Thank you guys!! XO
Thank you guys, it means more than you know. I thought if just one person was inspired or motivated by my journey it was totally worth making & sharing this video. <3
I seriously had NO idea that my story would make so many tear up or cry. I am beyond touched at how this is impacting people. <3
You guys are making ME cry!! I couldn't have done this journey with MFP, seriously! I weighed in weekly, tracked my cals and became a clean eating machine and have loved helping so many others here on this board. It's just SO cool to see it come full circle. I'm still here on MFP daily, especially right now since I just…
I eat my last meal (meal 6) at night before bed, but I wouldn't eat carbs/sugars as a last meal. If it's in your budget tho go for it. One night won't kill you. :)
I lift at home, I do most of my cardio at home too, unless I'm out on a run. I do teach a fitness class 1x a week tho at my church's gym!
I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE lifting. And lifting heavy & eating clean, ADD ME! :D
I am! It's actually something I decided to do as a stay-at-home mom looking to make some income and be home with my girls and yep, it was the catalyst that helped me lose 50+lbs. I gave my own personal story here. That's it. No links or over-the-top shenanigans. Everyone has to decide what is right for them. Like I said, I…
I gave up fast food :)
I tend to not worry about sugar from fruit or dairy, but everything else is OUT. And seriously, don't do sugar-free. You are doing your body no favors!
Not clean enough for me. I'm guessing the ingredient list isn't that good?
I lift and eat a lot. Near 2000 calories a day of clean foods. I use Shakeology daily and I'm a big foodie, very into nutrition labels and am also soy-free, so the amount of foods I can eat isn't extensive. I keep my diet very clean. ShakeO is more than just protein. It's got that and more (superfoods, prebiotics,…
I have a good girlfriend who has Crohns's and has done well on Shakeology, but she only uses a 1/2 scoop per day and it helps her get in more protein.
Just don't eat sugar!!! The only sugars I get are from real fruits!!
Yum, just stir it in!! It's a great healthy fat. I keep mine in the fridge to keep it from separating again. :)
Biggest Loser is on again tonight, so I'm keeping this group open until we get everyone who wants to join team MFPlayers!!
It's FREE. Yes, you can upgrade to a premium Biggest Loser membership, but you do not have to do that to be a part of our MFPlayers team, fill out a profile, etc... !!!
Join us guys!! This team is getting BIG fast and I cannot wait to see all of our entire team together on logging in weigh-ins and seeing those pounds we've lost totaled up and getting bigger & BIGGER! Let's show these Biggest Losers how MFPers play!! :D
Sounds perfect!!
LOOK at you girls, WOW, fabulous!! You should be SO proud of how far your journey has taken you. What an inspiration!
I started with ChaLEAN Extreme & TurboFire. My husband completed P90X & Insanity. Now we're both doing Les Mills PUMP & Insanity. :)
Thanks everyone!! Fitness & health is surely the fountain of youth!! And might I add... my husband is almost 49yrs old!!! :D
Bumping for Monday... we've got a few MFPers already in the group!
I'll add you! :)
I'm soy-free due to an allergy/intolerance. And seriously, soy is SO not healthy for you!! With that said, yes, I think you can be vegan w/o soy. I'd focus on healthier protein sources like hemp, pea, sacha inchi, brown rice, etc...
I've used Glutamine for muscle recovery, I do like that one. And yeah, protein rocks too! :)
Amazing, your awesome work is showing!!!!!
My pics are on here too, although you've already seen some GREAT inspiration on this board. <3 all of these dedicated mama's!!!
Thanks everyone!! :D And I'll tell you... there's no secret beyond eating clean(er) and training hard. If anyone is interested I'm running a group next week, EAT CLEAN GET LEAN, join me! Starts Monday!
I got fit at home. For me the gym (silly treadmill & at the time, being intimidated by the weight room) just wasn't going to work. With two little kids I started at home 1.5yrs ago. I started with ChaLEAN Extreme, LOVE IT!