sam932 Member


  • Haaa well thank you for putting it so simple, that actually DOES make it seem a lot easier to figure out. So basic haa, thank you! Sometimes you get too wrapped up in your situation you do think of something so simple as that I guess :)
  • Ok i went to the scooby's workshop and It says for 5-6 hours of strenuous working out a week with my stats and 20% deficit plugged in that i'd have to eat about 2,200 cal a day to lose weight. I know i worked out 6 and a half hours... but i don't feel like it would be considered "Strenuous" in any ways. Thats what confuses…
  • I wear the heart rate monitor for my entire workout, it bases your calorie burn off of your heart rate so I like to know my heart rate when i'm doing weight training also. It does seem to pick up the calories i burn off when weight training too. I have tried other ways of making deficits but none of them seem to be cutting…
  • Hey girl, how tall are you and how many calories are you actually eating a day? 5-6 days a week of working out is a lot. I'm 5'4, 20 years old and workout 4-5 days a week too, and 1,200 calories (what MFP sets most people at) is way too few for me, so how many are you eating?
  • haa well i myself prefer the bike and some argue that your moving more of your body on the treadmill so they say thats better for you...i myself though love the bike!
  • hey everyone! im new to this website and thought this group would be awesome to join! this past year i have slowly lost 25 pounds thanks to weight watchers points plus! In January i was 124lbs from being 150lbs the previous january (2011)...without ever going to the gym! this past January i started going to the gym again…
    in Introductions Comment by sam932 May 2012
  • i personally would buy a bike out of the yo options...simply because i fall and trip a lot.. so treadmills and I don't get along together very well lol. but treadmills do burn more calories, but you could burn just as many with a bike depending how hard you push yourself
  • im 18 im NOT under-aged and i was just looking for some friends my age because i feel like we would connect better with problems and food, that is all. thank you for all that though^.
  • me too! and im going too! :)