take a look.

    Hey Pauline, why do you think "life" is better suited for older? I'm 60, and I'm not contemplating "old" in any of these programs at least not now!

    Wow cowgirl - 2000 daily would really freak me out! I have a hard time eating that much on workout days. BUT... I sure wish I could be doing the farm work you are doing rather than commuting 90 min. to NYC to do this office job. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my work, but I'm a farm girl at heart. I do envy your lifestyle!

    ETA My 2nd BWM today was faster than my first!!!! OMG!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, that's my issue- it seems like so much! As long as I am tracking EVERY bite and sticking with it on weekends an weekdays, I will prob see results. Its just hard to fathom that I can LOSE weight on 2000 cals a day. You are my hero for completing your 2nd BWM faster than the first. I normally end up skipping it because the kids are yelling by then and I think I will do it at home and never do. Keep up the great work!

    Samantha, that was my reservation about Abs. I REALLY like the big lifts and most of the random stuff I read indicates they are what is best for an overall body workout. Hope your DOMS goes away quick!

    Pauline, I have not read the Life book. I doubt you can really go wrong with any of Lou's stuff. Welcome to the forum!

    Beeps, DO THE BIKINI! I bet you're being too critical on yourself. Like Sue said, you probably don't see yourself as you really are now. If you saw someone else with your physique wearing a bikini what would your reaction be? I hope you enjoy yourself regardless!
    I have a sick middle child today, but hoping hubs will watch them while I go to the gym. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I've been eating at maintenance for months now, and still managed to loose the little weight I wanted. I average 1800-2200 daily. Ain't no big. If I were doing a deficit it would still be between 1700-2000.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Why can't I eat a ginormous amount of calories!!! I guess I have too much fat and not enough muscle??? I gained weight when I was eating around 1600-1800 cals.

    I want to lift again. UGH! My MRI isn't until Tuesday and the dr follow-up visit isn't until 9 days later. You think i could do weights without the compound lifts ? Arm curls and maybe leg machines?
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Why can't I eat a ginormous amount of calories!!! I guess I have too much fat and not enough muscle??? I gained weight when I was eating around 1600-1800 cals.

    I want to lift again. UGH! My MRI isn't until Tuesday and the dr follow-up visit isn't until 9 days later. You think i could do weights without the compound lifts ? Arm curls and maybe leg machines?

    Yes! I would do some arm work, for sure!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Why can't I eat a ginormous amount of calories!!! I guess I have too much fat and not enough muscle??? I gained weight when I was eating around 1600-1800 cals.

    I want to lift again. UGH! My MRI isn't until Tuesday and the dr follow-up visit isn't until 9 days later. You think i could do weights without the compound lifts ? Arm curls and maybe leg machines?
    I started at 32% BF and I was still eating 1600-1900 a day. I don't think how much muscle you have has anything to do with it. I think your body is just used to you eating a certain amount and your metabolism is set for it now. Maybe you could slowing try to increase over time. Add 100 cals for the first month and increase another 100 each month or so afterwards. There's no reason why you couldn't eat that much unless there's a metabolic issue.
  • nurse_pauline
    Thanks for the welcome!!! Sue....I am in my mid forties and have been diagnosed with arthritis in my neck amd both hips. Over the summer had a bout if bursitis to add to the fun! I have slowed down on my running and my squats arent as strong as they used to be. Just looking for another option to continue with my lifting which I love..
  • jody75
    jody75 Posts: 37 Member
    I once lost 95# eating between 2000-2200 cals per day. I gained it back because of a roaring bout with depression. But it can definitely happen. I know its hard to wrap your mind around.

    I'm eating around 2200 although not closely watching quality of food or macros and slowly losing right now. I expect my loss to pick up when I dial in my macros.

    I'm going to have to stop lifting for now. I dislocated my finger playing soccer last night so severely that I have to see a hand specialist. I've got a splint on my hand. Yuck. Looks like its back to body weight and one arm kettlebell work for a few weeks.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jody, best of luck on your journey! We're here to support you :)

    I have a raging case of DOMS today. Feels like it did after I lifted for the first time almost a year ago. I know I was out of the gym almost a month (and only gained 1 lb over the holidays woo hoo) but this is ridiculous. I can barely go up and down my stairs or lift my arms over my head. I might go for a swim and soak later, try to loosen up.

    On another note. The DOMS are a good thing. They let me know I worked hard, and they clue me into which muscle were worked the most. I can say the ABS is DEFINITELY a core program because every inch of my core is screaming along with my shoulders and thighs. I have NEVER had good DOMS in my core before, even after those 2 min planks in stage 5. I will definitely repeat this program when I'm done. I gave NROL4W 8 months and I think I'll do the same for ABS. There's enough variation to keep it interesting over time I think. And yes keep the big lifts in stage 1 LOL
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning all!

    Ow Jody that sounds really painful. Well, I'm guessing body weight exercises well work till, especially if you super set them (ie body weight matrix).

    DOMS here too Sam but not really bad, just enough to let me know that I worked hard yesterday. I'm taking a rest day today, except for the up/down stairs that I do when cleaning and doing laundry. And back to the gym early tomorrow - 5AM. I really enjoy being there - there are very few people there and everyone works. I'm really liking this gym! Oh and they are remodeling so there will be an exclusive weight lifting area down at ground level. At the moment, it's shared with everything else. I'm looking forward to the new design.

    Nurse, I hope I didn't sound like I was criticizing, because I sure didn't mean that. I was just curious why, and really didn't mean to pry. I'm glad you're still trying to find a work around!

    Mary, I agree with what both Sam and Jennie said. I used to eat a strict 1200 cal and was starving! I added 100 cals and maintained and then added another 100 cals and maintained. I did put on a few pounds when I started this program but it's actually started to turn around again - I've lost 1 over the past week or so, though I'm not trying to lose right now. My lowest daily cal is 1500 and that's for days like today when I won't be active. And I would think leg machines would be a great way to maintain until you know what's going on and if it's safe to lift. Please be careful though!

    Beeps have you started counting hours yet?

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!