

  • I couldn´t come before, I didn´t find the forum on my tablet, so I´m here. I finished 2 weeks ago the 6W6P with excellent results, feeling better and stronger, but kinda recover some of the lost weight, I believe in muscle mass, ´cause I look slimmer. I began last monday the Supreme 90 Day workout videos with Tom Holland,…
  • Happy bday Tina! Today I' m celebrating my half-birthday! Lol. My name is Rode, and today I'll have my rest day, I began 6w6p last wednesday, it felts so damn good! I'm 118lbs now, need to go down to 110, I'm just 5' tall, but my body needs lots of tonning, after 2 children, everything seems saggy and jelly :( but we're on…
  • I found at a calories burned counter that can give you the amount according to your data