chellybailey Member


  • Haha this thread and alot of the responses are hilarious.. The butterface comment is a bit mean tho. Also some people seem to have taken this thread waaaay to seriously! Hurrah for the boobies :-P
  • I think normal weight should also account for different body types, naturally curvy, slim etc
  • My "ideal weight" is between 7.5lb and 9.13lb I however will not even be trying to get anywhere near this weight!! I am aiming to get to around 13.7 - 14 stone. I am a very curvy girl - I have an hourglass figure and for me personally when I weighed around 12 stone I looked awful. Even on the very few pictures i have from…
  • I think this year, I am married, I have an adorable little boy and I have nearly lost my pregnancy weight. I will never be skinny but then again im not aiming too. I feel comfortable in my skin and i feel lucky with how happy everything is :)
  • I do that aswell, the main cost in our house is meat and fruit/veg. There is no chance of my hubby giving up the meat though, he is a proud carnivore. I've tried meat free and it just didnt cut it ;)
  • Thanks guys, I do already buy reduced food. Feed my family like kings that way ;)
  • Hi, I do think it is to do with body frame/ build yes. I am 5, 2 and a half, I weigh 220lbs and am in a size 18-20 clothes (Depending on where I shop). The smallest I have been as an adult is a size 14 and the photos I have around that time - I look ill. Some shapes and sizes are not meant to be stick thin. I am aiming for…
  • Im not talking about bloomin starvation... geez! At the end of the day If I was to burn off 1000 calories and ive had 3 healthy meals im not gonna forcefeed myself so I have eaten more calories. Some people need to lighten up a little and yes I do manage to steadily lose weight each week at a healthy weight.
  • Hey hunny, I don't bother with all that. I eat what I eat within reason. Listen to your body. If what you have eaten today satisfys you and your not hungry then I wouldnt bother trying to eat more xxx