wisefish Member


  • I use RAW organic whey protein. It's $$$ but less processed and I don't get an upset stomach. plus, only grass-fed. they have a website, google it.
  • This is a really good one and it keeps you full for hours! It's about 360 calories. 1/4 avocado 1 cup frozen berries/strawberries 1 cup cocnut water 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder 1 TBS chia seeds 1 scoop Caties Greens powder ice squeeze of lime juice vitamin C powder (optional) mix and blend in blender. Add more ice…
  • And I agree with above poster- get rid of trigger foods! Baby carrots with seasoned salt on them are a good salty, crunchy substitute too.
  • I went to a nutritionist and he had me take L-Glutamine after breakfast and dinner (1000 mgs each) to help with sugar cravings. It really helps. Also I drink Hibiscus tea and it's sort of sweet so that helps too. Good luck!
  • I have 15 lbs of baby weight to lose and am thinking of doing it for 3 weeks. And to the people that think it's not healthy, it is almost identical to the diet I was on with a very respected nutritionist- 750cal/day, mostly in shakes/soups, so not even real food. It was EXTREME but I was healthy (other than the extra 25…
  • WOW congrats on your weight loss!! I just had 2nd baby 9 months ago and with BOTH I gained 55 lbs! I worked hard to lose it the first time so I know it's frustrating when it's not in your control. But focus on eating well, getting enough water, and REST! Be patient with yourself- if you are breastfeeding, make sure to eat…
  • Count me in. I'm 5'4 and am around 170-ish now. I am trying to get to 145.
  • I am not TTC as I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old!! Trying to lose 25 lbs of baby weight first- Maybe going to try for #3 in a while but have to convince DH first :) I wish you all luck- have you read Taking Charge of your Fertility? It's an amazing book with LOTS of great info, not just for women wanting to get…
  • You are right that this behavior is not normal- I suggest seeking out a therapist who specializes in ED. Also, please read "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole. She is a therapist who specialized in ED and her book is amazing- I do not have an ED but I read it and can't believe how f*ed up my eating relationship is. It is…