

  • I think you should focus on fiber. Add it as a category on your diary and aim way above the daily value. Beans and legumes are amazing for weight loss because they are nutritious and not empty calories and loaded with fiber. I am trying to follow.a policy if just say no to enriched flour and refined sugar but its really…
  • I started following Dr. Fuhrman, actually starting with his "7 day crash diet" which isn't really a crash diet, a few months ago. I got sidetracked because I was changing jobs, cities, and houses all at once, but now that I am all settled I started again for the new year. I've got 30 pounds to lose and I know his plan is…
  • Fruits and vegetables are super low in calories, and you should be eating a lot of them to lose weight. I notice when I eat the right things, I have trouble even reaching 1200 some days, and I am eating all day long. I am following Dr. Fuhrman's plan right now and it doesn't require calorie counting but I end up under most…
  • Ok maybe not identical but close enough that I dont feel too bad.
  • Mine are almost identical! Switch kicks 38 Power jacks 34 Power knees 59 Power jumps 29 Globe jumps 5 Suicide jumps 8 Push up jacks 13 Low plank obliques 28