beelsy1 Member


  • Hello, I know exactly what you mean. Why don't you show him this site, let him see how focused you need to be, I'm sure he will totally understood what you want and will help you out if it's all made clear to him. Also, don't forget he may be feeling a little insecure with your new found desire to lose weight, especially…
  • Thanks for that! your words (and other people's) have put my 'bad' day into perspective! I just need to move on from it and keep going! You are doing a fantastic job, well done! You're an inspiration to me! X
  • Thanks to you all for replying! I really really appreciate the support and believe this time, I am going to do it - with your help of course!! XX
  • Hello there, I'm pretty new to this site myself but like you I have times in the day when I just eat for eating sake. I find the best thing to do is establish when those times are (mine is around 4pm) then make yourself busy, keep your mind occupied. Make a telephone call, have a shower, read a magazine (without eating at…
  • Hello, I'm with all the other people who have posted comments! and I know how you feel as I'm exactly the same as you! This is my first week and if there is anything to focus the mind where eating healthily and getting some unwanted weight off, it's seeing your actual calorie/fat/carb etc intake everyday. If you use the…