

  • I'm 5'6, and while my Dad thinks I should get down to 140, I would be ECSTATIC if I could get back to 160, that was still a 12-14ish.... and it's what I weighed my senior year in high school, which was only 6 years ago, so it shouldn't be too hard, lol.... I loved my body when I was 160...I had a slightly-larger than…
  • I'm worried this might happen to m had been asking the bf over the past year or so if my boobs looked bigger or not (I had gained weight, but my bras still mostly fit). Well, all my bras finally broke, and when I went shopping, found I went up a size! Now I have three new bras and am trying to lose weight. I was happy with…
  • Okay, thanks, so much!
  • Right now I'm in love with McCormick's Fiery 5 Pepper seasoning, but I have ALWAYS loved garlic, and I usually add either Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing (because nothing is as good!), Ketchup or Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue sauce or Salsa to everything, though I'm trying to cut back on the first three...
  • I ALWAYS initiate. I think in 6 years, he's started it maybe twice, lol....I've always joked that I'm the "guy" of the relationship, because I am always ready to go, while he is more likely to plead a headache, or complain of being too tired.... Though I can understand where he's coming from. The other day, I initiated, he…
  • Two of my best friends are 24 and have 2 children now! Heck, my stepsister is 21, I think, and has 2 children! Life is a struggle making ends meet, but if your boyfriend is willing to help you, and to support his child, then I'm sure you can make it until you can find a job! And while most people don't want to, there IS…
  • Hi, I'm Karen and I'm from Southern Maine!