

  • Hi! I hope that this reply helps! I made a post that is super long called Healed most thyroid symptoms but still need advice. It gives you a pretty detailed description of my thyroid journey to being mostly healed to the point that I was able to get pregnant without a thyroid. It may help you further. I was never really…
  • I took Armour and did not like it. I felt horrible on it at first but that was not just because it was Armour, it was because my other levels were off in vitamins, etc. I made a post called Healed most thyroid symptoms, but still need some advice. It is very long so I don't want to retype everything, but I hope the…
  • I understand and know your frustration! I just made a post and it is pretty detailed as far as healing thyroid symptoms for being hypo. It is called healed most thyroid symptoms but still need some advice. I don't want to retype everything because it is soooo long!! Hopefully some of that information will help you. I am…
  • I have gone low carb and I am hypo. I lost 10 pounds right away. However, then I started to experience a feeling like a blood sugar crash. It was horrible. I no longer do low carb because I am recently pregnant, but after I deliver the baby I plan on doing the anti-inflammatory diet because I feel that this blood sugar…
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