frafjordtwins Member


  • 1. Did you stop believing in the tooth fairy, easter bunny, love, etc - Never 2. You finally get old enough you stopped being comfortable changing in a car - I'm over 40 & still change in my car 3. Quit girl scouts, boy scouts, FFA, ect - now I'm a Booster President so never 4. Stop calling your parents "mommy" and "daddy"…
  • You sound a lot like me in the begining. I played around with the app for a few weeks the forgot all about it. That was until I saw a friend who stuck with it after i fizzled out. She is one of my great motivations. If she can do it so can I and YOU. It is hard not to get all worked up over gaining weight no matter how…
  • Here is how I look at my goal weight. Goal #1 lose hysterectomy weight (done) Goal #2 lose pregnancy weight (again) which I am working on . Goal #3 lose IVF weight. Goal #4 lose married weight. GOALS complete and I will be 138-135lbs.
  • I hate to weigh myself daily because of the ups and downs. Pick one or two days a week to weight yourself. Keep up the work and the weight will come off. We did not gain this weight over night and it will not come off over night,
    in OMG Comment by frafjordtwins July 2012
  • I am making a choice to get heallthy, and yes it is a life style change. Do not diprive yourself of what you would like to eat. I call it portion control. If I want a In-n-out cheeseburger I get it, less the bun and share the fries with my husband or 3 childre. If we go out it dinner, I ask for a to go box when my food is…
  • :wink: I would get a tummy tuck and breast lift, in a New York Minute. I hate my tummy let alone the girls. WE have to be comfortable in our skin. It is not for anyone else to judge.