donnazang Member


  • Actually, I've been watching fat and cholesterol as well as carbs. I don't eat ground beef, but ground turkey. I eat chicken rather than steak.
  • I recently started walking. Before that I was sedentary for about two weeks after a hip and knee injury. Prior to my injury I was doing circuit training.
  • Thanks guys. I've been really religious about it for a month now. I am finally showing moderate ketones. I went to a wedding today and resisted the cake while serving it. :) I am new to anything other than tracking my caloric/nutrient intake, so thanks for the advice about where to post questions. Good luck Blessings, Donna
  • Wow, that's inspiring. I'm somewhat new to myfitnesspal, but I love it. I love the tracking. Before I would have something terrible to eat and think I had to start over the next day. WIth 1500 calories that practically track themselves, this gives me a tool that really helps me see that I can start again the next meal.…