JPParsons Member


  • I probably walk at a moderate pace during my commutes, but there are definitely some hills/steps along the way that help me get some real cardio in. It's hard to walk super fast in the July heat though - haha. Thanks for all the encouragement!
  • Thanks for the helpful responses! I do probably need to get more rest at night. I feel best when I get 8 hours, but lately it's been more like 6-7 hours. I normally aim to lose 1 lb per week, but I have PCOS and am slightly insulin resistant, so any weight loss is painfully slow, unfortunately. I typically eat back a lot…
  • I would also encourage you to ask about Femara - I did 7 clomid cycles with metformin (slowly increasing the dosage) and though I ovulated we didn't get pregnant. Clomid made me crazy emotional, but on Femara I was fine, and actually got significantly more follicles. For all of you who have experienced losses, I am so, so…