

  • Well... I scored low, but that's mostly because I'm vegetarian, so I would never eat most of those things! Cool list though. I suppose I scored relatively high for a vegetarian!
  • This is such a hard question! 1. Unsweetened plain soy milk 2. Bananas 3. Strawberries 4. Steel-cut oats 5. Baby spinach 6. Red bell peppers 7. Sriracha 8. Broccoli 9. Hummus 10. Almonds Way too challenging of a question! I probably wouldn't last a week with this list!
  • I know protein shakes aren't the best, but I basically reserve them for after my work-outs, considering that's when my metabolism is highest. I also like to eat bananas afterwards! Right now, though, my favorite snack is a small green apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Much more filling than it sounds.
  • Hey everyone! I'm currently a Freshman at UC Berkeley. I'm majoring in molecular environmental biology and minoring in nutrition. Loving it here, but damn is it hard!