Daily Chat Thread



  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks chubby, that makes sense. :)
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Yesterdays workout, Stage 1 workout 6. Really wasn't feeling myself yesterday, couldn't lift as much as I did the previous workout, especually the shoulder press which I had to go down 2kg on. It was TOM so maybe that hindered me a bit. Does anyone else find there a bit weaker during TOM?
    I do have days where I'm not as strong as normal, regardless of my TOM ( so it seems anyway). I avoid lifting on those days. Personally I'd rather skip a day than have a sub par workout. Sometimes I don't realize how weak I'm feeling until I get to the gym though :/
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Me too!! My "weak" days don't correlate to TOM but can coincide with sleep deprivation, dehydration, maybe I ate junk the day before...etc. There are days when I feel like the hulk and days where one more FSPP makes me want to literally cry. I like the feeling of pushing through on my weak days even if the workout sucks because routine is VERY important to me - if I allow myself to skip something one day it is just a slippery slope...

    If anyone here is a runner I have always founds runs to be the same way, esp when I am gearing up for a race. Some days after 10 miles I am like Rocky at the top of those steps and "eye of the tiger" is playing in my head and some days I think "if I had to run one more mile I would protest and move in to whatever spot on the street I happened to land on"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,969 Member
    There aren't words for how much food and alcohol I've packed away this week.....what a heathen! And now, if I didn't eat for a week, I don't think I'd care and it's gonna be easy having NO alcohol for the next weeks/months.

    omg at the debauchery!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    YEA!!! Beeps is back!! I'm so glad you debauched for a week Beeps, but I missed you! Welcome back!
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Me too!! My "weak" days don't correlate to TOM but can coincide with sleep deprivation, dehydration, maybe I ate junk the day before...etc. There are days when I feel like the hulk and days where one more FSPP makes me want to literally cry. I like the feeling of pushing through on my weak days even if the workout sucks because routine is VERY important to me - if I allow myself to skip something one day it is just a slippery slope...

    If anyone here is a runner I have always founds runs to be the same way, esp when I am gearing up for a race. Some days after 10 miles I am like Rocky at the top of those steps and "eye of the tiger" is playing in my head and some days I think "if I had to run one more mile I would protest and move in to whatever spot on the street I happened to land on"

    Totally get this. Not that I am up to running 10 miles yet. But sometimes 4 miles feels awesome and sometimes it feels painful. Got to take the good with the bad I guess.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    I got like that with runs. I"m taking a bit of a hiatus on HM training because my lungs don't like the cold and the thought of running more than 6-7 miles on the treadmill is just miserable.

    Last night I increased my weights for the s1a3 workout. Holy hell. I thought I was going to die doing the step ups. Surprisingly, I'm not really sore today. I'm planning on a fairly easy cardio workout to just get my body moving tonight.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome back, Beeps! Hope you enjoyed your debauchery! Just don't look at the scale for a few weeks , LOL!
    LB2LL, great job increasing those weights. Hopefully you can have a nice easy cardio session today.

    I did Stage 6 B2 yesterday. Had to fly through it because the baby was screaming (not just crying or fussing, SCREAMING) in the play room. There was nothing wrong with her- she's just figured out that eventually I will come get her and the tears instantly disappear. Anyway, the short (or lack of) rests wore me out. Holy cow. It was good prep for Stage 7, but man I feel like I need to sleep today to recover!

    Oh, and I saw a friend at work on Tuesday that I haven't seen for a few weeks. She told me how good I looked and asked me if I was losing weight. I haven't LOST any weight since I last saw her, but I have shrank a little in my measurements. YAY for NSVs!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Chubby, NSV's are awesome!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yea Cowgirl!!! Love those NSVs

    Yesterday was a horrid day for me. I ate poorly, the weather was so bad in the morning that I couldn't get to the gym, and I got home too late to do any sort of workout then. I absolutely hate days like that!!

    Today I have so much to do tha tI know I won't get in a workout - I'm going away this weekend and have so much to do to prepare for that my whole evening will be used up. I AM going to do a workout tomorrow morning though. Then I'm off for the weekend, back for 3 days of work and gone for 9 days to visit family and friends in FL!! Woohoo!!

