

  • ive had every test and since i got my mirena removed i have lost 3 pounds i have not been able to loose weight and i had all 3 of my doctors tell me that it was cause of my weight gain cause of the issues i had after my bypass so there is no excuse here it is mirena that did what it did to me :) i follow my calorie intake…
  • hi frankii You say it increases peoples appetites which it might in some cases but i had a gastric bypass i followed by the rules of my bypass and i didn't eat over it's just some people react different to some things they say 5% of people gain weight on it which any birth control you will gain weight on but i don't really…
  • i've had mine out since friday i got my period almost right away then it stopped came back sunday it's really not all that bad its not like really bad period either ive had a little bit of headache but thats not bad either ive lost 2 pounds since mirena removal and i feel 10x better not so much bloated & not as tired…
  • I got my mirena out on friday 6/7/2013 they weighed me at the doctors it was around 4;30 so later in the day i weighed in at 205.4 well i weighed myself that morning i was at 205 anyways as of today i am at 203.8 so since doc weighed me ive lost 1pound6ounces and since i weighed myself the morning on friday weighing 205 im…
  • hello i had a gastric bypass in febuary 2011 ended up having to go in a month later for emergency surgery for ovarian tubo abcess nothing to do with the bypass well neways i got on the mirena back in november 2011 i was 187,6 pounds before i got on it since i had the mirena put in i have hunger pains love sweets lol and…
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