

  • Thank you so much! I like your idea of alternating upper and lower. That way I am still doing some lifting everyday. I started losing weight in 2006 so here I am eight years later, that seems like a long time but I guess compared to the 36 years it took to get to 386 it is not a long time. I think I am going to give your…
  • I do not plan to work out for three hours forever I am just working through a season of strengthening my body. In October I got on the elliptical and could not do 5 mins, today I did an hour. I am trying to determine a set routine I could daily. Perhaps I can do the same routine weights/cardio Monday Wednesday and…
  • Thanks Eric I keep hearing from folks that I should not be doing the machines everyday, I have been doing them everyday 6 days a week for a couple of months. I have not suffered pain or injury I think because of the low weights on each machine. I one less set on one day because of time available factor, but other than that…
  • Roadie my personal experience of loosing 172 pounds thus far tells me there is a lot of truth in your post. The math just does not hold true in every case. Input error (lack of measuring and logging) certainly is a factor. Other factors include medical factors, body changes related to age, stresses, climate, and so forth.…
  • Thank you so much for your help it will take me some time to work through an wrap my brain around it but I will try. To address somethings you were wondering about: Machines: I use them because they are what is hook up to the fitlinxx program at the Y and they give me a way to track progress. The free weight room at my Y…
  • Everybody is so Different. I have a slower than average metabolism according to testing done at the Bariatric center. I eat 1200 calories and exercise 6 days a week 2 1/2 to 3 hours for past few months. I out lined my workout in detail in other posts, I have finally started seeing movement on scale and clothing size after…