aprice92066 Member


  • Good Morning and congratulations on making a very tough decision....I applaud you. I have been on MFP for a long time and it is a great motivator. I have lost 156 lbs in 3 years...regained 40 in the last year...back to the grind. Goal is to lose the 40 by end of year which is very attainable. MFP has great people to help…
  • Hello sugarbabiesma!!! Congratulations on taking the 1st step for the rest of your life. I have been a member of mfp for a long time. I have lost 156 lbs, less than 2 years...have regained about 30 so here I am again to get my rear end back on track and be the best me I can. I am 47, I have 3 grown children and I am a…