leafry62 Member


  • I am with you would so love to just get to 165 and maintain and if I could keep going then 155. I am 5'2 also. I live in Australia. Keep up the good work one and all.
  • I watched it and decided to do a three day juice fast. At first I went to the organic shop to try a green juice and found I quite like it so brought a mascuating juicer which grinds the juice rather than ripping the guts out of it. Takes a bit longer to juice but you get more of the nutrients out of it. I did 3 weeks of…
  • I am in Australia how many kilometres is 50 miles?????
  • Yep logging is for me the only way to go. Whenever I have tried to lose weight and have logged I lose it when I stop eventually it gets away from me again. Logging keeps me honest even when I am a bit naughty. Woo hoo got to love logging.
  • I would claim it if I were you. I just looked up the calorie counter book to see what they say for calories burned and it said. 3 cals/ min for 60kg person 4 cals/ min for 80kg 5 cals/ min fort 100kg These amounts are for light exercise which includes things like walking slow, light gardening, housework etc. so yes you…
  • It told me to eat 1200 and I have heaps to lose. Others have told me higher so that as you lose weight you have somewhere to drop down to in calories. I try to follow the 1200 but if I go over it abit I don't worry too much as long as I am losing weight.. Good luck.
  • Congratulations. You have done so well. I too was amazed when in a proper jeans shop with my hubby getting jeans for him and asked cautiously if they might have some in my size and the lady said we should have. Well i tried them on and they fitted I was so excited the other guy even said to my hubby gee she is excited. As…