Mirena IUD and Weight Gain



  • Raeontherun
    Raeontherun Posts: 107 Member
    Get it out ASAP!!!! Mine is currently puncturing through my funduds and the stem is broken and punctured the bottom of my cervix. Surgery is on the 16th, inpatient hospital stay....... They work but are so not worth the risk.
  • Marisa1986
    Marisa1986 Posts: 1
    So I had gastric bypass in 2009, lost 180 lbs. Got pregnant 11 months after, and lost ALL of my baby weight. For the first few months, we were experimenting with different birth control methods. Because I had been diagnosed with PCOS and PMDD prior to the bypass, and had horrendous cycles, and because with gastric bypass you dont absorb properly so the pill was out, they put me on mirena. i've noticed that within the past year i have gained 70 lbs. YES, 70 lbs. I expected to gain a little bit. but not 70 lbs.

    ESPECIALLY NOT AFTER I EAT HEALTHIER AND EXERCISE MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. I was going to my gastric bypass doc and an edocrinologist, and their reasoning was that i eat too much and dont exercise. i eat less than 1700 calories a day. and exercise regularly 2-3 times a week, besides my normal walking and such, because i love to walk.

    so i sat down and tried to figure out what could have changed? and then it hit me, the mirena. i spent a whole day researching this, and it turns out a lot of women have had this problem. they had it taken out, and they lost the weight. yes, doctors will tell you that the mirena wont cause extreme weight gain, but know your body. not every woman has the same body, we all dont react to the hormones the same way. and there are many women who are hypersensitive to having the hormone. so come tuesday, after memorial day, i am calling to have this taken out!
  • CakePlate
    CakePlate Posts: 27 Member
    SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! I got my first Mirena about 6 weeks ago and immediately stopped losing weight, have had uncontrollable binges, and have been super moody. I had lost over 50 lbs from Jan-April and then nothing - nada after the Mirena. Today I am finally down 3 lbs, but that is the first weight in over a month!! I wanted to blame the Mirena for my sudden cravings and weight gain, but thought I was crazy. So here is what I've decided - hormones are crazy, but we have to figure out how to deal with it. I'm not taking this thing out after how difficult it was to get it in!! Try to be extra conscientious about your eating and exercise, and don't go crazy with the snacking/binging like I have. Good luck!!
  • terra52590
    I gained 25 lbs with my IUD Mirena within 9 months. My doctor told me it seems to her a small portion of women gain weight with it. My sister-in-law gained 20 lbs with it as well as another woman I know. I had it removed a month ago so I'm really hoping I can actually lose some weight!
  • mmabryxo
    mmabryxo Posts: 5
    hello i had a gastric bypass in febuary 2011 ended up having to go in a month later for emergency surgery for ovarian tubo abcess nothing to do with the bypass well neways i got on the mirena back in november 2011 i was 187,6 pounds before i got on it since i had the mirena put in i have hunger pains love sweets lol and been very depressed i got it for my heavy periods nothing else ive gained 18.6 pounds since i had it and im finally getting removed today doctors told me it has nothing to do with the weight gain i have got but i know my body and i follow my calorie intake from my bypass doctors and walk 2 miles a day 45 minutes and i can't seem to loose my bypass weight im sopose to be at 156 by my 2 years i didn't even make it there i'm at 205.4 as of today i hope removing this evil thing helps me loose weight
  • mmabryxo
    mmabryxo Posts: 5
    I got my mirena out on friday 6/7/2013 they weighed me at the doctors it was around 4;30 so later in the day i weighed in at 205.4 well i weighed myself that morning i was at 205 anyways as of today i am at 203.8 so since doc weighed me ive lost 1pound6ounces and since i weighed myself the morning on friday weighing 205 im down 1pound2ounces lol im just so happy that evil thing was deff the reason for my weight gain! Now i can finally loose my weight!
  • artemis814pa
    I had the Mirena put in a lil over two years ago. I never thought the Mirena could make me gain weight. 50 pounds put on since. Last year I started to attempt weight loss. busted my behind to lose 30 pounds. I work a desk job n decided I wanted a pt job in retail. stopped working out at gym cause I had no time with the 2nd job. 2 lbs per week started coming back. Couldnt understand why. I'm moving the whole time! So past two plus years has been Misery n depression.. Self-confidence gone. I was also told at my last physical that I'm prediabetic. Insulin resistant. I thought nothing of it.

    Recently laid off from work. Decided I would get my life back. I needed a plan. I googled everything I felt and came upon mirena blogs. Even prediabetic googling brought me to mirena! I was shocked. Could this little plastic be causing my body issues??

    I went to have it removed and exchanged for paraguard (non hormonal). However, I have to wait for procedure to be done later this month. While I've been waiting, I've tracked my eating and workout 6 days a week. Not much weight loss but its keeping me from gaining more weight. I'm hoping once the mirena is out, I'll have more success.

    Doc doesn't think it's mirena. I suffer from pcos. I understand pcos n weight gain is part of that. However, I managed my weight for over 7 years prior to mirena. Normal periods. good weight, etc. Isn't it funny I can't stop gaining weight since mirena? Ive heard some ppl with pcos suffer their symptoms more from mirena. docs think we are all crazy. I think I'll take my chances n remove her. I have anxiety about the removal tho. Sounds crazy, but I'm kind of emotionally attached to it. Can't explain it. I love my mirena. Skipped periods. Freedom to make love without worry. I'm hoping paraguard gives me same treatment except I know the periods r awful from what I've read!

