New and need help

glesiak Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I just joined this site and I really need some help on how to stay commmited and focused to my diet. About a year ago I started to try to get in better shape but somewhere along the way I got off track and I just can't seem to get myself back on it. I was doing really good at first. I even managed to lose about 50 pounds, but now for some reason I just can't find the motivation to eat right, exercise or do anything at all really. School, homework, and work take up so much of my time that when I actually do get some free time I feel so pooped out both mentally and physically that I just want to sit down and watch a movie and have no desire to try and work out. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get myself back on track, and how to stay motivated once I do?


  • You just have to take it one day at a time and conquer it.
  • You'll come to find out here, that the people here make it really easy to stay on track. The key is to make as many friends as possible :) Gotta have a big support group!!
  • runnergirl_2007
    runnergirl_2007 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, glesiak! My name is runnergirl_2007. I joined this site about a month ago. Losing weight really isn't as hard as trying to keep it off, that's been my experience. It's just an ongoing battle..a never-ending process, that's for sure. I can relate to your lifestyle..with school, homework, and work. I finished up my four year degree a few years ago..and while attending college and working a very physically demanding job, I worked out at least five times a week..I did cardio and weight lifting. What motivated me was that I made exercise a priority..kinda like brushing my teeth, not getting that in was not an option for me, you know? Now, I consider working out MY time..something that's just for play time. I remember being exhausted, though after work, and I'd have to make myself get to the gym. I'd tell myself if I didn't feel better after ten minutes then I was leaving, and I meant that. I actually did leave a few times..but that's the was only a few times that I actually quit and went home. I think I can count on one hand the times I did that..and I've been working out for about fifteen years. If you can just make yourself start, then you've probably got it made for that session. Give yourself ten minutes of walking, or whatever you do for exercise, and if you still feel bad, that's probably your body telling you to rest. I've recently gotten a job that's SO different than my last one..I sit most of the night, and the pounds have started to creep back on. I've lost a few so far, and I've noticed this site is a good one, keeping track of everything you eat and tracking your exercise really helps. I think you'll like's a great tool! Sorry, I was so long winded here, but I could relate to your story and felt moved to reply back. Have a great day, and good can do it! Ten minutes, that's all:)
  • Hey guys thanks for responding so fast! I don't even know how many fitness sites I've been to where it takes either days to get a response or you never even get one at all. Runnergirl that does make sense that if you make exercise your priority after awhile it will just feel like another part of your day. So I guess I'll just take it one day at a time and start working out more and more each day =) Anyone have and suggestions on how to curb food cravings? Well It's not really food cravings but more of an urge to eat even if I'm not hungry. Any help on ways to get over that?
  • Kerry1023
    Kerry1023 Posts: 152
    HI and welcome. I've been using the site for about 3mos now and found it to be such a great support network.

    As for the exercise just start out with any extra steps you can. I bought a pedometer and try to add an extra 500 steps a day. Even the small changes add up. Just 10mins extra a day is better then no exercise at all. Like Runnergirl-2007 said "Ten Minutes...that's all"

    My tricks to help stop the mindless eating... I always have water with me. Just drinking that will help and if I feel the need to chew I'll have a stick of sugar-free gum.

    Good luck on your journey and take it one day at a time :)
  • beelsy1
    beelsy1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello there, I'm pretty new to this site myself but like you I have times in the day when I just eat for eating sake. I find the best thing to do is establish when those times are (mine is around 4pm) then make yourself busy, keep your mind occupied. Make a telephone call, have a shower, read a magazine (without eating at the same time) or simply drink a glass of water instead of food. I read in a magazine recently, it said many people confuse hunger with thirst because they don't drink enough. Not that I'm saying you do that but again I've recently tried it and on some occasions (not all of them!) it has actually stopped me from eating. It's changing habits of a lifetime and it's hard but totally achievable! Good luck and I'm sure you will get there in the end. X
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Good Morning Glesiak, the best thing you could have done for yourself is join this site and ask for help. Now is the beginning of your new life. Don't think of it as a diet or a short term thing, this is your life, your today, tomorrow, and forever. So that being said, Dr. Ian Smith has a book called the 4 day diet. When I read your message, that book came to my mind, (call it the Holy Spirit). For whatever reason, I'm led to request this to you. Read it if you have the chance. It doesn't just deal with you eating but it gives you some really good tools to get you started. If you like, I can mail you my copy so you don't have to buy it. It talks about setting goals, long term and short term, about rewards for meeting your goals. I encourage you to speak to yourself daily about what your goals are, don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day, (or week, in my case because I've been sick. :-( ).

    Then, find out what types of exercises you are able to do start moving. Calculate how much time you have daily to get in your workouts, (be realistic). Do you only have 20 minutes a day? If so, try Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Then start planning your meals.

    Also, express to the people in your life your goals, but don't let them discourage you. If they say you don't need to lose weight, tell them, that's not what your body is saying. If you don't have positive people in your life to encourage and motivate you, there are tons of people on this site who will. That's why we've joined, for support, accountability, and just a visual.

    I encourage you to share your wins and your pitfalls because when you speak about them, there's always someone on here to celebrate with you or encourage you.
  • Thanks Kerry1023 I think chewing gum is a great idea. I think most of the time when I think I'm having cravings it's really just the urge to chew something that makes me grab something to eat. I was just thinking earlier how I have to start drinking more water each day too lol. The only thing with that is that I don't think I drink 8 glasses of anything each day so 8 glasses of water seems like a a lot to me.

    Beelsy1 I think I remember reading that somewhere too. Plus I remember reading somewhere that drinking water helps fill you up so you don't eat as much as you normally would, so I think it's time for me to start carrying a bottle of water around with me lol. Even if it doesn't help it also can't hurt, and it will help me from buying pop and other drinks while I'm at work =)

    Good Morning fitnewlife. I just looked up that book on the website for my library and they have it! So hopefully reading that will give me some good tips on staying motivated. I like Jillian Michael's on the show the biggest loser so maybe I will look into her workout videos. Right now I have the turbo jam videos that I'm going to start doing again. Anyone have any success with those?
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I'm doing the ChaLean Extreme which is good. I have Turbo Jam but never tried.
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