

  • Read the book "Brain over Binge" by Kathryn Hansen. It has stopped me binge eating completely - I no longer crave sugary things or if I do I know how to ignore it. I know I'm completely in control now - I can't really put into words how much this book helped me. But there are plenty of good reviews about it on amazon which…
  • I would suggest manually changing the ratio of your carbs, protein and fat. MFP sets really low protein and high carbs. I have switched mine to 40% Protein 30% fat & 30% carbs. My fat's come from good fats though like avocado, nuts, nut butters, EVOO etc. Previously I had been using MFP for a couple of months and was…
  • It's good to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up because it helps to rehydrate you (as you haven't drunk anything in the last 8hrs of sleep) and flush your system. Eating when you get up will kick start your metabolism for the day.
  • I used to use Kg because my friend that I workout with is from Europe (I'm in England) and she understood Kg better. But I switched to pounds on here because that seems to be what most people use.... and your progress does look better lol.
  • I would second the opinion to add more protein. My diet used to be similar to yours and I stopped losing weight after a while, then my trainer/nutrionist told me to cut down on carbs/sugar for breakfast (even though they were healthy fruits & whole grains) and try a higher protein breakfast. I now make scrambled eggs &…