    I've also read after removal there is a crash. Also, some ppl say the symptoms are permanent. They are not better. That scares me. You will only know how it affects you when you try it. Read up on it. know the possible issues. Good luck!
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I have had my Mirena for almost 5 years now. the first 2 months I gained 20lbs with no change in lifestyle or eating habits. I have never had children but had been on the pill for 9 years prior. Hated remembering to take the pill everyday so my doctor suggested I try mirena. In the 5 years on it I have put on 50lbs. My stomach sticks out as if I am pregnant but I am not. I have not had a period for 5 years. I had one the first 2 months then light spotting then it completely stopped. I have pain (cramping) occasionally from it but it only lasts like a day. I have an appointment to get it out on Wed. My sister has been on it 2 times and she stated that as soon as she got hers out the first time she got pregnant right away, but after the second time she has been unable to get pregnant but she has pregnancy like symptoms all the time. I guess we will see what happens after I get mine out :)
  • getup25
    getup25 Posts: 119 Member
    I had my third one put in about 2 months ago. There was a lapse between the 2nd and the 3rd one being put in because the doctor thought I was in menopause. The 10 lbs I have gained since the last one was put in are not due to the Mirena. They are due to me not eating properly and not exercising as much as I use to. The one thing I will comment on is TOM for about 30 days. It has finally stopped! Yeh!
  • mmabryxo
    mmabryxo Posts: 5
    i've had mine out since friday i got my period almost right away then it stopped came back sunday it's really not all that bad its not like really bad period either ive had a little bit of headache but thats not bad either ive lost 2 pounds since mirena removal and i feel 10x better not so much bloated & not as tired acually i'm more wide awake then i was but i can tell you every body is different some people say they didn't gain weight on mirena they lost which i am happy for them but i know one thing im glad i don't have it anymore it was such a battle loosing my bypass weight & now i know i can get back on track if they weather here in maine would just stay nice lol
  • srey0701
    srey0701 Posts: 196 Member
    I had it for about 3 years and the only negative side effect that I had was skin breakouts. I even lost weight while I had it. I love it and you don't have to remember to take a pill or switch out anything.
  • Jessica_D_Shadow
    Jessica_D_Shadow Posts: 138 Member
    I have the Mirena. I did not gain weight from it to my knowledge. Now the Patch & the Nuva Ring yes, I gained weight on both. But I don't think I noticed anything with the Mirena. Whether it was because I was already overweight at that point I'm not sure. But that's my story.
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    I've had the copper one - it wasn't for me at all, caused excruciating TOM (mine were already pretty bad) and made them really heavy so went to the Mirena. I've had no weight gain (in fact I've actually lost a few lbs) I think what tends to happen is it increases people's appetite etc so people may have slightly bigger portions? I found that I did that on the pill! Obviously I don't know your personal circumstances so my comments were a generalisation but hope that helps :)
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I have had the Mirena for a while. I first got it 6 weeks after my youngest son's birth. I was able to lose all the pregnancy weight and then some with no real trouble. What caused me to gain weight again was a crappy diet and all around laziness. Now that I have adjusted my eating habits to actually caring a bit about what/how much I put in my mouth and started being more active, I have been able to lose a few pounds. The IUD has had no bearing either way.
  • mmabryxo
    mmabryxo Posts: 5
    hi frankii You say it increases peoples appetites which it might in some cases but i had a gastric bypass i followed by the rules of my bypass and i didn't eat over it's just some people react different to some things they say 5% of people gain weight on it which any birth control you will gain weight on but i don't really think has to do with people over eating i think peoples bodys are all different.but im glad you shared your thoughts!
  • KKWilson
    KKWilson Posts: 68 Member
    I've had Mirena for 4 years and the only weight I have gained is because of what I put in my mouth.
  • gingajoy
    gingajoy Posts: 52
    I wondered this myself when I started out (I've been on it for 6 years). But when I started really tracking what I was eating I knew that it was overeating the wrong foods that was really the culprit for the weight gain. That plus the fact that our metabolism just slows down as we get older. I've lost this weight with Mirena too, and hope to continue to lose more. I'd say, if you are (fairly) meticulous with eating your recommended intake and with exercising and you're still not losing, then it might be time to talk to your Doc. But don't make assumptions as it might just become a convenient excuse that stops you looking at the real cause! :-)
  • versatility
    versatility Posts: 6 Member
    I had mine for 3 years with no weight gain from it. I just recently had my son in April, and I am getting a new one!
    Hated it! Had it for 2 years and it made me break out on both side of my chick bones the whole time. Had it removed back in September and got my tubes tide.
    PS. No more break out and fewer periods... yes...........
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    My weight gain was totally my own doing, not Mirena. I have had my second one for almost a year and have lost almost 50 pounds since having it put in. Again, my own doing.

    Maybe people experience side effects from it (i.e. increased appetites, slight weight gain) but we have control over how we deal with those side effects...