
Hello my name is Jamie, my cousin told me about this a few days ago. I am 25, been struggling with my weight for years. Over the last year I have gained 30pds. I am looking forward to having /giving support of others. :wink:


  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi Jamie, welcome to MFP. It's a great site and I know you will love it. It has helped me lose 38 pounds in under 3 months. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other! Good luck on your weight loss!
  • DonnaMaas
    Welcome Jamie to MFP, you won't find a better or easier way to lose weight and get great support. Good luck on your journey and add me as a friend if you want to.
  • Angiepackmom4
    Welcome to the group Jamie. Add me too if you would like. Glad you joined.
  • jewell80
    Welcome Jamie!

    you'll love this. I even have an app. on my phone. It makes it so convenient.
  • FavDaughter1
    Welcome! I just joined a few weeks ago, and it's been great! You will get great feedback and ideas from the message boards. Good Luck!
  • Boxingal87
    Hey Jamie, This is my 3rd day but it seems very promising. I cant wait till after a month to see how much progress i've made. Hope you find everything you need on here =)