

  • Hey there. Well, i do enjoy exercising alot. But since the begining of this month, all i have been doing is restricting calories (work has me 2 tired to exercise) This site recommends for my height and weight to eat a 1,400 cal. diet. However i follow the slimfast plan which cuts me down to a 1,200-1,250 cal plan.…
  • It only worked the first 2 days i used it...after that I became even hungrier then when i wasnt taking it. Every body is different, so its really up to how your body reacts to it.
  • Hey there, =) I havent started any topics either...its not really a big deal to me, but anyways....i have the same problem...sticking with something for the long haul. So i feel silly trying to give some1 advice when i have a hard time taking my own advice, feel me? Anyways, i guess together we can share our weaknesses and…
  • Hey purplenut, I completely understand what you mean. I used to go on diets countess of times b4...just to end up failing becus of lack of discipline. However, this site is awesome...the support from everyone makes you want to keep at it, and do your best everyday. I'll go ahead and add you...and if anyone else wants to…
  • Hey Jamie, This is my 3rd day but it seems very promising. I cant wait till after a month to see how much progress i've made. Hope you find everything you need on here =)
    in New Comment by Boxingal87 September 2010