RoyalsFan24 Member


  • Starting weight: 232 Goal weight: 199 I would love to be below 200 lbs once Halloween hits!!!
  • I have never done Turbo Jam so I am sorry I cannot fully compare the two. However Turbo Fire is amazing!! The energy that is in the class comes through the TV and just pumps me up. Very much worth the money.
  • Having a depressing time and a friend went to Olive Garden for lunch. Tried to temp me into allowing her to buy me a dessert. I decided that although the taste would be dreamy, the after thought of the situation was not worth it. Turned down free dessert. I am proud of myself for that!!
  • Personal question and you don't have to answer but keep in mind; Are you about to start your period? You could just have some water weight. I never weigh myself the week before mine that way I don't get discouraged because I know I gain a bit before it starts. Just something to keep in mind.
  • Chalene is one of the best video instructors I have ever watched. She truly does keep you motivated.
  • I do both as well. I do Zumba on my heavy weight lifting days and I do Turbo Fire on my lighter ones. Everyone here is correct though that Turbo Fire seriously kicks your butt, however it is one of the greatest feelings in the world once you are done. Did a workout for the first time in a while last night and I feel great…
  • Belly Dancing is a good workout. I did that after I gave birth to my children because I didn't want to do too intense. It really worked me out though.
  • I like to add about a tablespoon of dark brown sugar. Give is a little bit of sweet taste and low on calories.