bulletfoss Member


  • I'm not being funny, but if you don't like my question or thread, discontinue reading and post no more, simple as that.
  • Please could you briefly explain macros/micros?
  • Many thanks to everyone who provided good detailed theories & conclusions. I'm really grateful for that. I'm not a nasty person, but I'm a massive geek and I've been a regular poster on countless forums and ran a few myself! I know a troll when I see one, and I know post-*kitten* when I see them. What I questioned were two…
  • ORIGINALKATIE.... Thank you very much. 35 posts and the best answer thus far!!
  • You are missing the key word - theory. Ok - to be pedantic, lets not say LARD - lets just say high-fat foods that won't land you with illness.
  • Clearly I know it would land you in hospital. Clearly you don't know what the effect would be on weight management, excusing any health issues.
  • I didn't want to know what "lard would do to you" - I'm well aware! It was theoretical - It could have been orally ingested lard as much as it could have been pure fat solute being fed via IV. We know it would make you ill etc.... all I wanted was an answer about the calories and weight management.
  • I've posted on enough forums to know that people respond with "anything" to get their post count up. Doesn't sail with me.
  • My intelligence was insulted before anything else.
  • mcbwhitney: "Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time." Really, how silly of me - I think you just saved my life!! Please, why post this?
  • adeletraynor, coachreddy, kirstyfairhear - thanks for your responses, much appreciated. neandethin - the point of my question is: if you are consuming equal calories, would it matter where they came from - how would it effect weight management? adeletraynor - I see your point, yes fat contains more energy, but remember we…
  • "A normal person would not have a normal functioning system for very long" That's common knowledge. You'd have to be one hell of a dumbass to not realise that. Clearly I'm asking from a purely scientific, methodical and non-health perspective. This is worse than yahoo answers, nobody cant just post and give me a straight…
  • Exactly what I expected someone to say. Not interested, it's a theoretical question to determine whether fatty calories would have any difference on weight loss ALONE. Assuming the fatty calories were eaten to the value of 2000 of course. Let me add some details to this question. I am talking about an imaginary person with…