

  • First of all, I would like to say you can absolutely make a whole foods meal for less than the cost of an herbalife shake. My husband and I have a $100 per month grocery budget and I don't eat refined sugars at all. I've added up costs of our dinners before, and many come to less than $1 per person. Secondly, if you're…
  • If you aren't doing that intense of weight training, why not try logging it as "circuit training"? They have that in the list of exercises.
  • Awful... 9th grade and I wasn't really sure I wanted too and when I finally let him he shoved his tongue down my throat. He was pushy because I was reluctant, or so he says. I almost threw up.
  • That calculation puts me at less than half of my BMR. My BMR is higher than the calorie allowance this site gives me, I lost 13 Lbs and seem to be at a plateau, even though I've continued to exercise. I'm really frustrated, and part of me thinks I should be eating more but I can't decide.
  • I loved drinking coconut water when I lived in Indonesia and you could just drink it straight from the coconut, but here they're a lot more processed and most of the ones I've seen have lots of added sugar, and to top that off they are EXPENSIVE. So now I just skip it and go for natural yogurt. I don't eat cereal a lot but…
  • Ok but we cut processed carbs out of our home months ago. I haven't had pasta in a really long time. We have whole wheat bread in the house but I don't eat that very often. Most of my carbs come from brown rice, which when we have it I mix with lentils. But still, didn't start losing weight till I started counting calories.
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