    Short one today. Have to dash and pack etc. I'll try to check in over the weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,969 Member
    Okay, I *am* back! Arrived at home about 8:30 pm last night. No time change, so all is fine - I'm back at work and I do feel refreshed and relaxed.

    Yes, I will go to the gym, today, but don't plan on doing anything crazy! I can't handle any DOMs for tomorrow, so will try and ease back into it. Bet I'm up 5 lbs!

    And, I bet it takes me until the end of january just to get back to where I was at the beginning of january. So, january, 2013 becomes a "phantom" month.

    it's okay....my holiday was worth it!

    So, what's going on around here? somebody to a "summary" for me, please!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,969 Member
    Good gawd, where *iz* you all at???

    usually there's SOMEone in here saying SOMEthing?!?!?!?
  • FootsoreRambler
    FootsoreRambler Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! So yeah, I'm in stage 4 right now. Did 2A last night. I am finally getting to the point where my wrist/grip strength is becoming an issue.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey Beeps! Glad you had a great vacation!

    Things are going well here. My husband and I are in our third week of Abs. I'm getting back much of what I lost when I stopped in Oct. I have been Paleo/GF for nearly three weeks now, and it's going really well. (Except for the entire chocolate bar I ate today--at least it was GF. Lol!)

    I put my scale away. It makes me crazy. So I'm just going to go by my clothes and appearance.

    Anyway, things are going well.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Het Beeps good to have you back, glad you had a good time.

    Jessica I'm week two down of paleo and loving it! Need breakfast ideas tho.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hey Beeps! Glad you had a great vacation!

    Things are going well here. My husband and I are in our third week of Abs. I'm getting back much of what I lost when I stopped in Oct. I have been Paleo/GF for nearly three weeks now, and it's going really well. (Except for the entire chocolate bar I ate today--at least it was GF. Lol!)

    I put my scale away. It makes me crazy. So I'm just going to go by my clothes and appearance.

    Anyway, things are going well.

    I wish I had the willpower to go gluten free. My tummy does not like wheat, but I still eat it like a dummy. I've cut back A LOT, but I still eat waaaay too much on weekends. And once I get into a "healthy" weight range for my height I think I will throw my scales away. I really despise them.
    Beeps, I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation. Sounds lovely. Maybe your body is happy to have a bit of a break. I have no doubt you'll be back to where you were soon!
    TOM is due soon and the bloating is here. I'm so irritated. My scale was finally starting to move down again since I readjusted my cals and starting hitting my macros better. now it prob wont budge for another 10 days. I was hoping to just lose a pound this month. Grrrr.
    S63A yesterday. Negative chin-ups were much better, but still pitiful. I love the barbel split squats though, so doing them made the workout worthwhile.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I have a serious lack of creativity when it comes to breakfast. Usually I just have a protein shake in almond milk with some instant coffee. If my husband is home, he might fix us some bacon and/or eggs and cheese. Fortunately I don't mind having the same thing over and over for breakfast.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have a serious lack of creativity when it comes to breakfast. Usually I just have a protein shake in almond milk with some instant coffee. If my husband is home, he might fix us some bacon and/or eggs and cheese. Fortunately I don't mind having the same thing over and over for breakfast.

    I do the exact same thing! I also add some oats and let it sit overnight in the fridge.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Me too!! My "weak" days don't correlate to TOM but can coincide with sleep deprivation, dehydration, maybe I ate junk the day before...etc. There are days when I feel like the hulk and days where one more FSPP makes me want to literally cry. I like the feeling of pushing through on my weak days even if the workout sucks because routine is VERY important to me - if I allow myself to skip something one day it is just a slippery slope...
    I am at my most exhausted regardless of all other factors the first day of ovulation and the first two days of my cycle. I wish I had skipped last week when I was feeling tired. I hurt myself :(

    I seem to be having a rash of bad luck lately. First I sprain my wrist, then I end up with a major infection in my breast, and a rash on my leg. My body is freaking out on me. I don't seem able to fight anything off and all I want to do is sleep. Saw the OBGYN for the breast but seeing GP this week for everything else. ( no lifting all week :(