

  • Thank you... I'm never sure if the exercises listed on MFP are accurate with how many calories are burned.
  • WOW! Thank you everyone! I am finally eating and exercising to lose weight the healthy way, but was so freaked out about eating more than the 1200 that MFP is giving me.
  • thank you! That's what I was thinking. My weight loss goal is 2 lbs per week. MFP gives me 1200 calories a day. If I work out for an hour and burn about 300 calories, MFP says I can then eat 1500. You think it's ok for me to still go for the 1200?
  • I was JUST posting the same question and wanting to know the same thing! Should I eat the calories burned or use them to get to my target weight quicker? Don't want the metabolism to slow down, but I DO want to lose a lot quickly!
  • I LOVE Jillian's 30 day shred! My only complaint is that I don't know how many calories it burns. Not a Jillian video issue... just my craziness :) Good Luck! The 2nd level is my personal fave!
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