snapsh0t Member


  • Hi there. I currently use skin tac with my CGM. It works great. I apply it by cleaning the site with alcohol, let that dry, then apply the skin tac to the skin let it dry. I apply it in a donut shape as to allow for a clean insertion. I can wear the sensor for over seven days if I choose. As far as difficulty with…
  • Thanks for the advice. I do have the pump and I had my record low A1c of 8.2 this year. I'm actually kind of disappointed with my endocrinologist as of late, so I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place. If you don't mind me asking....what does your A1C run?
    in Intro! :) Comment by snapsh0t May 2012
  • I'm having trouble wanting to follow my GF diet. I guess the trouble is I'm a-symptomatic so when I eat something with gluten I have no idea. I also have diabetes, so its hard following both diets. Is there anyone else out there without symptoms? If so how do you keep motivated.
  • It's so neat to find a group for diabetes!! I've had type 1 for 18 of my 20 years. For the past several years I've been struggling with my appearance. Once that started I stopped caring about my readings and things got out of hand. I decided enough was enough, I want to feel good about myself but I'm really struggling.…
    in Intro! :) Comment by snapsh0t May 2012