I have 7 adopted special needs children, three with down syndrome, one that was shook as an infant and has brain damage and mild cerebral palsy on her right side, two the were born drug exposed and one that was in a Romanian orphanage for the first 7 years of his life. And, I, too, am a RN. I don't seem to stress out over…
Grapefruits. *Shudder* I hate them. I once took a big mouthful of what I thought was pineapple juice but was really grapefruit juice and spit it all over the wall. Had to clean it all up as I was at work. lol
I love Special K High Protein and Honey N' Oats. And I just bought some Corn Bran.
I got my one and only tattoo when I was 51, so I don't think 54 is too old. My son is a tattoo artist, he did it for me when he just was starting out at age 17. Here a pic: I am a photographer, I shoot local rock bands.
I have that album, somewhere, as do my brother.
I own a beer stein signed by several cast members of the LOTR movies.
6 feet start weight 283 lbs weight when I joined mfp 273 weight today 271 lbs goal weight 170 I hope to be there by summer next year.
I get the baby potatoes and eat one,oven roasted with a drizle of olive oil and mediterranean spices once and a while. As long as it is in moderations, it's not bad.
I'm another one that only counts water as water. I'm lucky in that plain water tastes great to me. One trick people use is add a squeeze of lemon or lime to the water. It gives you a little flavor and is aspartame free.