bestrdh Member


  • Yup, using the toilet was no fun either...going down or up :)!
  • I'm not sore now but a couple of weeks ago I took my first spin class and oh my!!! I've always worked out off and on all of my adult life and have been plenty sore before but never like this!!! Between my butt and my legs, I didn't know which was worse. My legs felt like they were going to give out on me, I thought I was…
  • Yup!! I had lost 6lbs. prior to starting MFP and am 10 lbs. down since Apr. 20th, but would love to lose 30lbs. I would take 20 but 30 would be better :)), feel free to add me!
  • I love any of Chalene's workouts. I find her very motivating and the workouts are a blast with awesome music. I'm also doing 30DS but find Jillian Michaels extremely boring along with the "robotic" background music. I also have P90x but again very boring. It seems like for me, the music either makes it or breaks it, if…