

  • Not a "food" myth per se, but I hate it when people think that every thin person MUST unarguably be healthier than anyone who is overweight. Even with a little extra padding, my habits are MUCH healthier than when I was literally starving to keep my weight down. Along the same lines, the perception that every thin person…
  • First to go: My boobs Last to go: Wherever I want it lost first haha It is the great test of patience.
  • Is it acceptable if it's the result of kissing your child in the photo? Because, well, I don't know how to contort into kissing him without the duck look :o) And on another note, I noticed that many guys' pictures always have a 'tough guy,' poker-faced expression. This is particularly true on driver's licenses. I know the…
  • I have P90X DVDs at home, although I haven't put them to use in a while (not quite ready to get back into that yet haha). I'm pretty sure that, with the exception of the yoga DVD which is 1.5 hours, the rest were between 45-60 minutes long unless you do more than one DVD at a time. You mentioned that while you are near…
  • Um, I got lazy and ate...and did both a little too well. I always was an overachiever :o)
  • I wish I could help...I had a decent chest in high school and college when I was bigger. I dropped some serious weight and they all but disappeared, like two baby windsocks haha. Then I got pregnant and ballooned, and the first two months postpartum they were scary big...and when I started working on post-baby weight loss…
    in the "girls" Comment by naswegan May 2012
  • 1 grilled boneless skinless chicken breast 1 cup mixed vegetables 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese ...and two big bottles of water
  • I have been going through the same issue as you, except I'd had a baby in December, so I also have a pile of maternity clothes that I don't know whether to keep for next time (if there IS a next time) or get rid of them to create more space! I actually chose the route of buying new clothes each time my standbys got too…
  • I like a heavier, carb-laden breakfast... 1 bowl Honey Bunches of Oats w. pecan clusters cereal w. 1/2 c. skim moo (pitched leftover milk) 2 slices cinnamon raisin ezekiel bread toast (whole sprouted grain, no flour?) 2 tsp. Smart Balance 2 cups coffee w. 1 T. vanilla creamer per cup (cannot give up my creamer, sorry) :)