Theoretic question



  • bulletfoss
    bulletfoss Posts: 15 Member
    "Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time."

    Really, how silly of me - I think you just saved my life!!

    Please, why post this?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    adeletraynor, coachreddy, kirstyfairhear - thanks for your responses, much appreciated.

    neandethin - the point of my question is: if you are consuming equal calories, would it matter where they came from - how would it effect weight management?

    adeletraynor - I see your point, yes fat contains more energy, but remember we are only consuming 2000kals worth of energy, whether it's lard or fruit. Kals are the measurement of energy. So either way, it's still 2000.

    Coachreddy - so although you increased your fat intake by a fraction, you actually dropped body fat while maintaining the same daily calorie intake. I guess the drop in body mass came from less protein?

    it wasn't drop in body mass. i built muscle, so actually stayed the same weight while dropping body fat on a high fat diet.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I was looking forward to participating in this thought experiment until it turned insulting.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time.
    I disagree. Fruit and veg have all three macros within their matrix, lard has only 1, fat.
  • bulletfoss
    bulletfoss Posts: 15 Member
    I was looking forward to participating in this thought experiment until it turned insulting.

    My intelligence was insulted before anything else.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I was looking forward to participating in this thought experiment until it turned insulting.

  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    don't know but i think you'd maintain.

    like you said, energy wise, 2000 cals is 2000 cals.

    hope it would work as although i aim for 40/30/30 my fat is usually anywhere from 45 - 65% :S
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time.
    I disagree. Fruit and veg have all three macros within their matrix, lard has only 1, fat.

    which vegetables have fat?
  • bulletfoss
    bulletfoss Posts: 15 Member
    I've posted on enough forums to know that people respond with "anything" to get their post count up.

    Doesn't sail with me.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I was looking forward to participating in this thought experiment until it turned insulting.

    My intelligence was insulted before anything else.

    no it wasn't. you took my answer as an insult on your intelligence when in reality it answered your question and conveyed my honest opinion of what eating lard would do to you.

    Then you got nasty :)
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    "Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time."

    Really, how silly of me - I think you just saved my life!!

    Please, why post this?

    ^That was my other response to your thread. Are you a mind-reader or something?
  • bulletfoss
    bulletfoss Posts: 15 Member
    I was looking forward to participating in this thought experiment until it turned insulting.

    My intelligence was insulted before anything else.

    no it wasn't. you took my answer as an insult on yoru intelligence when in reality it answered your question and conveyed my honest opinion of what eating lard would do to you.

    Then you got nasty :)

    I didn't want to know what "lard would do to you" - I'm well aware!

    It was theoretical - It could have been orally ingested lard as much as it could have been pure fat solute being fed via IV. We know it would make you ill etc.... all I wanted was an answer about the calories and weight management.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time.
    I disagree. Fruit and veg have all three macros within their matrix, lard has only 1, fat.

    which vegetables have fat?

    avacados, brocolli, sweetcorn - of the top of my head.
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    If you were going to eat nothing but highly fatty foods to the value of 2000 calories, you'd be pretty damn hungry for starters, because food of that quality is usually lower in fibre and protein, and denser in calories. So you'd be eating less meals.

    Secondly, if you had that much fat in your diet on a daily basis and wasn't working to burn it off or lose weight, some of it would be converted to glucose for energy, and most of it would be stored as fatty tissue, and also clog up your arteries causing cardiovascular disease in the long term (i.e heart attacks, embolisms, strokes).

    Thirdly, you'd be malnourished (obviously). So you wouldn't feel healthy or energised, you'd feel sluggish from having to digest such fatty meals.

    In summary, you would gain weight or at the least your body would recompose to have more fat deposites. Although you've stuck to the calories, you would have had more than your recommended daily intake of fat. Fat has higher calories per gram than carbs and protein.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Your original and follow up questions are similar to this?

    If I crash my car into a brick wall at 80 mph, will I get hurt?


    Yes, but what if I have a really thick skull and titanium bones?

    -That makes no sense, but the G-forces on your brain would still cause serious if not fatal injuries.

    But what if I'm Superman or otherwise impervious to injury?

    -Then why did you ask the f----g question in the first place.
  • bulletfoss
    bulletfoss Posts: 15 Member
    "Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time."

    Really, how silly of me - I think you just saved my life!!

    Please, why post this?

    ^That was my other response to your thread. Are you a mind-reader or something?

    Clearly I know it would land you in hospital. Clearly you don't know what the effect would be on weight management, excusing any health issues.
  • bulletfoss
    bulletfoss Posts: 15 Member
    Your original and follow up questions are similar to this?

    If I crash my car into a brick wall at 80 mph, will I get hurt?


    Yes, but what if I have a really thick skull and titanium bones?

    -That makes no sense, but the G-forces on your brain would still cause serious if not fatal injuries.

    But what if I'm Superman or otherwise impervious to injury?

    -Then why did you ask the f----g question in the first place.

    You are missing the key word - theory.

    Ok - to be pedantic, lets not say LARD - lets just say high-fat foods that won't land you with illness.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    I think it would work in theory, but in practice, would probably throw your digestive system out of whack before you would have time to document any longer term results. Pure lard, eeww.

    Folks, relax. This was a THEORETICAL question asked out of scientific curiosity, not a "I'm going to try this, what do you guys think?" question.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    If you can't provide enough protein your blood pressure will drop, blood will fail to clot (you'll start to bleed under your skin, typically seen as small bruises.) Then you die within a certain time. I would recommend intake in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    Both eating purely fruit and veg or purely lard would land you in hospital if you did it for prolonged preiods of time.
    I disagree. Fruit and veg have all three macros within their matrix, lard has only 1, fat.

    which vegetables have fat?
    Show me one that doesn't contain fat. Small amounts count.