

  • that is crazy. I would encourage you to try again, and to insist on talking with someone who is experienced dealing with people with eating disorders. I had a horrible experience the first time I went to my school's counseling center when I was an undergrad, but I tried again recently and had a really different experience.…
  • You mention studies in your original post--do you go to school? Almost all colleges and universities have free counseling available for students if you think you need to talk to a professional. I struggle with binge eating, too. For me, it's totally about feeling like my life isn't the way I want it to be. Whenever I'm…
  • You are certainly not gross! Anyone who says that is a small minded doofus who needs to be kicked in the shins. We're in slightly different boats, but I have to tell you that I try to focus really hard on what I'm *doing* instead of how I look or what the numbers say. I get such a rush from a good workout, from knowing…
  • You're definitely not 80% body fat. That would mean that your bones and your brain and your muscles and your eyeballs and your organs and everything else only weigh about 80lbs. That's just silly. You're doing all the right stuff! I know it's easier said than done, but just ignore those numbers. Keep taking care of…
  • Wasn't giving advice, just sharing my experience. Like I said, not a doctor. :)
  • I'm no doctor, but I know when I broke my ankle there was *no way* I could walk. So, my guess is you didn't break anything. But is it serious? I have no idea... Good luck!
  • Not a summer bucket list, but a forever bucket list: 1) hike like a mother f***er 2) learn to kayak (taking a class in 2 weeks!) 3) no child's pose resting in yoga class 4) big girl pushups 5) warrior dash 6) climb to the top of the hancock building
  • Thanks everyone! XD
  • I did derby for a second, too. Now I just bench coach.
  • ouch. just ouch. :)
  • Shoot, I've always wanted to find a man who could store things in his belly button. Where have you been all my life?
  • How's your posture? If it's not good, working on it might make your stomach *appear* smaller even if it isn't.
  • Hi! I'm new here at at my highest weight ever, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm by no means a success story. But. I joined fitocracy (are we allowed to talk about the competition here? It does a totally different thing) about a month ago and it has been super motivating for me in terms of working out. I've been…
  • I think we're all trained to believe if we can't keep up, we shouldn't bother, but that's just silly. I used to be a chain smoker, so when I quit smoking and started working out (and I bought 30DS to start), it was impossible for me to keep my heart rate up for very long without being in agony. Push yourself, but take…
  • I'm also here in part because I don't want to follow in my father's footsteps. We can learn from others' mistakes to make our lives better, right? Sending a friend request your way now.
  • I broke my ankle a while back and actually lost some weight while I was off my feet. Are you on crutches? That's some serious cardio! Also: these feel silly, but shadow boxing, rowing, etc. can be done while sitting down. I did a routine similar to this:…
  • Do you do any weight/strength training? I haven't lost any weight yet (just starting to count calories today) but I've been doing You Are Your Own Gym for 3 weeks and have noticed a definite change in my body (clothes fitting better, feeling stronger, etc.). Check it out: