I use RAW organic whey protein. It's $$$ but less processed and I don't get an upset stomach. plus, only grass-fed. they have a website, google it.
This is a really good one and it keeps you full for hours! It's about 360 calories. 1/4 avocado 1 cup frozen berries/strawberries 1 cup cocnut water 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder 1 TBS chia seeds 1 scoop Caties Greens powder ice squeeze of lime juice vitamin C powder (optional) mix and blend in blender. Add more ice…
And I agree with above poster- get rid of trigger foods! Baby carrots with seasoned salt on them are a good salty, crunchy substitute too.
I went to a nutritionist and he had me take L-Glutamine after breakfast and dinner (1000 mgs each) to help with sugar cravings. It really helps. Also I drink Hibiscus tea and it's sort of sweet so that helps too. Good luck!
I have 15 lbs of baby weight to lose and am thinking of doing it for 3 weeks. And to the people that think it's not healthy, it is almost identical to the diet I was on with a very respected nutritionist- 750cal/day, mostly in shakes/soups, so not even real food. It was EXTREME but I was healthy (other than the extra 25…
WOW congrats on your weight loss!! I just had 2nd baby 9 months ago and with BOTH I gained 55 lbs! I worked hard to lose it the first time so I know it's frustrating when it's not in your control. But focus on eating well, getting enough water, and REST! Be patient with yourself- if you are breastfeeding, make sure to eat…
Count me in. I'm 5'4 and am around 170-ish now. I am trying to get to 145.
I am not TTC as I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old!! Trying to lose 25 lbs of baby weight first- Maybe going to try for #3 in a while but have to convince DH first :) I wish you all luck- have you read Taking Charge of your Fertility? It's an amazing book with LOTS of great info, not just for women wanting to get…
You are right that this behavior is not normal- I suggest seeking out a therapist who specializes in ED. Also, please read "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole. She is a therapist who specialized in ED and her book is amazing- I do not have an ED but I read it and can't believe how f*ed up my eating relationship is. It is…